Charge report (Itditor note: 'rthe folltoing is the text of a response to the report of the task Force on Minority Supportive Services by Ratomond V. Padilla, of the admissions olfice, who is the recruiter for Chicano students. The letter was sent to Vresideitt tt -leming and the executive officers.) rj1HE RECENT appearance of a report from the Task Force on Minority Supportive Services requires that several questions be raised concerning the role of the University and its prevailing policies relative to minority students on this campus. It is clear from the report that the so called Task Force on Minority Supportive Services has failed both to constitute itself in a manner appropriate to its title, and to address itself to the needs of all minority groups on campus. As a Chicano - and I believe that I can speak for other thousands of Chicanos in Michigan -I am repulsed by the chicanery which attempts to institutionalize practices conducive to human ex- ploitation and the loss of equal educational oppor- tunity for all Americans - no matter where they may fall in the color spectrum. Specifically, I call your attention to the follow- ing: . The "Minority" Task Force included no Chi- canos, Indians or Puerto Ricans. 2. The report of the Task Force makes no mention of any of these groups, 3. None of the recommendations made by the Task Force addresses itself to the real needs of Chicano students on campus. 4. The report makes no mention of the fact that Chicanos have presented to the University a pro- posal which articulates their needs and provides a model for effectively meeting these needs. 5. Out of the thousands of dollars requested, no appropriation was requested for the Chicano pro- posal, even though it would only take a few thous- fails Chicanos and dollars to begin the preliminary phase of the project. 6. No mention is made in the report of ti sad fact that no Chicanos have been hir d to me-st bh- needs of "other minority" students in: 1. The Financial Aid Office 2. Student Counseling Office 3. Orientation Office 4. Housing Office 7. No recommendation was made to alleviate the condition described above. 8. The Task Force expresses no concern for the disgraceful fact that there is only one Chicano in the entire professional staff of the University to serve the "other Minority" students. 9. No recommendation is made to change the situation described above. The most egregious error propounded by the Task Force in its report is that the educational needs of all minorities are identical and susceptible to identical solutions. Nothing is further from the truth. MOREOVER, I am personally insulted - and the Chicano community is affronted -- by the machinations of a University group which, while al- leging to represent various minorities, excludes "oth- er minorities" from its ranks and then pretends to speak for those "other minorities." It would be regrettable if the University were to condone, as a matter of policy, such activities. Fu- ture Chicano students, as well as the Chicago com- munity, would have no alternative but to chal- lenge the appropriateness of such practices. Finally, I wish to suggest that Chicanos would be happy to dialogue with all interested parties in those areas of University activity where Chicanos are to have input. 1o t The Thieu-Ky-Dzu Trail I sex informQtion The diaphragm I (EDITOR'S NOTE: This r e g u l a r question-and-answer column on mattersof sexualeconcern is'being published in co-operation with Counseling Services, a division of the Office of Student Services. Questions may be sent to Box 25, The Daily, 420 Maynard, or phon- ed into 76-GUIDE, the Counsel- ing Services'id-h our counseting and referral service.) By ROBERT KOOP Q I'm going off the Pill and am considering getting a dia- phragm. Tell me about it. A A diaphragm is a rubber bowl with a spring rim which fits over the cervix. It's used with a sperm-killing cream or jelly so it works in two ways, mechanical and chemical. Sperm swimming toward the cervix (the entrance to the uterus) has to get around a rub- ber wall and avoid being killed by the cream or jelly before it can get where you don't want it to go. If it's fitted and used properly it can be tip to 96 per cent effective- that is, if you use it for twenty-five years you can expect to get preg- nant only once. Of course, as with any mechan- ical means of contraception, you need some skill and some informa- tion in order for it to work as well as it can for you. So here goes: The first thing you should know is that you need to be fitted by a doctor for a diaphragm. Non-pre- scription diaphragms cannot be trusted. The doctor who fits you for one will give you a complete pelvic exam and measure the in- side of your vagina. You will be asked to examine yourself internally, to learn to recognize the cervix and the edge of the pubic =bone, and to practice inserting and removing the dia- phragm. If you don't feel comfort- able with this kind of self-exami- nation, then maybe a diaphragm is not for you. The doctor will give you a pre- scription for a diaphragm of your size which you can fill at any drug store or pharmacy. This will cost about five dollars $3.50-4.00 at Health Service) - which does not include the cost of the fitting. The jelly or cream is purchased separately at a cost of about three dollars for twenty applications. Here's how to use it right, once you've got it: I. Spread the spermicidal jelly or cream around both side of the dia- phragm and on the rim. Whatever you do, don't forget the jelly or cream. Research indicates pretty clearly that it's the chemical action that is responsible for the diaphragm's effectiveness. In fact, the diaphragm's most important mechanical effect is that it holds the spermicide in place at the cer- vix - not that it physically blocks the sperm from entering the uterus. 2. Squeeze the diaphragm closed and insert it into your vagina. Guide the far rim past the cervix and press the front rim up against the bony arch that guards the front vaginal wall (pubic bone). Make sure you can feel the cervix through the diaphragm - it feels like a nose. , 3. You must (of course) use the diaphragm every time you have intercourse. It may be inserted up to - but no more than - three hours beforehand. 