tie 5it41gan Raitg Vol. LXXXI, No. 52-S State tax bill leaves committee LANSINd(AW - The House Taxation Committee yesterday recommended passage of a bill hiking Michigan's personal in- come tax rate to 3.6 per cent Aug. 1. The bill, approved 7 to 2 by the committee, would increase the present 2.6 per cent personal income tax by one per cent. If passed by the House, the bill would mean taxpayers would pay about 38 per cent more income tax than last year. In addition, the measure would raise the current 5.6 per cent corporate tax rate to 7.8 per cent 0 and the financial institutions tax rate from seven per cent to ten per cent. As reported by the committe, the measure remains substantial- ly as it was when passed by the Senate earlier this month. The tax proposal is viewed by Governor William Milliken and others as necessary to balance an anticipated state budget of everr $2 billion for fiscal 1971-72. It would bring in an additional $250 million in revenue. Yesterday the House Appro- priations Committee reported out an interim bill to allow the state to function in August as final dtails of the still-unwritten state budget are worked out. In addition, the House passed $112.5 million dollars worth of spending bills - hopefully break- ing the appropriation deadlock that has plagued the Legislature. University officials are still waiting for their appropriation level to be finalized by the Legis- lature. The funds, part of the state Higher Education ill, are ex- pected to pegged at an amount similar to that suggested by Mil- liken last February-or only $2.8 million over last year's appro- priation for the Ann Arbor cam- pus. The bill is currently in the Senate Appropriations committee and is expected to be reported out within the next week. The House Taxation Committee yesterday also reported out a constitutional amendment which would virtually eliminate the pro- perty tax as a means of financ- ing schools. House Speaker Wil- liam Ryan (D-Detroit) is ex- pected to try adding a graduated income tax question to that amendment during floor debate. The addition of the graduated tax proposal is expected to face stiff opposition from many of the 52 Republican members in the House. Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 23, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages 'U' Cellar to discuss censorship By ZACHARY SCHILLER Managers of the Univer- sity Cellar have called a meeting tomorrow of t h e store's Executive Commit- tee to discuss the current controversy over the alleg- ed banning of certain types of publications from t h e Cellar's shelves. The controversy centers over the informal policy of the board to not promote books which instruct persns on how to make or use weapons. Such books, although they can still be or- dered, are not on display at the Cellar "and are not in stock un- less specially ordered. The board of directors f o r- bade the display of an issue of the Black Student Union paper, Burning Spear, because it carried an excerpt from the Firearms Manual demonstrat- ing the use of weaponry. On the same basis, they or- dered the removal of the Anar- chist Cookbook by William Pow- ell and Steal This Book, by Ab- bie Hoffman, from the shelves. However, both books h a v e been ordered by the Cellar to cover individual requests f o r them. The Sensuous Woman and a poster of Racquel Welch have also been taken off display be- cause employes of the s t o r e and several customers objected to what they call the "sexist" nature of the materials. Tomorrow's meeting of t h e Executive Committee - a sub-- committee of the store's Board of Directors - will be attend- ed by several other members of the board as well. In addition, the Cellar's Book Department Manager, D a v i d Rock, has urged students to at- tend and air their views on the matter. Rock said yesterday that he and the other employes of the store "feel a definite need to carry books advocating -s o ci a change." He added that a great variety of radical publications are carried by the store. SGC President Rebecca Schenk called for students to "voice their opinions at the meeting." The decision to ban the books from the open shelves was first See 'U', Page 7 Picture at an exhibition Street Fair, Free Arts Festival: Cooperation and competition By JIM IRWIN A spirit of cooperation be- tween promoters and artists in the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair and the Free Arts Festival seems to exist despite initial reports of antagonism between organiz- ers of the two groups. The Free Arts Festival, open to all local artists and sponsored by the Free University and the University Activities Center is presently set up along East Uni- versity Ave. next to the Street Art Fair. Both will be open through Saturday. The Street Art Fair, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art Associa- tion and the South University Merchants Association, is juried and draws about one third of its participants from the Ann Arbor area and most of the rest from neighboring areas. Vic Gutman, an organizer for Little hang seen in administration shift By TAMMY JACOBS Stephen Spurr left the Univer- The p r o j e c t e d .shifting of sity to become head of the Uni- duties from the newly-abolished versity of Texas. office of, academic services to "Things are in such a state of the office of academic affairs flux that it seemed to me unwise seems to have elicited little more to make a permanent decision" than non-commital acceptance on where to put the offices, from administrators so far. President Robben Fleming said. However, the same adminis- He stressed that the turnover of trators are cautiously admitting the offices to the office of Vice the possibility of changes in the President for Academic Affairs direction of the University's Op- Allan Smith was temporary. portunity Program, under which The largest c h a n g e made the University is attempting to seems to be in the Opportunity reach goals for a 10 per cent Program, where the Office of minority enrollment by 1973. Special A c a d e m i c Projects, Thus, the Opportunity Program headed by Gilbert Maddox, is may become the key- factor in being phased out, and the Op- judging the effects of the shift. portunity Program put under The academic services office the jurisdiction of Assistant to was abolished when Vice Presi- the President William Cash. dent for A c a d e m i c Services See OPPORTUNITY, Page 7 the free festival, says that when the festival was originally being planned, some members of the S. University Merchants Associa- tion expressed fears that it might be disorganized, but since then have been "very cooperative." Gutman says that, in fact, where he himself had feared chaos; artists in the free festival were extremely cooperative, oft- en helping each other haul and set up their wares. "I've never worked where there was more cooperation," says Gutman. Paul Schlanderer, a member of the South University Mer- chants Association, says he found organizers of the free fes- tival highly cooperative and that his only concern was with ar- tists who had not registered with either art fair but had set them- selves up in crowded and con- gested areas. Many artists in the Street Art Fair expressed favor with the idea of the free festival next to them and complimented many of the works they saw. "I think it's a great idea. In this day and age everybo-dy's got his thoughts and ideas and this is the way to portray 'em," said one painter. Another said she felt the free festival had more of a mixture of good and bad art than did the street fair but added, "I like the atmosphere of freshness and honesty as opposed to the for- mality here." One artist said he didn't feel there was any sense of competi- tiveness between the two fairs. "This business is competitive only when the artist look at it that way. If he's going to worry about pennies and dollars, he shouldn't be here. I figure the on- lookers are going to buy only what they want, anyway. However, one sculptor, refer- ring to the large crowd and the hundreds of items for sale, com- mented, "The consequence of this kind of situation, I'm afraid, is that some really good art will be lost." A painter exhibiting in the free festival said she felt the festival lacked a lot of "proressionalism and slickness" that she felt char- acterized some elements of the Street Art Fair. "The stuff people are selling here has more of a 'student' quality about it, but it gives peo- ple a wider variety and range of quality to choose from," she said. Vic Gutman says that the free festival has run so smoothly that it organizers are now trying to plan a flea market there every Saturday for the rest of the sum- mer. -Dalny-Gary villani EVEN YOUNGSTERS get the picture as these youthful artists show their talents at the free art festival yesterday.