(Jeveland: A struggle or survival By DAVE CHUDWIN N 796 General Moss Cleavland led a surveying expedition to what was then known as the "western Reserve", an unsettled area hugging the shores of Lake Erie. At the mouth of the Cuya- hog, River he laid out the city that now bears his name. Like many other American cities, Cleveland is now suffering what some be- lieve is a terminal disease. Celebrating its 175th anniversary this summer, Cleve- land is an unsafe, decaying, divided city, choking in its own waste. The once-proud Cuyahoga, for exam- ple, is perhaps the only river in America that's a fire hazard. The river's foul wat- ers occasionally catch on fire and im- mediately kill any marine animal un- fortunate enough to swim into it. CLEVELAND'S problems, like those of other urban areas, result from a vicious economic circle. As Cleveland became increasingly in- dustrialized and the city's housing de- teriorated, people flocked to the suburbs for relief from the noise, dirt and con- gestion. As the exodus continued, Cleveland's tax base dropped. With less money to spend, conditions within the city be- came worse. Industry soon followed the flight, leaving a jobless, delapidated city sur- rounded by rich suburbs. The result of this process is t h a t Cleveland today is broke, scrounging to find funds for even the most elemental city services. FACED WITH the prospect of a multi- million dollar deficit, Mayor Carl Stokes has ordered massive lay-offs of c i t y employes. The parks are choked with litter, and some municipal pools are closed because of cuts in the recreation department bud- get. Several local health clinics for the poor have been shut down because of health department lay-offs. Garbage pickups are a sometimes af- fair, with dozens of sanitation workers off the city payroll. Weeds are waist high along roads in some areas of the city. And, last week 193 policement w e r e laid off in a city where many sections are unsafe during the day, let alone at night. COMPLICATING the city's troubles 4 are racial divisions. The jobs that Cleve- land once provided lured many blacks to the city, where they now form a ma- jority of the population. Concentrated in ghetto areas on the east side, Cleveland's black population endured years of substandard housing, high unemployment, crime, drugs, and unkept promises before discontent ex- ploded in a major riot four years ago. The city was hopeful when C a r 1 Stokes was elected the first black mayor of Cleveland, but hope has turned to dis- affection with Stokes, who himself has become a symbol of racial discord. WHITES on the west side charge that Stokes has been ineffective and has fav- ored blacks. Black residents on the east 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints Wednesday, July 21, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: TAMMY JACOBS side acknowledge Stokes' ineffectiveness, but blame Cleveland's independent- minded city council for sabotaging the mayor's programs. The bitter battle between the council and Stokes, who recently announced that he would not run for re-election, h a s blocked effective government here. Ano- ther difficult problem has been some- times strained relations between Cleve- land and its rich children - the suburbs. What can be done, then? The most urgent short-range task, if Cleveland is to get back on its feet, is to get more money for at least a minimum level of city services. Approval of some sort of federal re- venue sharing for the cities and increas- ed state allocations for urban areas seem a must if cities like Cleveland are to survive. ANOTHER important step would be to form a metropolitan government in Cuyahoga County, combining Cleveland and its suburbs for more effective gov- ernment. This unit, replacing the patchwork quilt of jurisdiction now in effect, would more equally distribute tax revenues in the region and help solve problems such as crime and pollution that do not ob- serve city boundaries. A second major task is to make the city livable again. City, state and fed- eral aid to build homes and apartments * . * The city was hopeful when Carl Stokes was elect- ed the first black mayor of Cleveland, but h o p e has turned to disaffection with Stokes, who himself has become a symbol of racial liscord. for low-income ramiilies to replace vast areas of blight is necessary. The federal government has already been leaning on Cleveland to crack down on pollution, some of which is caused by city departments, but the money prob- lem and pressure from industry has pre- vented effective action. ONLY FEDERAL action can save dy- ing Lake Erie, since it borders several states. Clean air and water are a must for an adequate urban environment. Crime is another sore point. While not an easy problem, the crime rate could be lowered by reducing the high unem- ployment rate the city is suffering, through public service jobs, if need be, and drug treatment programs for the heroin epidemic that afflicts some areas of the city, A third important effort is to reverse the outflow of people from the city to the suburbs. Other cities have recently experienced a downtown boom with peo- ple moving to fashionable downtown high-rises that offer the convenience of living at the center of things. ALREADY in Cleveland, a mini-build- ing boom has occurred downtown. If it is encourged, more and more peo- ple and their money will be lured back to the central city area. These are but a few of the steps that could be taken here. Cleveland's prob- lems are similar to those of other large cities. If nothing is done, urban areas will not be rescued. Rather, they'll be dead shells - monuments to mismanage- ment and neglect. v Letters to The Daily Cellar Establishment To The Daily: IT IS interesting to note that the University Cellar has joined The Establishment. When I inquired about buying Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book, I was told that they could no longer sell it. It has been banned by the Cellar's board of directors. Phone calls to five other local bookstores revealed that four of these either had the book or were in the process of ordering it. The fifth indicated no intention of or- dering it. I have not yet read this book. but after reading the review of it by Dotson Nader in the July 18 New York Times abk Review, I decided to en nut and buy it The H ffman's book from being re- viewed and retailed. I am really appalled that the University C e 11 a r, a "student" ba: kstore conceived out of a stu- dent protest movement, has joined the ranks of the censors. It makes one wonder: how many other b-eks are being quietly censored as well? What is the University Cel- lar's policy on censorship? Peggy Medina Giltrow Grad, Library Science July 19 One of the gang Ta The Daily: IF THFRE ever was any ques- tin that the People's Republic of China was a Stalinist, bureaucra- tically deformed workers' state. the doubts. At a time when the credi- bility of the American ruling class has been shaken to its roots, the criminals in Peking have bailed out the criminals in Washington. The American- and Chinese working classes, among others, will have the final say on such counter- revolutionary chicanery. Robert Bernard July 17 Letters to The Daily should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to M a r y Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters sub-