4. You must add more jelly or cream if intercourse is repeated. This is done with a syringe-like ap- plicator which you use without removing the diaphragm. 5. You must leave the diaphragm in place for six to eight hours after intercourse because it takes that long for all the sperm to be killed. 6. If you douche, don't do it un- til eight hours have passed since intercourse. This isn't necessary, by the way. In fact, the diaphragm can be left in place for 24 hours or longer with no discomfort or bad effects. 7. The diaphragm is removed by putting your finger behind the front of the rim and pulling it down and out. You should wash it in warm water, dry it, dust it with powder and replace it in its con- tainer in a cool place. If it's well cared for your diaphragm can last for two years or more. 8. You should have another fit- ting after a few months if the dia- phragm was prescribed before or a little after your first intercourse, as this will stretch the vagina. Other things that may change the size diaphragm you need are a birth, miscarriage, operation or if you gain or lose more than ten pounds. Have another fitting if any of these happen to you. tn any case, though, you should have a doctor check the fit of your diaphragm once a year, All in all it's a very effective, safe method of birth control - especially if combined with another method(condoms, rhythm). If it's fitted right neither partner will be aware of it once it's fitted. The initial cost shouldn't be more than about $25.00 including doctor's fees and can be less. Each application of the spermicide will cost ten to twenty cents. As for disadvantages, well, you have to know how to do it right, and you have to use it every time you have intercourse. It also re- quires either some advance plan- ning or some interruption to use it. And some women find remem- bering to remove and clean the diaphragm annoying. On the other hand, it's probably not as unpleas- ant as changing diapers.. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, world 4 (tEitor's note: News is not the only specialty of the Associated l'ress, whose writers also indulge in whimsy. The Daily will feature a weekly compilation of the best of their reports on the lighter-and stranger-side o1 tie.) LONDON - Complaints about marijuana written by the 19th century poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge were sold for $2,400 at Sotheby's auction. Coleridge's remarks had been inked in the margins of a book itled The Island of Ceylon, written by Robert Percival. Altogether Coleridge's notes added up to about 40 words. His main complaint against pot was that it was "merely narcotic" and brought on a "a painful weight from the flatulence of stifled gas." The poet was a connoisseur of drugs and reportedly was an addict of laudanum, an opium derivative. The notes were bought by J. Sims, a London book dealer. WASHINGTON - The Pentagon has ordered more than 500 paperback copies of a book called The Pentagon Papers based on 4 The New York Times articles, a distributor for Bantam Books Inc. says. The first shipment of the books went fast, with not only Penta- gon, but Central Intelligence Agency orders among the first to be filled. . r r NEW ORLEANS - Jury selection in the attempted murder trial of 12 black militants was cut short when one defendant was ex- ctsed to be treated for a rat bite he received in jail earlier in the day. Leroy Jones, 23, was bitten while sleeping on the floor of his cell in the Orleans Parish jail, his attorney told Judge Israel Au- gustine. Conditions in the crumbling old jail have been called sub- human by the State Commission on Law Enforcement, which granted the parish $200,000 last week to improve them until a new facility can be built. The defendants, three women and nine men, are on trial in connection with a shootout last year between police and militants at the barricaded headquarters of the National Committee to Com- bat Fascism associated with the Black Panthers, DALLAS -- Jailers at the city jail did a hurried recount Mon- day. For the first time in history the numbers were up without an arrest. A 26-year-old woman from California, taken in last Friday on a charge of loitering at a bus station, gave birth to a baby boy just before daybreak, It caught the jail staff flatfooted. "We didn't know the woman was expecting," said Lt. George Butler. "It caught us by surprise." Mother and son were doing well in a city hospital. SAN CLEMENTE - About 30 young persons set up a ping pong table a quarter of a mile from the entrance of the western White House Wednesday to protest what they called "President Nixon's Ping Pong diplomacy." The youths identified themselves as members of the bipartisan Young Americans for Freedom. They said they are against admis- sion of Communist China to the United Nations and any diplomatic or economic exchanges with it. "We're challenging President Nixon to come out and play a game ofPing Pong with some of our members and carry on a dis- course in which we would show the President our strong opposition to his Ping Pong diplomacy," said Dick Shirley, YAF executive di- rector of Los Angeles. BALTIMORE - Fleas have forced workmen out of Pimlico . Elementary School. Workmen have stopped renovation on the school because the bites were getting to be too much. "It started out as a joke," said Kenneth Kessler, an on-site representative of the city building department, "but it isn't any more. They've even invaded my construction trailer." 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. Friday, July 16, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR ALAN LENHOFF Stmi r I-ditorial Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON LARRY LEMPERT Co-gditor Co-Editor ROBERT CONROW .......... Books Editor JIM JUDKIS . . .. ... .... . Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Anita Crone. Tammy Jacobs, Altn Lenhoff, Jonathan Sitter. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer. James Irwin, Christopher Parks, Zachary Schiller. Sumter Sports Staff RICK CORNFELD.......... Sports Editor SANDI GENIS ...... ......... .... .......... Associate Sports Editor