Page Eight THE MICHIG-ICI DAILY Tuesday, July 24, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIG0SN DAILY Tuesday, July 20, 1971 ligers 4 By 'IhIi'-Asocei t ed Pre-' KANSAS CITY -- Mickey Lo- lih notche'd his 15 th victory with an eighit-hitter and Bill Frech ani drove in tLwa runs willh a dauble and twa singles as thte Detroit Titers downed the Kan- sas City Royals 5-2 last night. Lolich, off ta the quickest start at his career tram a victory standpoint, has lost six. He struck out seven attd walked only one. Frisbee follies The first and hopefully an- nual Intramural frisbee cham- pionship will be held this week, on Sunday to be precise, he- hind the IM building. The comn- psetition is open to students, faculty, and stfft of both sexes. There will be both individual and teams completition and those who prose best at pitching the Pluto Platter will re cise tro- phies. Entries should be sub- mitted to the IM offic'e by 4:001 P.M. onoSatturday. Major Leagi \ t ! l~ is cT 1, Pciot. GU 1" i ii ,ore3is(3 0 ol Neis 't i)i 1; 1i 14, 41ltlii :,t ,nlus s 5si 1 it 0li sJi~i i t i8s 34ol. ,t;t Subs17r4b1, 10 TV &Stero ;Rletls 1) r tI.D. DElIVCRY (tic U AND Stk 3t, 10int ( ~ c ;r iCALL: 1) NEJAC ftltuTV REliin NTALS2 662-56 tp;)t:. 71. defeat Royals -h wins 1t A suddeni tourth-intning bar- Ron Fairt 's two-run? singl~e rage at tour straighot sinogles altfnioved the Moiitr- 1 Expos to a Jin Rooker. 1-7, anod a doubte -3 victory asi(,r the Chicago pilay produced tour ruiis tar the Cubs yesterday. Tigers. Rotn Hurst drew a game open- log walk fronm lefty Ktetn Holtz- SPORTS SHORTS Tenis bets proposed v Orioles ivin OAKLAND-Pat Dobson scat- tered seven hits to win his ninths straight ganme of the sea- son yesterday, leaditng the Bal- timore Oriotes to a 4-2 victory over the Oakland A's, Dobson, who has not lost since June 17, struck out six and raised his record to 12-4. The only runs the allowed came art a two-run homer by Nick Moni- day ini the fourth inning. Paul Blair hit a solo honser ini thesecgotid ininig to give ttie Orioles a 1-0 lead. Baltimore added two more runs in the thsird iniiig on runs-scoriing hits by Dais Buford anid Brooks Bob- F :1)05 triumhJl CHICAGO.-RoisWoiod's ties: Na lioat League hoims rum ndi N55ltt~t G11 5n "tiss. 0 0 4ii i 1 Ijisiets 4'8 '4:S ii5 5.. 1,:rltt:1 3 i ; 1 14: so '5:'t 5it 1 45srit .i53i1u i t'lc1oiii 44 it 3i1'42' teti t it(1:t Ists tui- (.v ok , St (is ii2 i Ilcess10t lio1 tis tirih gi 1:1l.!t.iey o 1,it Illu 11st 1;t6, NNYoat ChiaotIae NOWadlpi 4atSHOP,0 sngt LosARBRlesainDint, i~ LonArtt ILLAGh ul ThesDShortafBarber Woods, wiso constscted tar his first homner since being acquired frotn the Nw York Yankees tar RBait Swoboda last.iiiothi. Senator.slop WASHINGTON--Dick Billitngs captped a tour-run ttiird iningt with a twco-ruii Iomer aind heltp- ed the Washingtois Senators stap tise Minnsueota Tins 5-2 last sight. Jackie Brain 3-2, pitchoed five scateless ininugs but left. due to a blistier aft givitsg silo a, piinch single ti BicsReese leading off thse sithtisfollowitng a. 35-mnustute rIa.i indielay. Four Washintiton: iitcris gave isti tiws runs iii lthe1 swits inishe sixthis 1Padres iip CINCINNATI - _Ecl Stiesslo's ot, tisoiirun:hoster is: rie riciohitningispowaiiered iiSin Di( ,)i lii as4-3'ictsi iisory v rthes C esw, ir il R ie slast :1 so , s: it;.latifourcii (O11:: Bruise: :s i 5ii fi i t n un ofsi': i:i ihi lf i eld seats xeliever Tonsy Cios~ius> er, :-k. ini iho d held Saiis1Dis s score- less aftir taikingiveis;iirWauyiw Simpscsonsinistsle lirst IN A CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING GROUP? W11ant to be in one ? If you ace in one ar you want ta join a CR Graup, call BARB or CLAIRE at 662-4431 ext. 332 By'The Associated Press NEW YORK -- Tbe possibility of extending legal betting to tise C.S. Open Teonis Chsampionships as Forest Bills was bosioced arosiod by officials yesterday. Howard Samutss.head