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July 16, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-16

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Vol Ai r f r t iaE A iti
Vo.LXXXI, No. 47-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 16, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
vs Nixon to vi sit
eo 0ple's China
bynext spring

--0Daiy-Gary Viiosi
STRIKING CWA WORKERS picket outside the Ann Arbor offices
of Michigan Bell Telephone Co. in the second day of a nationwide
telephone strike yesterday.
G;overnment waoorks to
avert railwCay st rikes

President Nixon announced
last night he will under-
take "what I deeply hope
will become a journey for
peace" to the People's Re-
public of China before next
May to confer with Premier
Nixon dramatically announced
in a nationally televised and
broadcast addre.sa a mission that
sill symbolize a thaw,. after 22
years, in relations between the
United States and China.
He said he would en to msain-
land Clina at the invitation of
Prensier Chosu. He said he sent
Dr. Henry Kissinger, his national
security adviser, to Peking for
talks with Chou July 9 and 1.
Kissinger had been on an an-
nounced diplomatic mission, hot
his trip to Peking was one of to-
tal secrecy, during days on which
he was said to have been ill in
An announcement, issued si-
multancously in Peking, said:
"Knowing of President Nixon's
expressed desire to visit the Peo-
ple's Republic of China, Premier
Chou En-lai, on behalf of the gov-
ernment of the People's Republic
of China, has extended an invita-
Nationalist China lodged a
strong protest early this morning
with the U.S. government again.t
President Nixon's plan to visit the
People's Republic of China.
The protest was announced aft-
er a 45-minute emergency meet-
ing of high-ranking officials,
President Chiang Kai-shek's guy-
erment apparently had not been
informed in advance of Nixon's
plans or of White House adviser
Henry Kissinger's visit to Peking.
tion to President Nixon to visit
China at an appropriate date he-
for May 1972. President Nixon
has accepted the invitation with
"The meeting between the
leaders of China and the United
States is to seek the normaliza-
See NIXON, Page 2

President Nixon
Experts analyze
China statement

Nixon administration last night
worked to avert a 6 anm. this
morning shutdown of two rail-
ways in the latest of a long list
of labor disputes sweeping the
Last night, a meeting called
at the Labor Department was
attended by union leaders and
the presidents of Union Pacific
(UP) and Southern Railways
and three other officials whose
railroads are under threat of
strikes by the United Transpor-
tation Union tUTU),.
Department officials declined
to commsent on the chances for
success. An industry spokesman
earlier in the day described the,
situation as hopeless.
Once started, a strike could
only he stopped by an agree-
S ment, or by congressiontal ac-
tion. In recent years, Congress
has moved to halt nationwide

strikes, hut iiot thsose against
single lines.
It would heeilse third major
rail strike in little more than
sevens months. The UTfU and
three other unions struck na-
tionwide for a day last Dec. t0.
If the UTU strikes the South-
ern and UP it would hit hardest
at the South and West hut send
ripples of disruption throughout
the entire rail system. Sew com-
muters would he affected.
Meanwhile, the strike of
500,900 employes of the Bell Sys-
tem went into its second day.
Due to automation, however,
most telephone service across
the nations is normal, or near-
Meanwhile, West Coast long-
shorenmen, copper workers and
employes of Western Union con-
tinued their strikes while steel
and mail negotiators sought to
avert imminent walk-outs.

Most University China experts
said last night that President
Nixon's announcenment -that he
will visit the People's Republic
of China signals an end to the
administration's "two - China"
policy and virtually ensures the
admission of Peking to the
United Nations.
Prof. Allen Whiting, director
of graduate studies in Political
Science and a former State De-
partment China expert, said
however that although he re-
garded the invitation as "truly
an historic moment," the Presi-
dent has "yet to announce his
U.N. position."
Whiting sid he was "not sur-
prised at all" by the invitation.
Calling the President's an-
nouncement last nigh t a

Youth, bored with

The State Senate's approving legisla-
tion to lower the age of majority from
21 to 18 yesterday seems to have inspired
ittle more than a stifled yawn from many
Ann Arbor young people.
For the most part, when confronted
with the :news of their new found rights
and responsibilities, young people on the
streets responded with a sleepy "That's
cool, man."
The provision of the hill which allows
18It 21 year olds to purchase alcohol
has drawn a great deal of attention, due
to stiff opposition it faced in the legis-
Judging from the reaction on t h e
street, however, most of that attention
seems to be un~warranlted.
One young woman summed up th e

ewrigh ts
new law will "not appreciably" affect the
volume of their business.
"It will he the same ones drinking",
one store owner said "because there are
always people who will buy."
The only difference, he said, is that
parents will be "more excitable" knowing
their children can buy liquor.
One 1ocal pharmacist commented he
felt the new law was good because drink-
ing was "better than taking drua".
Bar owners, however, tok a different
view of the situation, in general being
more optimistic concerning the possible
financial benefits of the new law.
The legislation will give bars "'a sot
in the arm" according to the mana-
ger of a downtown tavesn
See YOUTH, Page 2

"fantastic, unprecedented break-
through," Economics Prof. Alex-
ander Eckstein said that. "It's
almost a foregone conclusion
that the Chinese will get into
the U.N.
"The game is that we will
snake an announcement coming
out for a nominal two-China
formula, but we will do it iss a
way designed only for appear-
ances sake.
"The historical significance of
this can he gauged by the fact
that we established diplomatic
relations with the Soviet Union
in 1931-40 years ago-and no
American president has to my
knowledge ever visited Russia.
With China we have had no dip-
lomatic'- relations and have a
situation of almost total isola-
tion, hut a presidetnt is going to
"It fits in with the historic
pattern : The insage of the Man-
date of Reaven and the Uni-
versal Empire is maintained
with the westerners going to
pay tribute in Chins, not the
Chinese coming to the west,"
Eckstein said.
Eckstein explained that the
U.S. would probably delay tak-
ing any action in the U.N. long
enough to permit the Albanian
resolution designed at seating
Peking to pass in the early fall.
Geography Prof. Rhoads Mur-
phey, director of the Center for
Chinese Studies at the Univer-
sity, agreed with Eckstein. and
said that although "I would
have said that Nixon would
come out for some bind of two-
China policy. It's quite conceiv-
able now that the U.S. will Jet
the Albanian r es ol u t ion go
through while either abstaining
or voting no for the sake of
"This new new'a makes me
wonder whether they're' getting
See CHINA, Page-2

consensus opinion fairly well commenting,
"Kids who want t drink will drink any-
Pew people thought their consumption
of alcohol would increase markedly when
the new law takes effect Jan, 1, 1972. A
large percentage of thos interviewed, in
fact, said they didn't drink anyway.
Managers interviewed at several local
liquor stores seemed to have reached the
same conclusions as students, feeling the

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