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July 20, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-20

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Vo X X N.4- nnAbr Mihg nT esoJly2,17 Ten Cenli t s Egh Pge

Vol, LXXXI, No. 49-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 20, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

V -dutie
Administrativ'e responsibilities of thse vice presidency of
academic services -- the post formerly held by Stephen
Spurr, now University of Texas presidenst - have been
divided among, several men for the 1971-72 school year.
Pres. Rnbben Fleming announced the reassignments
yesterd'ay, placing the duties, of the academic services office
unider various people its the Office of Academic Affairs,
headed by Vice President Alla n Smith.
Spurr ha d also acted 'as dea n of R'sckhatn gradutate
school antd 'head of the University's Flinit anid Iearbttrn

scwinS' gostrit hen k 'h :-t o lit in to he pa .<ini loti of ths 1uhr ('cusp,ty r t inly "s one
'in looks (r, Isobs jtisw4 4Po oi] i.r (A U%, Issis 157, i i tiulsiot t.'-f[uy (hSet

S iceSIjtIt'I- -dc= '.""li t Own'el -
cellors !-,'ie b( et- ai fori t t
btaintC l! itiliso i l,,iot
C'111 s 1; t i1i" t -Ui
stn t dsCli sll a-i h
f~ti' . scit - te pren
lids.seltili lsis hitiof s
of ltihe sts OIlstiti %Awsa r (s,
Preaseadt Ist i i i,:. d itsios
ThUe oppoti t-esit'o tatai
trill be corinaotd i PsPdi sti' I
id dutrinthslt'cosiii ii ti by-
Pies. Flettitti. Cash isill alsit
continue fulillitig tlit'dutis
at his prstt 5 pi ost.
Gilbert Maddox, diretorof
the Office of Sleitsal Academic
Projects, will hecomeacna'sassist-
ant professor its the spetech atnd
journialisni depatmeuits its Sep-
Among the other chasiges caus-
ed by the reassigsnent of
Spurr's duties ate the turnover
at offices or Admissioss Oriens-
See D)UTIES, Page 2

Sitiilis~ i l stnt etiittitis
W(itt ,i, an t pt ,'lis i t' vie ei-
itlit' . 'r'ashedt(t'ul it-st ii(' ag"'s-
siisss with 1,s . ssssssettses Ott
tnews conitracts Motiday. But
labor wnoes consttiud cwith the
itthireat of sit expanded tailroad
strike anid iso itrogress re'ported
intsa0lks its twoa other industries.
The Cormntuicuatiotns Work-
etsC of Antica (CWA) an-
nsounceed as tentative settleimenst
to their six-day-old strike
ag'ainsst the Sell Teleponte Sys-
tem and the retutrs of 400,000
emsployers to work.
The neiv U.S. Postal Service
said it rchc~ed a tentative pact
-its first eveor - with a sub-
comsmittee represeniting postal
uinions atid 650,000 workers.
Negotiators hsad iginored a
* Suniday midnight deadlinse for
binsdiisg arbitrations bs'cause of
progres s "espicially ints he wec
smsall hours" Monday.
Both ag'reemoents art' sutbject.
to approv'al by the rantk and tile.
CWA President Joseph A.
Beirne said the' 400,000 Sell em-
ployes twould return to their
Ok johs beginnsings Tuesday' nighit,
voting at a later date on a
three-year pact boostine weages
asnd betsefits hb' 331' ocr cent.
He said the agrecemsent w o l d
cost the coaspansies, combined
$4 billioss.
Steirnse said the agtreensent.
tvih isa being, recoasmsended by
the ussioss, woold increase stag-
es ons ass av-erage of $16.50 to
$29 a sweek its the'-first year, ansd
asmaximaumn $17.50 os-er thss
ness two years. Currentr wages
titeragc $3 .4" pe'r lostr.
Ths union also won extra pay
pr tsr telephlonc wrorkers in large
citie s, he said, tse top britg $9
a s eek; extra for telephone msens
its Ness' Tork City.
Elsest here, there were msixed
developuteists its a rashs of labor
disputes itivolving workers its
rail, communicatioins, stipoIing
and cming industr-ies,.

In Arizoasiabouti3'110 at-
ploye's at Magnta Coppse Co. bi'-
gait returnting to stork unsder a
tesntative ass;reessss'nt reached
Sunsday, thss fitrit breakthroughs
its an 18-day snatonissds cal-
tier strike idling 35,000 wonskers.
Htowever, the United Trans-
partation UionassUTUt yester-
day annsouniced strikes against
six msore railroads in its ipro-
test ,againist niionwidsesw a r k
rule clhanges

ansd Unisos Pacsific,- rairoads
stese intsheiir taurts day, .idlitig
A strikse by 15,000 lonsgshor-
sens against West Coast ship-
pers contisued to tic up cota-
mserce at 24 Pacific C o ast
posts, ansd sonic 20,000 Westerts
Uniots eimsloyes remained off
thse job a 38th day. There s-as
iso progres. reported toward
ending either of thse disputes.

