Pge Fourteen
Friday, May 7, 1971
Page Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 7, 1971
Blow up your Grandma.. Joe' Louis blames 0111y- honesty
boyfriend or pet canary.
Giant 2 ft. poster - any- O f
one, any size. 2.95 + .25 for financta emotional wortes
postage to
Personal Poster NEW YORK 4) - Joe Louis Welfare Assistance for Family- In the last two or three years,
P.O. Box 42972 predicted yesterday that no mat- Medical Health Centers. he has been in and out of ho
L.A., Cal. 90050 ter how many times Muhammad The Brown Bomber reportedly pitals.
Ali climbs into the ring with Joe earned $4.7 million during his Now he weighs 240 a n d is
><a :> <::::;:::>t<><; > Frazier the result always will be ring career, of which some close brimming with health.
the same - Frazier will win. associates said he kept $1 mil- " ,
"The next time it probably lion after taxes and spent $2 He doesn't blame anyone but
will be even more one-sided," million. himself,l says his wife, a Bev-
the Brown Bomber added. "A Some say he blew much of it says you're not a failure until
man just can't lay off like Ali to hustlers on the golf course. you start blaming somebody else
is a did and come back. Others contend he was taken by for your troubles.
T h e popular ex-champion, associates and friends.
tasty flnow approaching 57, fattish but "Nobody ever cheated Joe," "Joe's not broke. He's r i c h
sandwich . looking fit, was in New York to insisted Martha Malone Louis, with friends. If he said he need-
S Waccept his position as vice presi- his wife of 13 years, "Joe was ed a dollar, a million people
<-->t<- -mn<--u<--4_ dent and director of Special cheated by his own generosity. n dollar and
"I liked the good life," said
Joe. "I just lived up to my stan-
His funds dwindled. He was
squeezed by the Internal Reve-
nue Service. Friends took up col-
lections to help him.
(paperbacks 1 2 priCe)
Book Shop
21 1 S. State
heCd be a milioaire.
e Louis
IM offers varied program
Michigan's Intramural facili-
ties open tonight for the first
time to both men and women.
The Intramural and Recreation-
al Sports Department will of-
fer a Family Co-Recreational
Program free each Wednesday
and Friday evenings from 7
p.m. to 10 p.m.
The progran will run through
Friday, August 20.
Besides the Co-Recreational
Prograin the department this
spring is offering a variety of
recreational opportunities. In-
formal and competitive activities
are available to all students.
faculty and staff.
The IM Sports Building, Bar-
bour-Waterman Gym and the
Margaret Bell Pool are all open
at various tlies during t lie
Swimming, gymnastics. volley-
ball, padleball, handball, squash,
and table tennis are highlight-
ed activities.
Individual and team competi-
tion for both men and women
is offered in softball, basketball.
volleyball, tennis, golf. paddle-
ball, handball and frisbee. Team
competition will be held Mon-
day to 'Thursday at 6 p.ns
Entri(es are due fior teamu sports
on Wednesday, May 12.
All students, faculty and staff
are invited to use the facilities
of the Sports Building, Water-
man-Barbour Gym, and the
Margaret Bell Pool for inform-
al workouts whenever possible.
Interested persons are re-
quested to call the Intramural
Sports Office at 663-4181 for
further information.
Series ga mes
to be at night
NEW YORK - Three tid-
week W o r 1 d Series games in
1972 will be played at night, it
was announced yesterday wien
the National Broadcasting Com-
pany's contract with major lea-
gue baseball was extended for
four years.
The joint announcement by
Baseball Commissioner Bowie
Kuhn and Carl Lindemann Jr,
vice president of NBC Sports,
extended through the 1975 sea-
son for NBC's exclusive televis-
ion rights for the World Setie,
the American and National lea-
gue championship playoffs, All-
Star games and weekly major
league games.
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