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July 07, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-07

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ZZW Sfr4igan &titu

Vol. LXXXI, No. 40-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 7, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


ask increase
in funding
University officials yesterday concluded a series of
talks with the State Senate Appropriations Committee in
an attempt to gain additional state funds for the Univer-
sity for fiscal 1971-72.
Yesterday, University vice presidents Allan Smith, Fe-
dele Fauri and Wilbur Pierpont met with committee mem-
bers and asked for additions of $407,000 and $80,000 to Gov.
William Milliken's budget requests for the University's
Dearborn and Flint campus-
es, respectively.
Govt. ells of
Last Wednesday, the vice O I e l
presidents, along with Deans
William Mann of the dental ]
school and John Gronvall of the holVday
medical school went before the
committee to request an addi- h s l
tional $3.8 million for the Ann
Arbor campus.
The governor's budget re- The State Department has
quest, presented to the Legisla- issued a warning to Ameri-
ture in February, recommended cans traveling abroad that ser-
only an additional $2.8 million ious consequences may result
for all University campuses over from arrests outside the coun-
the previous year's appropria- try on charges of possessing,
tion, with $1.7 million earmark- trafficking in, or smuggling Il-
ed for Ann Arbor. legal drugs.
Last week, Smith and Pier- U.S. officials can do little
pont detailed before the com- about the severe penalties im-
mittee needs for $13.4 million in posed for these offenses, and
new funds for the Ann Arbor have no way of alleviating the
campus for fiscal 1971-72, while sometimes primitive penal con-
identifying sources of funding ditions the sentences are im-
for the needs amountings to posed under.
$9.5 million-leaving the Uni- Many young Americans a r e
versity $3.8 million short, under the impression the foreign
The funds would in part be governments are more tolerant
used by to provide University of drug use and more permis-
staff with'an average 8.1 per sive in both their drug laws and
cent raises-equal to those re- enforcement of them than in
cently won by state civil service the United States. However,
employes. sentences in some countries for
Gov. Millikes had previously narcotics and marijuana range
suggested6.81 per cent increases, up to the death penalty.
The University last fall asked At the end of May, there
for 10 per cent. were 747 Americans under de-
See OFFICIAL, Page 2 tention in the jails of 50 fore-

Satchmo is dead
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong died yesterday, aged 71. (See Storp, Page 6)
iscri mmnation cite

against universities
By P.E. BAUER to complaints and agrce to rE tive action program at tae
As at the University, female view their operating procedures versity, $7.5 million =n fed
faculty members at other major perhaps because of the ax Pit- contracts was withheld last
colleges and universities through- tinger holds over their heats. pending development of an
out the nation are bringing Colleges and universities viict ministrative plan to end sex
charges of sex discrimination do not measure up face the pose- crimination. T h e Univer
against academia. bility of losing federal con'rfees, agreed to pay $6 million i. b
Complaints have been filed with a key source of income, partic- pay, retroactive to 1968, to
the federal government against ularly for research. women faculty members.
Brown, Harvard, Yale, Maryland. As a result of such an affir'tr See FACULTY, Page 2
Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, Tufts, and
Stanford as well as the Univce-
sity by women employes attack-
ing hiring and promotion o
dures', salary levels, su .>.
for admission to g r a d t a r e
schools, and tenure - which
many female faculty members-
say they find difficult to oain.
In addition to comulains rr-
garding the treatment of faculty
members, women here are also
concerning themselves with cne
problems of non-academic sT:..
such as typists, librarians, r
other non-union workers.
So far, 250 complaints of sex-
ual bias have been filed against
36 institutions throughout the
country. Federal officials have
initiated 45 investigaions, and
won compliance from at least wo
major schools.
J. Stanley Pottinger, diree"Or :i
of the Civil Rights Divisioy1 of
the Health, Education and Wel-
fare Department, says sex dis-
crimination has become a sub-
stantive issue since women acti-
vitists started presing fur cn- :
forcement of a '68 presidential
order prohibiting sex discrimina-
tion by government -contractors.
Before then, he says, govern-
ment enforcement of the 1964 ,
Civil Rights Act had concentrated .
on areas of racial discrimination
Scores of institutions have sub-
mitted to HEW "affirmative ac-
tion plans.' specific remedial Indians hit V arms
goals and timetables aimed at
bringing more women into higher Protesting the continued U.S. sales of armaments to Pakistan in
levels of the educationad estab- has left hundreds of thousands dead and millions homeless, Indi
lishment. yesterday shortly before the arrival of President Nixon's nations
Pottinger said- most colleges Kissenger will remain in India two days conferring with Premie
and universities. usually yield Pakistan tomorrow.


ign countries for violating local
narcotic and marijuana laws.
Two years before, this figure
was only l9ft
With more than two million
Americans expected to go
abroad this summer, the D e -
partment of State is making a
determined effort to spread the
word that the drug picture
abroad is not as rosy as might
be thought.
In many countries, accord-
ing to the State Department,
drug peddlers are also police or
customs informers. After mak-
ing a sale, the seller will de-
scribe the buyer to the police
as a possible user. The buyer
is thon detained, usually found
in possession of the drugs, and
arrested and charged with a
serious offense. The seller bene-
fits two ways: he makes money
on the sale and receives a re-
ward from the police for in-
Many countries have no pro-
vision for bail, so pre-trial de-
tention can be prolonged to as
much as a year. Possession alone
can result in a jail term of
six years and a heavy fine in
some countries, while in others
the offender is placed in a
mental hospital for one to three
years. Trafficking sentenc'-s
range from 10 years to life.
State Dept. statement issued
to the press says that, "Prison
conditions in some countries
are primitive: overcrowding,
lack of sanitary facilities and
bedding; limited, poor-quality
food; little or no heat or light;
damp, underground locations;
rats and virmin; sometimes
solitary confinement,"

the wake of the civil war there which
ans demonstrated outside Delhi airport
al security advisor Henry Kissenger.
r Indira Ghandi before journeying to

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