page three 94 £iitttan aity IDYLIC High-80 Low--l5 Supereahfragdistic- expealidocious A fW CZ') t Saturday, July 3, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: O't-U!)) Women to file suit on abortion law By ANITA CRONE A Detroit women's group has announced it will bring a class suit against the state's abortion laws in an effort to have them ruled unconstitutional on the grounds that "they infringe upon a woman's right to privacy and to control her own body." The organizers of the suit, Wayne State S University Women's Liberation, are seek- ing women to join their list of plaintiffs. The organizers of the action claim that the suit, "is a way of abolishing all abor- tion laws instead of having to rely on male legislators." Meanwhile, a House committee chair- man who controls the Michigan Legisla- ture's controversial abortion reform bill has announced a committee vote soon on whether to put the issue before the House this fall. Rep. David S. Holmes Jr., Social Serv- ices and Corrections Committee chairman, said late Thursday he will call for a vote July 13 on the Senate-passed bill. The measure would allow any Michigan woman, resident of the state for at least 90 days, to have an abortion for any reason within the first three months of pregnancy. Holmes, who earlier opposed committee action on the issue, said in a statement that "abortion reform is of such magni- tude that it is deserving of a full floor debate." In related remarks made on the floor, the 12-year veteran Detroit Democrat said the crush of work in his committee now is past, allowing more time for the ' issue, Holmes' statements and those of House Speakter William A. Ryan coming from men who have been considered e princi- pal opponents of the bill gave the impres- sion that an affirmative committee vote might be expected, Ryan referred to the scheduled action as "bringing it out." Holmes announced he would schedule a vote at the same time on a Senate bill to impose a one-year residency requirement on welfare applications, Atty. Gen Frank J. Kelley ruled the measure, similar to a recent New York law, to be unconstitu- tional. But Ryan said Senate Appropriations Committee Charles 0. Zollar R-Benton Harbor, the residency sponsor, was "ru- mored" to be "withholding" a bill to ex- tend further financial support for Wayne * Community College in Detroit. Ryan said Zollar was understood willing to trade the two issues. - L-b~i ia A~ikswu ra ca Mourning dead colleagues American astronaut Thomas Stafford, flanked by two Soviet cosmonauts, Andri Nikolaev and Georgi Beregovoi, attends the funeral services in Moscow yesterday for the trio of Soyua XI cosmonauts who died during re-entry early Wednesday morn- ing after their space-endurance record-breaking flight. Stafford represented Presi- dent Nixon at the funeral. Search committee seeks Dean Spurr's successor Pot-liquor linkage is suspected By JONATHAN MILLER A study of marijuana conducted by a University pharmacologist indicates that, as some pot users say, drugs and alcohol don't mix. Pharmacology Prof. Edward Domino says he has discovered "some evidence" to suggest a "cross-tolerance" between marijuana and alcohol, meaning that the habitual use of one of the two intoxicants may diminish the ability of the other to produce an effect. Domino, who has been conducting re- search on marijuana for 17 years, reports on this and other findings in the current issue of the University's Medical Center Journal. Saying the cannabis plant, from which marijuana is derived, "it not a narcotic but an intoxicant," Domino writes that "there is no proven cause-effect correla- tion with narcotic use," as well as "no known physical abstinence syndrome." However, he does note indications that marijuana smoking, like tobacco smoking, might lead to cancer. Since "almost all products of combus- tion contain carcinogenic compounds, it seems highly probable that the same will be shown for marijuana smoke and tar," according to "preliminary animal evi- dence" cited in the article, Writing beneath the heading of "Mari- juana: Fact vs. Fiction," Domino says, "Contrary to widespread opinion, toler- ance does occur to large amounts of Delta 9 THC," named in te atile as the maor active ingredient in marijuana. Such tolerance does not lead to addic- tion t marijuana, Domino writes, nor t a cross tolerance t LSD. However, h says, an LSD flashback can be precipitated by marijuana smoking "through an un- known psychological mechanism." Domino points out that "street mari- juana varies widely in the amount of active resin," warning that "street preparations can be 'laced' with other chemicals so the user is unaware of what he is really get- ting." Despite the dangers; Domino is op- posed to the present penalties for use and possession of marijuana. "I object to Senator Hart's boy having to go to jail for possessing a roach so small that couldn't even