And now, the imperiallst road out By BRUCE LEVINE Last of two parts of an analysis of the Pentagon papers. Ball's memo But . . . the best-laid plans of mice and imperialists often go astray. The theory of teaching-the-rebels-a- lesson was fine only so long as a U.S victory seemed possible. But almost im- mediately this prospect began to dim. Desertions from the Saigon government forces shot up while (as McNamara ad- mitted to LBJ), "the Viet Cong are re- cruiting energetically and effectively." This deterioration was advanced al- ready, in 1963 but, as Neil Sheehan re- cords, the Kennedy administration was "ultimately spared from major escala- tion decisions by the death of its lead- er." By late 1964-early 1965, the Pen- tagon study adds, the need to make a choice was unavoidable: "All evidence pointed to a situa- tion in which a final collapse of the [Saigon government] appeared probable and a victorious consolidation of VC power a distinct possibility." What now to do? Most of Johnson's advisers counseled even further escala- tion. But one man in government plump- ed for a different strategy, because of which he later became something of a hero among liberals. That was George Ball of the State Department, and he was for getting out. Make no mistake. It was not that Ball was weak-kneed or was disloyal to -the empire. On the contrary, his im- perialistic credentials were impeccable. In fact, Ball proved to be one of the really top-notch imperial strategists of the entire Johnson administration. Ball was too good to allow the pre- sure of one "hot spot" to imperil the se- curity of the larger empire itself. And that, as he set out to show, was exact- ly what the Vietnam war threatened to do. In July, 1965, Ball wrote Johnson a lengthy memo entitled "A Compromise Solution in Vietnam" This memo, for- tunately, is included among the Penta- gon papers, Fortunately, we say, because this one piece of paper gives us probably o u r best view to date of the astute imper- ialist mind at work. The first point Ball hammered home was the hopelessness of Saigon's posi- tion. "The South Vietnamese are los- ing the war to the Vietcong," he de- clared flatly. And there was nothing - with either bombs or GI's - that Wash- ington could do to change this fact. ".o one [reads Ball's memo] can as- sure you that we can beat the Viet Cong or even force them to the con- ference table on our terms, no mat- ter how many hundreds of w hi t e foreign (U.S.) troops we deploy. No one has demonstrated that a white ground force of whatever size can win a guerrilla war - which is at the same time a civil war between Asians - in jungle terrain in the midst of a population that refuses cooperation to the white forces (and to the South Vietnamese) and thus provides a great intelligence advantage to the other side ... )., Faced with this hopeless situation, Ball posed the alternatives. If, on the one hand, we refused to accept real- ity, but instead continued to pour men and material down the Vietnam rat- hole, we would not succeed in prevent- ing defeat but only postponing it. Ul- timately, that defeat would come - but, if postponed, only after the em- pire had "paid terrible costs." And the costs were indeed terrible, as Ball outlined them. First, there were the obvious ones: the measurable loss of manpower, material, and treasure. Be- yond these, however, there were less cal- culable but even more threatening costs. For one thing, U.S. allies elsewhere in the world - especially in Europe - were already worried that a prolonged and escalated war would weaken U.S. commitment to them. For another, the war was already beginning to have a bad effect on the world-wide propaganda front. It was true, after all, as Johnson and his advisers had so. often said, that in the end the struggle in the third world was a war "for the hearts and minds of the people." It was because in Vietnam the NLF has won that war that they were winning the war on the battlefield and Vietnam. Furthermore, a continua- as well. tion of the spread of Communism in the Well, said Ball, the longer the Viet- area would not be inexorable, and any nam war is stretched out, the worse will spread which did occur would take time fare the U.S. fortunes in the propaganda - time in which the total situation contest worldwide. The sad fact, he ex- might change in any number of ways plained, was that "the war is vastly unfavorable to the Communist cause." unpopular and that our role in it is Besides, the memo concluded, there perceptibly eroding the respect and con- was always - besides Thailand - the fidence with which other nations regard "island bases, such as those on Okinawa, us," Guam, the Philippines, and Japan." The imperial road out Ball summarized: we wouldn't win in any case ,and we simply stand to lose more the longer we stay on. Adding it all up, Ball presented the obvious conclusion. It was time to simply write Vietnam off as an un- fortunate but unavoidable loss. Time to "limit our liabilities in S o u t h Vietnam and try to find a way out with minimal costs." "On balance, I believe we would more seriously undermine the effectiveness of our world leadership [ahem!] by con- tinuing the war and deepening our in- volvement than by pursuing a carefully plotted course toward a compromise solution," The kind of compromise which Ball had in mind, however, was of a rather specific variety. It had little in common with the underlying motivation, for ex- ample, of today's anti-war movement. For withdrawal from Vietnam meant anything for Ball but withdrawal from Asia in general or even Southeast Asia in particular. On the contrary: it meant beefing up remaining U.S. outposts throughout that region. As he assured the President: "Providing we are willing to make the effort, Thailand can be a foundation of rock and not a bed of sand in which to base our political/military commit- ment to Southeast Asia." In short, Ball was for getting out, but only via a particular route: the Imperial Road Out, Interestingly enough, by the way, the Imperialist