page three 4 Sitt n ait1j HOTTER High-90 Low-65 Humid and nasty Wednesday, July 7, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552 Ima s . Radicals plan national election bid for '72 ALBURQUERQUE - A con- vention of leftist parties meet- ing here last week end decided its chief objective would be the formation of a strong joint na- tional fourth party in 1972 and a powerful organization in all 50 states. About 250 delegates from over 25 states attended the conference including representatives ftom the Peace and Freedom Party, the New Party, the D.C. State- hood Party, the Wisconsin Alli- ance, Ann Arbor's Radical In- dependent Party and the host organization, the Independent New Mexican Party. The groups, which hope to hold a platform ratifying and a presi- dential nominating convention ir November, adopted a foreign policy plank calling for immne- diate withdrawal of outside forces from Southeast Asia and imes'- diate nuclear disarmament. Dr. Benjamin Spock, the chie' speaker on the issue. said that. "The two major parties haven't had the courage and forth:r,"- ness to get out of the abominah' war in Vietnam. They have fa!lt3 abysmally to represent the Amor- ican people." Author Gore Vidal. a m-'it- of the New Party, felt that ,h; ideal 1972 Presidential candinese would be consumer - Ralph Nader. He said that N'der, "presents a cold-blooded analysis of what's wrong and he offi-r; solutions, which you cant say about your conventional puli- tician." The conventional politician. ac- cording to Tidal, is soneone us is represents the interests of its business rather than the p'opt' Because of the June 1-11 ecivil disorders. in Albuqueruse. she City Commission had atked ti, convention be canceled or at !cast postponed. However, residen s os the city soon concluded that it was a serious meeting :'her than a radical dopefest. Many of the delegates arrived at the large empty adobe home- stead in which the conference was held in campers, while oth- ers, equipped with sleeping bags and tents slept in the open air. Meetings during'- the day were held outside the house on the lawn. Evening sessions were held inside, delegates sitting on the floor as loudspeaker systems carried the proceedings to ad- joining porches and rooms. PAT'AN CRITICA L: Prime lending rate raised to 6 per cent NAACP holds parley Roy Wilkins, executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, speaks before a convention of his organization, The NAACP condemned the Nixon Adminis- tration as "anti-Negro" a year ago, but softened its stand at this year's convention STRIKEENDS: Detroit sanitation men return to work NEW YORK (' - Dozens of banks from Boston to San Fran- cisco raised their prime lending rate to 6 per cent from 5: per 0cent yesterday, following the lead of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. of New York. Manufacturers Hanover Trust was the first major bank to raise to 6 per cent the Interest it charges its most credit worthy corporate customers although a 4 handful of smaller banks had done so during the past few weeks. The big New York bank said a sharp rise in short-term bor- rowing rates and in the cost of funds to the bank during recent weeks had reached a point where the prime rate was "so clearly out of line as to require adjustment." An increase in the Federal Reserve System's discount rate -the interest it charges mem- ber banks to borrow from the Federal Reserve-was expected *in the financial community. Economist Pierre Rinfert said that if the discount rate were raised, another increase in the prime rate probably would be set in motion, The prime rate is generally regarded as a symbol of national credit conditions because all other bank lending charges gen- erally scale upward from it. In Washington, Chairman Wright Patman (D-Texas) of the House Banking Committee urged President Nixon to use standby credit control powers to -'roll back the prime rate in- creases. "Under today's economic con- ditions, the President cannot afford to allow the prime rate increase to stand unless he is willing to see the country slip into a greater recessiin, more unemployment and more busi- ness failures," Patman said in a statement. When the Federal Reserve Board decided to speed up the growth of the nation's money supply last November, the policy touched off a round of reduc- tions in the prime rate, which then had been at 7'%4 per cent. A speedup in the flow of cash and credit into the nation's spending stream was aimed at stimulating business, but Rin- fret said the Nixon administra- tion apparently had "abandon- ed expansionary monetary poli- cies because they were unsuc- cessful." DETROIT (')-Detroit's 1,400 sanitation workers returned to work yesterday, ending a five day strike which piled up more than 22,000 tons of garbage in streets and alleyways. Clarence Russell, Department of Public Works commissioner, said that alleys with the largest accumulations of trash would be the main targets for the time being. Officials had feared that a NO BOOZE FOR PROFS 'U' club- denied liquor By JIM IRWIN can "work out the impasse" on the issue of The City Council last week denied issuance inspections. of a club liquor license to the University Club, "There is no need for a city inspection," Estep once again raising the unresolved issue of told City Council. He explained that under state whether the city or state has jurisdiction over law the University can conduct its own inspec- University affairs. tions, which still have to meet health and safety Council's Special Liquor Committee recom- codes, and is therefore exempt from the city's mended denial of the club's request based on provisions. grounds that the city was not permitted by City Administrator Guy L a r c o m Jr. told state law to inspect the facilities because of Council that it should not turn down the liquor their location on University-owned property, license on the basis that the city cannot enforce A city ordinance requires that before Council its codes on University property. can approve a liquor license the place of busi- ness must be inspected by the Building and Larcom said in an interview that the i'sue S a f e t y Engineering Department, the Health might be resolved by the University Club volun- Department, and the Police and Fire Depart- tarily agreeing to allow the city to inspect its ments. facilities, although he did not know whether the The club's president, law Prof. Samuel Estep, Council would approve of such a plan. says he plans to appeal the request for a liquor Estep noted that a club liquor license could be license to the Michigan Liquor Control Com- issued by the state without the consent of Coun- mission (MLCC) unless the city and University cil, but added "they don't want to do this." health hazard would result from the garbage strike, which came on top of a 10-week overtime boycott by sanitation workers, causing an accumulation of garbage in some areas. The new contract was ratified by a nearly unanimous vote. The pact gives workers a 76- cents-an-hour across-the-board pay increase during the life of the agreement. It also provides for paid hospitalization for all union workers and their fami- lies, and a day off with pay on Martin Luther King's birthday, Jan. 15, and a $450 yearly bonus for persons who have worked for the city 21 years or longer. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employe contract is expected to set the pattern for future ne- gotiations with the other unions which represent about 20,000 city employes. The striking san- itation workers averaged $3.82 an hour before their walkout. The garbage collectors walk- ed out midnight Wednesday and were joined during the strike by some 600 workers from various city departments. Under a "catch-up" clause in the contract, sanitation workers, or the first six months, will re ceive 8%a cents an hour smiose than the other union members who did not strike . "I think it's the best the city could .do," said Cornelius Hud- son, president of striking local 26. He said he believed the sani- tation w o r k e r s would begin working overtime torhelp the city dig itself out from under tons of piled-up garbage.