of kiss city's oil - trcd bettiog pro- gran, moes willstoisroamnent di- rector Billy Talbert.,swho crest- ited the increased attendance at Winmbledon during the last 15 years to legal wagering on l's' sport in England. Talbert, winner 'ifrsWis :;tool chsampionsbips, said iie ,Y"oudol present a favorable report to the U.S. Lawnv Tennis Asisicisoison witho the hope thsat ''ogal se a.ot- ing tiorosighotoe city'coreporaieo eventtialty wouild be extended by ccnsiitsitional a tote n ii smse sotI 1o sports other thasn ihorsi' ear- inc. Sudidenii Stif fined ANAHEIM. Calif. -Cluvelososod Itidian sousthpass ace 1SamsoTil- Dosweil hass beisn finestaboilto: $1,000ifi fs ossrodyies onthe liii so that os hs'sssstiteIamishesii'frosti tLss Antelss tnatssioinal~ port'Sasturdayix Iilekiie'iic'nfssisr ised ysterdows i:ha tsesoil lusts, I Ie3soisilol iss esisfis ii its? ss. sI+ list iti ossices' ss is'ss T T A3 Cleveland Manager Alvin 1's "I: would not commisenitsin the inci- sent except to say ihatl use whiichs sad beets servedoinOTs'l!)is, plane trips trill he Pbantnso, i.osis (;Iann~el swime DOVER.Rnglatnd -15555.5 Crossecltof Westport. Cisnn., tl foe Catai. last night lhopingto becomoe thse youngest persontso't( ho swim tth e English Chsasnnel. Crosseclt t4 years and one tmotht. is 'iing at the record set so 1904 by Lenote Modell of Sacramto.oCalif.She owa. 14 ye.r ixfivemts t t 1hoe tiimte stnd matude sue cring in t15 sours 27 miinutes.x Biphaid owas accosmpanied by Isis 'ishe'. Albertsod 1i5-year- old hirother. Wittiatm, wlo ptlans to s,;is thliichasnnetlohimtsilf ont (CIess ttdrawq MOSCOW .-- Ssovii' etsnoissiis- teirs TigesitsPetolsyaiisattdlViik- Scr Koscisos oittysoedlto the eith i'otseiutio'edrasw los.tnihtinit thirs'semifialtursosundl iso chal- ti g0 comttio o hewll EDINGTHRSA "MAJ1ESTY ON F ILM' IT IS WONDERFUL'" In' CC evron's lfethere's a SUMMER 012, '42 -SHOWN DAILY-- 1, 3, S, 7, 9 P.M. ~f PE: 2040 Automatic Thrntable Violence and Delinquency in Mexico City! the ann arbor film cooperative presents LUIS BUNUEL'S L S LVI THE YOUNG AND THE DAMNED)I Award winner: Grand Prize, for Direction, Connes International Film Festival SPANISH DIALOGUE WITH tNGLISH SUBTIYLtS' A avassge'dr'ama:sofljuvenuieteliuenuicytilmedb iso sting realitsu in Mtxieo s'yte faitosirocsto ws uary sucoc~~st f ilums, UN CHIER ANDALOU autd L'AGEDE OR,05 ade cinemahistory. Bunitei ex- smiiuic te osit;itottMexto ilywheeiolaseut ga'sui't''eac'oher out ohate,fearesand hungers. A tittttiucieeti tretmentiuo esasct,poverty-hautedayouth. Nostings beensoftcleeno cuel osuicouuue avoidedt. 1951. Othesfsit yhs d101 ector: TRtSTANA, THE MILKY WAY, BELLE DU JOUR, Vtn- IutANA, NAZARtIN,. 'THE EXTERMINATINC ANGEL, :kindSMEXtCAN BUS-RIDEW. "lIn'des cediltlit the moi' ssdisumtt.t.a triumpofpcrsft t w.etltl ottanytee's ittentiuo, it a deestitpression."-Ncow Yorerantl Tribsutie, ;. ,in the eats, eaistic tra ditionuts clt s ic5'oh jutvenile delinquenttcit'movIis S ., . In stomeerespects it is the motiowu of Othe lt."5-Tiirec. ""Rulttihas sup~pied the inc isive thrutst oat isstuthl, the inideteeedt to tiiarkiutine, untod- iidbhuss nlNktinitrention o b hejutilteohuma'sopusishmens. Thu blinds vengful,iltwltss ,,ey fdelisusisen t ush isspitted 0 ganst theii damil ed,retenlist'efearsulnesso e 1k older tunes, tner ly c it fels tte stw gisndsig, fatetf ulume tht s othu ings o hut with ishes, jttste , ltttes oI hi~st usYoirkot --ONE NIGHT-July 20th -ONLY!-- caud ioiuam a 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. a ng e ll hail still only 75+c " Perfect tracking anlogc fuir evrreccord " Fingertips cueing control, niscosus tdanpe~sd 2 ways * ActonotICcordciscannxeruoc " Siung e -el operaitiono " Seisusis autm tic sentoi-,,ha~tiung desic_ hIf11s tanl more fituf sues Let your sari be the judge. The PE 2040, $145.00, can be heard at HI-Fl BUYS. ANN ARBOR-EAST LANSING 518S. Main 769-4700 Compreheosive Repals Seraice Asoilobie