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July 07, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-07-07

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It's a mad, mad, mad world

(Editor's note: News is not the
only specialty of the Associated
Press, whose writers also indulge
in whimsy. Beginning today, T h e
Daily will feature a weekly com-
pilation of the best of their reports
on the lighter-and stranger-side
of life.)
ISLE OF MAN-British troops
have been ordered to salute the
fairies on the Isle of Man.
Pixies and elves live under a
bridge on the road between Doug-
las and Castletown, according to
tradition on the island off the
West coast of England. When the
local folk cross the bridge they
raise their hats to the little peo-
The army decided the 500 sol-
diers of the 71st Scottish Engi-
neering Regiment camped here
must conform, with a salute or a
snappy eyes right.
"The British Army respects lo-
cal customs and we like to con-
form with them wherever pos-
sible," said a spokesman.
Cynthia Frink, 18, picked up the
telephone at the store where she
works a voice on the other end
of the line said, "This is the
Miss Frink said President
Nixon called her to congratulate
her on the valedictory speech she
gave at Manchester's Central
High School.
She told her fellow graduates
during the speech:
"I believe in military strength,
patriotism, saluting the flag and
the Star Spangled Banner."
Frink said President Nixon
told her he was glad to hear
something that was positive and
"I'm still in shock," she said,
FLAT ROCK, Mich. - A man
who told police he was Jesus
Christ and was headed for para-
dise was pailed here on a charge
of walking on a limited access
Troopers arrested the man, who
had long hair and flowing beard,
as he walked along the Detroit-
Toledo Expressway.
Detroit police said there was a
traffic warrant out for the man,
John Lockaby, of Detroit, charg-
ing him with driving through a
drive-in without making a pur-
LONDON - Jewelry shop man-
ager David Henderson had a nice
afternoon cup of tea and then
thought he might throw himself
out the window.
When two men in white coats
tried to persuade him it wasn't
a good idea, he wondered why
gas company officials were in his
Henderson didn't know it but he
was in the middle of an LSD trip.
Shop cashier Vivien Bagge, ;7,
admitted to a court Friday she

£tctijan atI
420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints.
Wednesday, July 7, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552
Summer Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
ROBERT CONROW . . .....Ban................... Books Editor
JIB JUDKIS ....... .Photography Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Anita Crone, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer, James Irwin, Christopher
Parks, Zachary Schiller.
Letters to The Daily
Pakistan Saigon regime of the Diems could
no longer be concealed from the
To The Daily: American people as being dicta- S
I AM a -new Indian graduate stu- torial and lacking the support of
dent. I thank you and appreciate the Vietnamese, did not the press
your deep and kind concern re- report the murder of the Diems
garding the Pakistan issue. and again claim that it was in the
In your editorial on Pakistan best interests of America?
(June 30) there are two mistakes. AND DID not the advocates of
East and West Pakistan are 2,000 a s o c i a 1 i s t reconstruction of
miles apart, not 1,000, and military America cite press reports in 1964
dictator Khan is named Yahya. to show that President Johnson's
Agha Khan, in India, is known as disclaimer of a widening war in
a noble man (although I do not Indochina amounted to tongue-in-
mean to say Yahya is not.) cheeking vote-getting?
Being a foreigner I would not When the Indochina venture be-
like to comment on U.S. policy to- came economically dangerous and
ward Indo-Pakistani relations. Sen. politically embarrassing did the
Edward Kennedy and many others press go to its own voluminous
are sympathetic towards this is- files to inform the American peo-
sue. ple of the way to which they had
Once again let me thank you for been "taken"? Of course not! To
your generous concern about the have done so would have exposed
people of East Pakistan. the FREE American press as hav-
Mahendra G. Dedhiya, ing been as much involved in the
Grad intrigues as was the Pentagon and t
June 30 as were other departments of the
U.S. government.
Ralph Muncy
Secrets ? July 4
To The Daily:
SECRET papers? What secrets?Strike
Did not the American press report
the daily events that were covered To TCER IG THE University
by the Pentagon papers? Did not .E d d dvsty
the press analyze or explain the janitorsg new demands and steel
causes and courses and possible strikes, garbage men strikes, and
consequences of those events? For on and on. "There is only one
exasmpueneshen the Frenhwerkind of men who have never been
examle:Whe theFrech ereon strike in human history. Every
about to take a beating from the other kind and class have stopped,
Vietnamese at Dien Bien Phu was when they so wished and have
it not reported that the Eisenhover presented demands to the world,
administration was considering claiming to he indispensable -
sending bombers to the relief of the except the men who have carried
French? When the bombers web the world on their shoulders, have
not sent, did not the press explaiss kept It alive, have endured torture
the turn-about as being in the best as their sole payment, but have
interests of American ;meaing never walked out on the human
American capitalism?) race," wrote John Galt.
When the Eisenhower ad.,nivis- But they shrug, they who car- *
tration did not sign tie Geneva ry the looters on their backs, and
agreements with respect to Indo- continue to satisfy the needs of
china but agreed to abide by those their destroyers at the price of
agreements, did not the press re- their own great endurance and
port the fact and again state that agony. For now.
the action was in the best inter- -Brad Taylor
ests of America (again meaning Chairman, Society for
American capitalists)? Wh'n the Individual Liberties *

TOM ROONEY plays with one of his kangaroos. Rooney lives
alone in California with 11 kangaroos and likes it that way.

spiked Henderson's tea with ths'
hallucinatory drugs in revenge
after he fired her.
The white-coated men were an
ambulance crew called to the
shop after Henderson complained
he was feeling sick, lightheaded
and numb.
Hhe had another urge to throw
himself from a window at the
hospital where he was treated.
"I wanted to get my own
back," Miss Bagge said. She also
admitted stealing rings from the
The court deferred senence
until next month.
KENWOOD, Calif. - There
is no school these days, so the
Kangaroos wait in vain for the
school bus.
"Kangaroos are great people,"
says Tom Rooney, a bachelor
who lives here on a 10-acre
ranch and maintains a herd of
11 of the big red variety of
Australian marsupials.
"They all flock down to see
the kids on the school bus each
morning at 7:30. This is a rit-
ual. They like to hear the
kids calling them by name,"
says Rooney.

Rooney believes he has the
only private herd of kangaroos
in the country.
"Kangaroos are very affec-
tionate and like people. Sydney
III comes up to the.house every
morning and bumps on the
door for his morning milk., He
eats breakfast in the kitchen,"
he says.
The neighbors are used to
them and the kids make the
school bus wait until they come
when called, Rooney says.
"What throws strangers is the
sight of Sydney sitting in th6
station wagon as we drive down
the road," says Rooney, turning
to answer an insIstent thump-
ing at the kitchen door.
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 250 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-

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