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July 17, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-07-17

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420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author This nust be noted in all reprints.
Saturday July 17 1971 News Phone: 764-0552
Conflict center:
Stifling dissent
THE DECISION of the Regents to close the Center for
Research on Conflict Resolution should be protested
vehemently by all students and faculty at the University.
The administration's decision rings hollow at a time
when the millions being funneled into military research
are not so much as questioned, and the small funds al-
located to alleviating tensions in the world are cut off.
The center has long been a supporter of radical
causes, and has been a nagging thorn in the side of the
administration. During the Black A c t i o n Movement
strike, for instance, the center turned over its office for
use as BAM headquarters.
The financial crisis provides an almost superbly ade-
quate alibi for closing down the center and muzzling its
political voice.
TN THE WORDS of President Robben Fleming, s o m e
programs have to be "weeded out" even though they
make a contribution to the University.
Supposedly, CRCR has been unsuccessful in raising
funds for its continued existence, and is therefore a
worthless outfit. Actually, the center has been unsuc-
cessful recently in collecting monies simply because its
existence was in jeopardy. Foundations are cautious
about allocating funds to research centers in jeopardy
of extinction.
The Regents' action was based solely on a one-page
recommendation by the LSA Executive Committee. The
months of discussion snl debate over the center were all
capsulized in this one-paee report.
Psychology Prof. Robert Hefner, director of CRCR
contends that the LSA recommendation submitted to
the Regents made several errors in its estimation of the
financial situation of the center.
A LTHOUGH LSA Dean Frank Rhodes defended the LSA
statement, no written accounting of allocations to the
center has been made.
The Reents takin: such a drastic step in the face
of such disagreement and lack of evidence is not sur-
prisin based on their past record. But their decision
should be very perturbing to the University community.
The fact that the University is closing down the
center during the summer, when a large proportion of
the student body is on vacation is even more shocking.
IF WE MUST convince the academic community of the
need for CRCR's continued existence, the mere vol-
ume and quality of its work sooks for itself. But it seems
in this case that the publish-or-perish imperative has
been turned into nubliah-and-nerish.
The protest of the decision to close down the center
Shott1- tat e - td i'routs:b hotvever, it should be ac-
companied bya demand.
That demand shotld be that the University publicly
state its general oriorities for cutting out and retaining
programs, and not use the budget squeeze as a reason to
stifle dissent.
Sum iter Edi/orial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
ROBERT CONROw .......... ....................... ...Books Editor
JIM JUDKIS .. . .. ... . ..... ....... ..... .. Photography Editor

NIGHT EDITORS: Anita Crone, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer, James Irwin, Christopher
Parks, Zachary Schiller.

Nixon said, let there be China

SUMMER television always is
inflicted with the summer dol-
drums. The doldrums is another
word for re-runs, and in a nove to
get back the viewers for the rest
of the summer, the television chiefs
of programming got together over
dinner one night.
Suddenly, they realized that mid-
dle America was bored with their
TV offerings. Agnew hadn't golfed
lately, nor had he given any mem-
orable quotes during his Asian tour.
On the other hand, Richard Nixon,
bored with running the government,
hadn't made any blunders. He was
still smarting over losing the cen-
sorship Times-Post cases.
It certainly was time to liven
things up for the government, the
networks, and the view'ers out in
Middle America Television Land.
The result of this agonizing pro-
cess was presented to the viewers
Thursday night.
T h u r s d a y afternoon Richard
Nixon gave a call to Walter Cron-
kite over at CBS.
"HELLO, Walter Cronkite please.
This is the President calling."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Cronkite can't
be disturbed, he's trying to film a
new Tuesday night program called
'The Selling of the President-
"Perhaps you didn't hear my
name. This is the President of the
United States calling."
"Really Dick, you know that
Walter only accepts bathroom tele-
phone calls from Martha Mitchell
and she's out of the country now."
"BUT I HAVE a business deal
for him. Something that will liven
up the industry, and give some of
those Commie Freaks notice that
I can play their game too. I want
to go to China. Not Peiping, you
idiot, from now on we're going to
call it Peking."
"I'll have Walter call you back.
He's in conference now."
Pat (looking up from her knit-
ting): "Really, Dick. Sometimes
you amaze me. You can't go to
China. The last time we went to a
Chinese restaurant in 1947, you
ordered a hamburger."
Dick: "But you know I don't
like Chinese food. And besides,
with the economythe way it is,
we have to all do our share to
help Americans sell American pro-
ducts, and not deal with imports."
PAT: "BUT DICK, you'll have
to eat Chinese food if you go to
Dick: "Who? Go Where?"
Pat: "You said China, dear."
Dick: "Pat, from now on, I
think I will issue a proclamation
giving China, the People's Repub-
lic of China, the benefit of our