Group protests nuclear plant

hut !if' ts'todii st
ini etttttas-t ssttttin 2211
')Its' BedixCotrtisratitsnt. i
tlI- eit s in to-' i strssi lt s
afsi 'sstst iiter t St-cp m it ii
sin ss'iitsstii uttsaessinter Mittd-
Accordiig tsolChief Stewatrd
Geoatge Judiy, a major dispute
has focused asn the comipany's
practice of susb-contrasctinsg st-rt
to non-usnion shops in Detroit.
whsile emiployes at Bsuhr ha s been
laid-oft or hsad thteir hour' cuii.
In addition, Judy said, Bendix
has refused to make "an eco-
nomic otter at any sort" to its
Managensent officials declined
to make any contient on the
ch a r g e s yes-terday, although
sources have indicated that Ben-
dix, one of the city's largest em-
players, is attemapting to stiile
union activity at Bohr to prevent
labor dis pates at its- live other
local divisions - all atfc-hich are
maintained by non-union per
Atso at issue. acciordinig to sin-
ion spokesmen, are the follosw-
ing actions which save been tak-
en by the'cosmipany since May
-The refual1of the comipany
to pay the union bargaining cons-
msittee mssesbers toe any timse
lost front work during the nego-
-The re.fusat of the comipany to
pay vacation scangesclhtch were
disc on the la st payday in June
antd which w-cre ea rood in te
previous year-
-The custoff by the conmpany of
payments of premtiumsaion tile
sickness and accident insura nce
c-on in a previoiss contract:
The refusat oh the conspany to
tay holiday cages los the Jiuly
ath hotidas; and
-Thest comspany's insistetiic en
elimsinating sO0I 'ci ni ofBite
stork at the tanstas ti atctssssssn
cisssificatsn, thus ubs etinsZinat-
inn the 'ohs of 2-3 of the six h,'
etmployes in the uitt--he tss
black employes ecurrently cii-
played at Buhir.
Bendix pur'chased Buhrabu
two-and-one-hall years agoy.

A graiup at Midland area residents - tue Sagi-
iaw Valli'y Nuclear Stuidy Group (SVNSG)s--- is
oppasing before an Atansic Energy Canmmission
AEC) hearing, plans of thc Consumssers Pacer
Comatp-ny to build twoanusclear reactars near their
Consiseis.Pass-r hiss asked far approval fraom
tlhe AEC to cons'trusct two 825 megawtatt reactors
to provide "processed steasa' to an adjacent situ
an cwhichs a Past Chiemical Corporatiaos planit is
Major issues thic groops are concerned with in-
ciride Cansumers' emsergency- and evacuation
plains in mihc event af an accident, technical train-
tag of Consumners' plant personnel, quality as sir-
ances on niateria ls, p0ossible environmsental ef-
fets at the p1,ant, and Ithe iadine spi'ay remsoval
systemst ,theicplant.
todtine, used as a lubricaint its thin plaint, is con-
sidered the miaterial thuat wvouild spread mtii
quiickly in case of a msajor accident in the fa-
Ana.tlier nsajor paint at debate betwreen Cams-
s 111scr-s and the study group are the safety of
etuergency care cooling systemas, used to guard
against "imeltdocwn" in the case at lass at coolant.
In thec hearings now being held in Midland,

SVNSG has pointed to time fact that the cites-
gency care coaling systems tailed in six consecsu-
live tests in Idaho. and cousld nat be relied sipon
ta stark.
The studs' grouip also contended that there arc
inadequate hospital facilities to treat victimas of
expasure to radioactivity in case there is an ac-
cident at the plant.
The three man board, a ppointed by the ARC,
will decide at the conclussion at the hearings if
the plant shotuld he licens-ed. Ift they approve
this plants, the study group could take their ca.se
to a court at appeals.
Thenec-ill also be another set at hearings oaesse
whether the comspany is- violating the Sithetsan
Anti-Tr-ust Act. Thme anti-trust lawvs require that
c-hen two businesses jointly control an essasotiat
resource, they must grant access to it, an eqipi
and non-discriminatory terms to all whose en-
gaged. in the given business.
The reasan far the risle is to prevent those holtd-
ing a unique nsonopoly position fraoa using thsat
lawfusl mosnopoly to foreclaose competition in rse-
1lated activities w hich should be competitie.
In a letter from the Assistant Attorney Gcns's',t
of the Antitrust Division to time associate generA
counsel of the ARC, the Justice Dept. states thit,
"it appears that Applicant (Consunmers' Psoer
See ATOM,1 Page 2

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