doves Looking back, it is clear that Ball (and the CIA) had evolved the most farsighted plan of action from the point of view of the empire's interests. But Johnson was not interested. The fact is, he was simply not as good an imperialist as Mr. Ball himself. And so, for the good of the empire, those who shared Ball's viewpoint had to begin carrying their campaign into the open - that is, to the public. This is the origin of the "anti-war noises made by imperialist politicians like Fulbright, McCarthy, Robert Ken- nedy, and their later successors. They were for ending this war, all right. But, like Mr. Ball, only because victory this time seemed too costly (financially, stra- tegically, politically). What was it, after all, but imperial cost-accounting, when Eugene McCarthy declared in December, 1967: "We reached the point, I think about the middle of 1966 . . . that the propor- tion between what it was going to cost to win a victory and what would come of victory became at that point out of balance." Robert Kennedy had declared in 1966, "If we can defeat [the NLF1 without paying a great price, an overwhelming price, then that's what I'd like to do.," Two years later, he was a dove - be- cause he realized it just couldn't be done. "Unable to defeat our enemy or break his will - at least without a huge, long, and ever more costly effort, we must actively seek a peaceful settle- ment." if we did withdraw from Vietnam . We are now in Thailand. I think we could remain there for some time even though we did withdraw from South Vietnam. We are in Korea. Our Navy is free in the China Sea ..." "The right. to know" The liberal politicians, however, are not the sole public supporters of the Imperial Road Out. No indeed; they have a tremendously powerful ally. An entire wing of the news media - in- cluding business journals and prestig- ious newspapers and TV stations (for example CBS) are for withdrawal for imperialist reasons. Not the least im- portant and powerful of these forces is The New Yrk Times. Times editorials call for a pull-out, but only because of the "basically unten- able military and political situation in which the United States is still enmesh- ed in South Vietnam." The Times would very much liek to "extricate the United States from an unsound position on the Asian mainland." Does this point of view have any bearing on the decision to print the Pen- tagon study? Not according to the Times. It was published, the editors grandly de- clare, ...Because the American public has a right to have it and because when it came into the hands of the Times, it was its function as a free and uncensored medium of information to make it pub- lic . . . To have acted otherwise would have been to default on a newspaper's basic obligation to the American people under the First Amendment . . . Very impressive . . . bunk. Ten years ago; under very similar circumstances, the Times came into possession of the complete story of the CIA's impending invasion of Cuba. Why didn't they print it? Because a President which the Times supported - in pursuit of an expedi- tion which the Times supported - asked the editors to kill the story. They did so. Somehow, the "basic obligation to the American people" got lost in the shuffle of papers. The same is true of the liberal- Democratic politicians. Today they are having a field day parading as champ- ions of "the people's right to know." Poor Richard Nikon is left alone to man the battlements for governmental secrecy. But don't count on those lib- eral politicians to stand by their prin- ciples should a Democratic President be elected next year. It was in 1961, we recall again, that a liberal-Democratic President was call- ing for forms of press censorship. And it was out-of-office Nixon who c o u ld courageously declare that such proposals would- ...Inevitably encourage government officials to further withhold information to which the public is entitled . . . The plea of security could well become a cloak for errors, misjudgements, and other failings of government." Given the opportunity, the two imper- ialist parties will continue playing this game, periodically switching roles and speeches. The record of the last decade - ably reinforced by the Pentagon papers - is clear. The primary consideration which governs the foreign policy plans of both Republicans and Democrats, conserva- tives and liberals, is, "What is best for the empire?" On occasion, there will be differ- ences among the imperialists over strategies and tactics. But just be- cause they share this common basic loyalty, none of them can be counted upon to lead or even support move- ments directed against the empire it- self. 4w The ir+ -n*Bai 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints Wednesday, July 14, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ANITA CRONE CIA bolstered Ball's positions in a memo of its own to the President. Johnson had asked the Agency about the effect on the rest of the empire should both Vietnam and Laos fall to the Commun- ist-led insurgents. The CIA replied: "With the possible exception of Cam- bodia, it is likely that no nation in the area would quickly succumb to Com- munism as a result of the fall of Laos And- more: while they are for ending this war and leaving t h i s particular country, the liberal "doves" remain firm defenders - like Ball before them - of the overall empire itself. In 1967, for example, a reporter asked McCarthy if he "would insist on a continued American presence in Asia." McCarthy replied: "I think you have to insist on a signi- ficant presence of some kind there even Any movement which allows itself to come under the direction of imperialists - decked out in militant rhetoric though they may be - will inevitably find itself led by the nose back into the imperial- ist camp. (Editor's note: Writer Bruce Levine Is a University graduate and a former Dail y editorial page editor. He will attend grad- uate school in history in the fall. This article is reprinted from the July, 1971 edition of workers' Power.)