r cognizance. That should take
some of the interest away from
Indochina. People will get con-
Pat: "But, if you're not going to
eat the food, why bother going.
You'll only get heartburn and even
I beat you in Ping-Pong. Why
don't you send Tricia and Eddie?
After all, they like Chinese food,
and they didn't get to go on a
world engagement tour like Julie
and David."
Dick (grimly): "No, Pat, this
is something that I'll have to do
Dick : "Tricky Dick's used cars.
No Henry, that was a joke. I'm not
selling myself any more. Did you
hear the plan? That's right. You
thought it up. Did you get the in-
vitation? Fine."
Another telephone rings.
Pat: 'Yes Walter, he's here.
Did you hear from Martha recent-
ly? Just a minute."
Dick: "Walter, yes, that's right.
Now, don't you worry. I'll handle
the invitation. You just get me
the television. Let me make this
perfectly clear. I want to be on
the networks at 10:30 Eastern
Daylight Time. Fine, I knew I
could count on you. By the way,
can you send me the leftover tape
from that new show?"
Dick (switching phones): "I
think that's a fine idea, Henry.
You get the ping-pong instructor
lined up. Cancel my appointment

suith Romney. He's got nothing
good to say, and you know that
no news is good news.
"Fine, Now get Bob Hope and
John Wayne. I want this to be a
speech that will get the people
all fired up. Fine."
Pat: "What should I take on
this trip, dear?"
Dick: "Call a China expert. I
haven't been there in so long, the
only picture I have of that area
that you can see is Mao swimming
in the Yangtze River, and I could-
n't see. what he had on."
Dick: "Yes. Ah, Bob, what was
the girl scout promise? You know
that line about a Friend. That's it.
Yeah, a sister and friend, friend
to every other girl scout. How does
this sound? Any nation can beA
a friend of- ours. Good, I'm glad
you like it. Well, see you on the
tube, boob."

Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or deliveredtorMary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 250 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-


"This land is your land, this land is my land,
for le-gal loop-holes in the cot-ton ceiling ..


I kaUhNs tN TH LOE.1I


Members of the local women's group PROBE,
which brought the successful anti-discrimination
case against the University to the attention of the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare,
could use some more money to carry on the struggle.
But they seem to have chosen a rather ironic way
to raise funds - baking and sewing. PROBE mem-
bers will be baking Male Chauvinist Pig cookies -to
sell at the Street Art Fair next week, and they
may even take to embroidering stuffed Male Chau-
vinist Pigs for their booth.
Young Americans f or Freedom and Student Gov-
ernment Council member Brad Taylor, who says he
covered the February anti-war conference here for
a news service affiliated with YAF, may have
his journalistic ability called into question. The
list of radical conference participants that he deliv-
ered to the House Internal Security Committee in
Washington, D.C., last week was incomplete.
A glaring omission from Taylor's testimony, which
included such juicy facts as the attendance of -
gasp - Jerry Rubin was his failure to mention the
presence of notorious radical Daniel Ellsberg, pur-
veyor of the Pentagon papers.
Ellsberg, The Daily has learned from h i g hIl y
reliable sources, attended both the conference and

the subsequent anti-war demonstrations in Wash-
ington last May,
In fact, Ellsberg was on a provisional agenda to
address the conference, but its organizers apparent-
ly decided against his appearance.
When the Apollo 15 astronauts land on the moon
this summer they're going to form a new, exclusive
organization: the first chapter of the University
Alumni Association on the moon.
All three are University alumni. The s p a ce
agency wouldn't let them call their ship Wolver-
ine, so they settled for carrying a University flag
along with their National Aeronautics and S p ace.
Agency banner.
At yesterday's Regents meeting, P r e s i d e n t
Fleming was asked why he didn't join the club.
"You're trying to get rid of me," he said.
President Fleming is looking for a woman to re-
place former vice president for student services Bar-
bara Newell as his special assistant. But Gaye
Crouch, a research assistant at the soon-to-die Cen-
ter for Research in Conflict Resolution, says she
wouldn't take the job. "President Fleming has bad
breath," she explained.


Suntuner Sports Staff
e.............. ...... Sports Editor
...... .. ................... Associate Sports Editor
Sumtter Business Staff

JIM STOREY ...... . ....................... ............ Business Manager
JANET ENGL .... . ..................................... Display Advertising
FRAN HYMEN ........................... . .... Classified Advertising
BECKY VAN DYKE ...................... , ......Circulation Department
BILL ABBOTT.. . .................... General Office Assistant

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