have got him high," Domino says. Roek 'n Roll cancelled for this weekend The loss of the use of Gallup park by the Community Park Program has forced the cancellation of this Suday's free con- cert, organizers reported this week. The city had previously agreed to relo- cate Sunday's concert after complaints from Concordia Lutheran Junior College that the noise would interfere with a pro- gram they had scheduled for the same date. An alternative site proposed by the city was rejected by the sponsors of the con- certs as "unacceptable," however. The site, next to Huron High School, lacks sufficient grass or shade trees they said. Although the rock concert is scheduled to return to Gallup Park next week, plans to renovate the site have cast doubt upon where further concerts will be held. The city has announced that within a few weeks work will begin on repairing damage done in the area durin: the spring 1970 flood. By BETH OBERFELDER The search for a dean to replace Stephen Spurr, who has left his posts of dean of the graduate school and vice-president of the University to take office as President of the University of Texas, has narrowed to a field of about 15 candidates. The two students and nine faculty mem- bers on the search committee have already sifted their way through a list of over 140 candidates in their quest for an "ambassa- dor for scholarship, both outside and inside the University. Search committee chairman. Psycholo- 165,000 IN A YEAR: N.Y. Reports on abortion NEW YORK (A') - Nearly 165,000 abortions - more than half of them on out-of-state women - were per- formed in New York City during t h e first year of the state's liberalized abor- tion law, officials said this week. The total - based on estimated from collected doctors' reports - was well above the 120,000 predicted by city of- ficials when the law went into effect last July 1, but well below estimates by some opponents of the law who had said as many as 500,000 women might apply. More came from out of state than ex- pected, including 1,518 from other coun- tries during the first nine months of the liberalized law. Every state was re- presented. At a news conference, City Health Services Commissioner Gordon Chase said the city accounted for the "lion's share" of abortions performed in the state. "Nevertheless, the catastrophe many foresaw a year ago failed to material- ize," he said. "We have been able to serve our residents as well as substan- tial numbers of out-of-state women, and, most importantly, we are serving wom- en safely." The death rate, he said, was 5.3 per 100,000, compared to rates of 17 per 100,- 000 in Great Britain during the first year of its abortion law, or 40 per 100,- 000 in Scandinavia. In addition, Chase said, the rate of reported complications has steadily de- clined. Chase also said there is evidence that the abortion law is having a favorable effect on maternal mortality and the number of out-of-wedlock births. The law is too new for conclusive statistics, he said, but he cited these trends:, -Maternal mortality during October- March was down to 2.6 per 100,000 live births, an all-time low and less than half that for the same period the previous year. See ABORTION, Page 10 gy Prof. Wilbert McKeachie, says the dean should fulfil three major qualifica- tions: ,,diplomacy, policy determinations and administration. Primarily, McKeachie believes, the dean should be a diplomat from a political and interpersonal viewpoint, as he or she will work with many different individuals. As University president Robben Flem- ing put it in a letter to the search com- mittee; the new dean must have the force- fulness to ensure adequate representation of the graduate school in competition with- in the University for funds. Secondly, McKeachie says, "the new dean must be a leader in graduate edu- cation" to ensure the University's contin- ued high ranking amongst the nations graduate schools. Thirdly, the new dean must be as ad- ministratr. A capacity for crisis manage- ment-such as in cases involving graduate student demands for stipends, is neces- sary, he says. President Fleming will receive the com- mittee's report with the names of four to seven acceptable candidates before the end of this month, from which he and the regents will select the new dean. Whomever the dean is to be, the job will not be the same as it was when Spurr held the position. The tasks of overseeing the University's Flint and Dearborn campuses have be- fallen those campuses new chancellors, and the new dean of the graduate school will no longer also hold vice-presidential status. Stars & Stripes Dept. The Daily wishes to acknowledge that there has been a misunderstand- ing. A Daily editor, encouraging his staff to "Go forth," was misunderstood as telling them to "Go Fourth." So we are-going for the Fourth of July, and will be back for business as usual with a paper Wednesday morning.