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May 05, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-05

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the +M ~NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
pag e t. 3 BUSINESS PHONE-
W#4~,~ ~R~P 54 764-0554
Wednesday, May 5, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three
wLSA faIt set
.'~ new advsr unt

Republicans report
Rep. Leslie Arends (R-ll.) tells Washington newsme
propose legislation to help ailing Lockheed Aircraft C
ground, Sen. Hugh Scott (R-Penn.) watches on afi
gathering President Nixon was pleased with polic
antiwar demonstrations this week.
Da il rep ol
case dropp4
The Jackson County Prosecutor's office
felony charges against a staff reporter of The
free lance photographer who were arrested last
observing a group of youths engaged in cuttin
boards near Jackson.
The Daily reporter, Jonathan Miller, and
rapher, Andy Sacks, had accompanied the gr
intention of observing their activities and p
illustrated account.

The LSA faculty has ap-
proved the establishment of
a Joint , Faculty-Student
Policy Committee, designed
to increase student involve-
ment in the governance of
the literary college.
The committee, to be made
up of ten faculty and ten stu-
dent members, will be able to
introduce legislation before the
faculty and make recommenda-
tions to that body.
Student members of the com-
mittee will be accorded the priv-
ileges of faculty members at
LSA faculty meetings, except
Asociated Pre ss for the right to vote.
In approving the 20-member
policy committee at a special
m tht hewill meeting April 22, the faculty
n that he will ct two proposals made by
o. In the back- a student-faculty Committee on
ter telling the Governance which had been
e handling of working on the governance plans
for nearly a year.
The committee's proposals
called for the establishment of
either a student-faculty legis-
lative council or a 40-member
student-faculty policy commit-
The plan for the smaller com-
mittee was proposed by history
Profs. Sidney Fine and Albert
Feuerwerker and economics
Profs. Alexander Eckstein and
Y'd Warren Smith.
"The smaller committee should
be more effective in arriving
has dropped at group decisions and in push-
Daily and a ing it views before the faculty,"
Dmoyt ndile Fine stated yesterday. "The
month while larger committee would be just
sg down bill- like a debating society."
The new governance p l a n
the photog- stipulates that:
oup with the -Thecommittee may con-
sup ith he sider and debate any matter
ublishing an within the literary college facul-
ty's jurisdiction, including, but
Kith "adding not limited to, the review of all
the malicious legislative proposals before the
property in faculty;
proerty.in -The policy committee's re-
-a felony. ports, which must be support-
he charges last ed by a majority of the com-
rosecutor Rob- mittee's members to be present-
had not found ed as such, shall take prece--
ort the charges dence over all other reports at
smen had aided faculty meetings; and,
dits. -Student members of the
lent supported committee shall be accorded all
of Miller and the privileges of faculty at fa-
of Miler and culty meetings except for t h e
sad gone along right to vote.
rs and merely The LSA Executive Commit-
pictures on the tee will determine the method of
See START, Page 20

One year later
Illuminated by a candle, a student at Kent State University partici-
pates in a silent vigil marking the anniversary of the killing of four
students by National Guard fire during a demonstration protesting
last year's Cambodian invasion. Some 3,000 students participated
in the ceremony.
Sinterns OK union
£for future bargaining

Both were apprehended
Bird Hills
plan to begin
The development of 60 acres
of land adjacent to a city park
into condominium apartment
buildings will soon begin de-
spite the objections of are a
residents and ecological groups.
In a vote April 19, City Coun-
cil removed the last obstacle
preventing the development of
a tract of vacant land next to
Bird Hills Park by rezoning the
area to permit the construction
of 250 luxury apartments.
Residents have threatened to
sue the city because develop-
ment of the land, they claim,
will cause irreparable ecological
damage to the area. Though
various groups pledged $90,000
towards the purchase of the
tract by the city as an addi-
tion to the park, the city's es-
timate of money needed to buy
the land increased beyond the
original appraisal.
The $90,000 was originally be-
lieved to be the amount neces-
sary to comprise a quarter of
the purchase price of the land.
City officials said earlier if cit-
izens could raise this amount,
the city would contribute an
equal amount, with the remain-
ing half of the $360,000 total
coming from the-federal govern-
However, it has since been
estimated that the cost of the
60 acres would total at least
See CITY, Page 10

and charged m
and abbetting 1
destruction of
excess of $100"-
In dropping th
week, Assistant P
ert Flack said he
evidence to suppc
that the two news
the billboard ban
Flack's statem
the contention
Sacks that they 1
only as reporter
took notes and p
group's activities.

Interns, residents'and post-
doctoral instructors at the Uni-
versity's Medical Center com-
pleted the final step in becoming
the first group of unionized in-
terns at a university last week
by approving an official bar-
gaining unit.
The Interns and Residents As-
sociation (IRA) was approved as
the official union for the group-
all of whom have student status
yet are employed in a profession-
al capacity by the University.
The University had opposed
IRA's year-old drive for union-
ization in the courts, maintain-

ing that interns are not really
employes of the University, but
instead are involved in a train-
ing program with a status simi-
lar to students.
The Michigan Court of Ap-
peals had previously denied a
request by the University for a
stay of last week's election,
which was conducted by the
Michigan Employment Relations
Commission (MERC).
But while the Court refused to
block the election, it has agreed
to give immediate consideration
to the University's request for a
review of an earlier MERC de-
cision concerning the IRA.

SA CUA elects new chairman

Psychology Prof. Warren Norman has
been elected chairman of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA), the top faculty body.
Norman, elected by SACUA members
April 21, succeeds history Prof. Gerhard
Weinberg, who recently resigned the post
to take a year's sabbatical leave.
In his new position, Norman will also
head Senate Assembly, the faculty repre-
sentative body, and the University Senate,
which includes the entire faculty.
Norman has been a University faculty
member since 1957 and a m e m b e r of
SACUA for the past one and one-half
years. He is a member of various profes-
sional and scientific organizations and is
currently president-elect of the Society of
Multivariate Experimental Psychology.
"I think faculty government in the form

of the Assembly and SACUA has worked
very well," Norman says. "I'd like to see it
continue to do so as it provides a mechan-
ism in which both long-range and current
concerns of the faculty can be processed
in an orderly way."
"If the system can be enhanced, that's
fine, but I don't have any specific pro-
grams to change (the government) at this
juncture," he adds.
Norman says one of the primary issues
Senate Assembly and SACUA will consider
this spring is the question of whether
classified and military research should con-
tinue at the University,
Last March, following a week-long fac-
ulty-student campaign against classified
and military research, which 'included a
fast by about 50 faculty members, Senate
Assembly declined to act on several pro-
See SACUA, Page 17

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