Page S i x THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, July 20, 1971 Paj ixTEMCHGNDIL usdyJl_2,17 HI-Fl STUDIO ANNUAL SUMMER SALE, Offering REAL price reductions that w ill not be re pea ted in 1971-STA RT- I NG NOW Some of our lines * Jensen 0 Acoustic Research * Garrard 0 Kenwood . KLH 0 DUAL * Scott 0 Sherwood * Sony Tel. 668-7942 Unbelievoble Socrifices-Up to 40% off Bocked .up by our Factory Authorized Service 121 W. WASHINGTON-Downtown-1 blk. W. ot Main Center. for Black students organized (CotinuiedifromtiPage 3 of matey existing University serv- ices as well as a spectrunm of SO- cial possibilities. Plans are now underwvay for or- ganizing a "mobile. informeat on service', designed .o ofirr slt- dents te opportunity to spcs with academic and hal U4't roun- selors inside Trotter Slo,,se itself. The coutnselors wotiul be enmploy- ed on a rotating basis, which wosld permit them to pr(,vitie cunseling botls in 'i'rs ter Hose and in their own offic, 's. "The purpose of this propgt" ,si is to bring mnore people into cot- tact with the Universi y's sets- ices," says Kidd. "We hope that ottr progranm sill help to increase the notibef ot students who use the counseling services earl year. Instead ot drasitng Stu- dents assay from the counseling office toward Trotter House, sic hope to attract students wlto have never betore been interested in cotunseling." The role at the acadensic couin- selors wotld not be restricted to giving advice on what courses to take, he stressed. They wotld instead be qualified to give advice in personal matters. Budget couinselors awould similarly not hi' aiming at only informing stut- dents of the best methods for ob- tamning financial aid, bitt sould be expected to offer students re- liable information concerning reasonable rent rates in Ann Ar- bor, food prices, and general in- formtation ott howr to live cheaply - in the city. Kidid, himself a memiber ot the Task Force on Minority Suippor- tive Services, is strict in ihis be- lief that the facilities of Trotter Hotuse shoetld be oriented only to- weard black students. "The treat- ment of mitnorities shoutld taker into account the different lifte styles of each." lie says. "Dif- ferent groups would demand dif- terent things to create a homte- like atmsosphsere. That is why Trotter Houtse svas not mtade broader." Aid ;allowed to activist students AIL nr '+ya' v F 4y } t or- I J BLO(IRSWEAT&TEARS Presented by Enact and The Ecology Centuer Call 764-4432 From 9-6C PHILADELPHIA (Ai_ A stpe- ciat three-judge tederat patnel declared unconstitutionial yes- terday a 1969 Pennisylvania stats' lawe thtat eitabled the state to rut ott scholarsthip tunids out studeints involved in campus ott- res.t. In asverrulinig the 1969 lass, SHAIRSTYLING I UM UnionI Barbers Call 662-4431 for appointment McGOVERN for PRESI DENT U-M Committee Organizing, 71 -7 Phone 434-0623 2-1 itajority atfciederal judges said: ''Deprivation at aid utnder the statute tmight cause tragic uni- di'rdrvelopmtettoathumntatet l by pirohibitingtitnanicial assist - otte to young popalle who msighit. othersvise be attorded tthe ap- portunsity at higher education." 'Tir statute, ireouir ed aisy col- lege itn the country with stu- deints receivitig aid tram Peini- sylvattia to agreein writiing tout retport the namies at disruptive studenrits to the Pennsylvania H ighse r Educatiats Assisiane' Ageincy. TOMORROW .. . ...The Daily will mark the " owpning of the annual Ann Ar- bor Street Fair with a special supiplenment. It will be included in your regular Daily, JUDY COLLI NS 4 Hours Featuring the Music of Judy Collins TUESDAY, JULY 20 8-MID. WPAG-FM 107.1 FRIDAY, JULY 23-8:00 P.M.- CRISLER ARENA Tickets $3.50 & $4.50 GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE Tickets at Union, Discount Records (S. Univ. Stare), and All Hudson's _ _ _ _. _- --- ---_ - - __ _.a._ A__ _._....___ S .g > >> ..... 5 SD 1569 S0 583Edi i ~Roberta Hri Atlantic a;: 4-eL Chapter Secon Move- m ent 3D 1572 Ornette SD 1577 Coleman LIST PRICE-5.98Ga TeAt REGULAR PRICE 3.95 f ~ Burton and Im-le rice 349: provisers AOall Atlantic albums 4 49,________ f4 onsleutl uy24 P33-360 '0 1571 t _ Charles0 Lloyduniversity D'umlyin the 1athawa y Soviet c la Union ,aft99 the student store S 49 in the Michigan Union Basement r 4