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May 07, 1971 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-05-07

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Page Ten
Women's unit to ask study
(Continued from Page 3) These further details were pre-
crimination, the University sub- sented to HEW on March 8, and
mitted a proposal which HEW the University still awaits a re-
accepted after two months of sponge from HEW.
negotiation. Meanwhile. the University's
But, the University's plan fail- Mefwie th Ujvrsy'
ed to satisfy HEW's requests for eligibility for federal contracts
detailed "goals and timetables." has been tentatively restored.


Friday, May 7, 1971

Financial aid to rise with tuition
(Continued from Page 3) In-state graduate students will housing increase and inflation
Starting in the fall, in-state pay $800 per academic year, a increase," Butts continues.
undergraduates will pay $660 for jump of $150, while non-resident He says the financial aid bud-
two terms, up from the current 240 from $1,940. 'wget guideline for an in-state
fee of $568. Out of state stu- "We have adjusted our bud- freshman entering this fall has
dents will pay $2.140 instead of ott upward for next year to al- been set at $2,700 - an in-
$1,800. . log for the tuition increase, crease of $300 from last year.



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