Page Six Conversations with PAUL TILU.CH (A Film Series) TODAY: 4:00 p.m. - Dr. Tillich dis- cusses influences upon his thinking, defines and discusses existentialism. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Huron Sts. Social Hall (downstairs) Sponsored by: Office of Religious Affairs 3rd Floor, Michigan Union 764-7442 Read and Use Daily Classifieds THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, July 13, 1971 Women seek greater political power (Continued fromPaye1) The guidelines included re- solutions calling for implemen- tation of the equal rights amendment, an immediate end to the Indochina war, an end to the traditional masculine use of force as a means of conflict re- solution, the repeal of all laws affecting a woman's right to decide her own reproduction and sexual rights, and the en- forcement of existing and pas- sage of proposed anti-discrim- ination laws. "Women have begun to realise at last their potential for poli- tical' power," Rep. Shirley Chis- holm, (D-N.Y., told reporters. "We are women, we have po- tential and we are going to use it," she added. Chisholm and Abzug were among the 21 delegates elected by the caucus to a steering committee to plan the future course of action for the move- ment. Others elected include author- ess Betty Friedan; National Welfare Rights Organization official Beulah Sanders; writ- er and Democratic National Policy counicl asmber Gloria Steinem: LaDonna Harris, In- dian rights leader; Shana Alex- ander, editor-in-chief of Mc- Call's mnagazine: Fannie Lou Hamer civil rights leader and candidate for the Mississippi state senate: and Virginia Al- len, a member of the Florida Commission on the Status of Women. The caucus resolved to enlist women of all political, economic, age, race and ethnic groups to rally behind female candidates committed to feminist priority's and humanist goals. The group also urged the re- form of existing policies of po- litical parties which have ex- cluded women from positions of power, with the specific demand that women comprise at least 50 per cent of the delegates to both major parties 1972 na- tional nominating conventions. "Women have the political power to turn out of office every politician who does n o t support equal rights.' said Rep. Chisholm yesterday. Friedan said yesterday wom- en will work to exercise that power so that, "by 1976 it will not be a joke to run a woman for President of the U n i t e d States." When necessary. Chisholm added, the caucus will "cross normal party lines or work out- side of normal party lines" to get qualified women elected to national office. The convention was marked by the formation of several mil- itant. dissenting splinter groups. A black caucus, formed early in the proceedings, issued a resolution calling on NWPC to condemn all forms of rac- ism and racist women candi- dates for political office. A radical caucus stressed the need to resist imitation of "male heirarchical organiza- tional structures." A youth caucus termed t h e steering committee "unrepre- sentative" because only one of See WOMEN, Following Page the ann arbor film cooperative presents BORN FREE with Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna. In Color based on Joyce Adamson's bestseller about Elsa, the lion cub who grew up as a full- fledge member of a human family. Winner of two Academy Awards-Best Musical Score and Best Song "A film of charm and power"-Look. "Nothing short of wondrous"-Life "A fresh and moving film"-The New York Times ONE NIGHT ONLY!-TUESDAY-JULY 13 EXTRA-ADDED ATTRACTION-ROAD-RUNNER CARTOON auditorium a 7:00 & still only 75c angell hal 9:30 p.m. children 35c COMING SATURDAY-WILD IN THE STREETS "ALL HiFi BUYS CAN PROMISE YOU THIS WEEK ARE A, WHOLE LOTTA SAVINGS" That's right, savings on quality components. The people at Pioneer have given us the authority to cut prices on two of their most popular receivers. Pioneer, the name synonymous with quality in the audio industry, now lets you hear a lot more for a lot less. Thinking about moving up to a component system? Then start with the 40 watt Pioneer SX-440 AM-FM stereo receiver. It's now only $169.93-savings of $30 off the old list price. Featuring FET and tree-gang variable which is just a fancy way of saying you'll enjoy interference-free FM-even in areas of station crowding. Now if you'd like to upgrade your present stereo system, the Pioneer 70 watt SX-770 AM-FM receiver could be your "thing." Now priced at $199.95, a drop of $50 from the old list price. More powerful than the 5X-440, it features up to date circuitry and fine tuning sensitivity to make this stereo receiver an extremely versatile performer. The SX-440 and SX-770, from Pioneer with a host of features and the best ones being the new prices. So step inside HiFi BUYS for a "whole lotta PIONEER savings." SX-440 NOW $169.95 S X-770 $199.95 618 S. MAIN 769-4700 Comprehensive Repair Service Available It Ulster deaths mtourned Catholic women march through the bogside district of Belfast yes- terday in protest of the killing of two men last week by British troops attempting to quell rioting there. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED DIAL8-6416" TODAY AT 7:15 and 9 P.M. STEREOVIS ION ADMISSION ALL SHOWS, $2.50 f T HE UNPUBLISH ABLE NOVE L IS NOW AME RICA'S MOST CONTROVERSIAL FILM! 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