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July 03, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-03

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 39-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 3, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Food co-ops: Feeding the counter culture

The growth of two food cooperatives estab-
lished this year has testified to a heightening
desire by students and the community to have an
alternative to paying high prices for food felt
to be unhealthy.
The two groups, one of which specializes in
organically grown foods, the other produce; both
claim as their major attraction lower prices and
an alternative to supermarket processed, pack-
aged and preprepared foods.
The organic food cooperative was formed in
the spring as an outgrowth of a commercial
organic food store.
When the owner of the store left town, coop
organizers say, a group of people interested in
organic foods joined together to form a cooper-
ative organization to maintain a source of or-
ganic food in the city.
The produce coop operated by the Rainbow

People's Party, on the other hand, has since its
inception this winter, been a community service
In both cases, however, the structure of the
groups is similar.
Coop members volunteer their services to the
group "at cost".
Decisions on buying and general coop policy
are made by regular membership meetings.
In the case of the Rainbow People, coop mem-
bers go on weekly shopping expeditions to the
large farmer's market in Detroit to fill their
Customers pay four dollars a week and re-
ceive in return two grocery bags of fresh pro-
duce selected by coop members.
The organic coop operates on the more tra-
ditional store front basis in which an inventory
is kept in stock.
See FOOD, Page 10

-Daily--Jim Judis

My beautiful, my beautiful balloon...
It was a fine day in, over and around Ann Arbor yesterday, and what better way to spend such a day
than gently wafting over the countryside in the basket of a balloon?
'U-' student may testify
to HISC investigation

Viet war study
tells of faulty
U.S. planning
NEW YORK (M - The New York Times summary of
the Pentagon Papers reported yesterday that Gen. William
C. Westmoreland's estimates of the troops he needed in
Vietnam more than tripled between June 1965 and June
1966 because the enemy's ability was "consistently under-
In the sixth of its articles on the massive Pentagon
study of American participation in the war until 1968,
The Times said U.S. military commanders in 1965-66 were
confident of victory and Westmoreland, commander of all
U.S. forces in Vietnam, predicted he could defeat the Com-
munists "by the end of
1967' Pentagon study, the LBJ noli
Times reported, said that, "The ,/
documents from the period
around July 1965 seem to in-
dicate (General Westmoreland)
had not given much thought to
what he was going to do in the
year or years after 1965." [e oantR usk
Weatmoreland's troop re-
quests increased steadily, from ny The Asscited Press
a ttal of 175,000 men in June Former Secretary of S t a
1965, to 275,000 that July, to Dean Rusk said today that con-
443,eee in December and then trary to what the once secret
to 542,000m the fllowing June. Pentagon papers say, President
The newspaper*said"neither Lyndon B. Johnson had "no
Westmoreland's troop requests plans to bomb North Vietnam
nor President's Johnson's during the 1964 presidential
speedy approval, of all but the campaign."
last were made public. The secretary of state under
On Feb. 26, 1966, a month Johnson, now a professor of law
after the general asked Wash- at the University of Georgia,
ington to increase troop said that people "ought to read
strength from 235,000 to 459,- all that he (Johnson) said dur-
000, Johnson told a news con- ing the campaign. He had no
ference: "We do not have on plans to bomb North Vietnam
my desk at the moment any during the campaign, although
unfilled requests from Ge n. there were people on the staff
Westmoreland." who were working out all sorts
"Meanwhile, the Johnson ad- of contingencies, but these were
ministration's continual expan- not President Johnson's plans.
sion of the air war against Rusk said in the interview
North Vietnam was based on a that he was surprised at the
"colossal misjudgement" about length of the Vietnam conflict.
the bombing's effect of Hanoi's "I personally underestimated
will and capabilities," The the tenacity of the North Viet-
Times summary said. namese," Rusk said.
It reported that the Penta- As to whether he believes pub-
gon Papers showed the John- lication of the reports might
son administration decided in cause harm to the American
1966 to bomb Hanoi's oil stor- people, Rusk said, "Actually 99
age facilities despite warnings per cent of the story has been
from the Central Intelligence public all along."
Agency that the raids would not In current Vietnam develop-
"cripple Communist military ments, the Pentagon has ad-
operations." vised President Nixon to speed
Instead, the Pentagon an- up the withdrawal of U.S. forces
alysts wrote, Washington ap- from South Vietnam, the Los
parently accepted the mili- Angeles Times said Friday.
tary's estimate that the bomb- The Joint Chiefs of Staff feel
ing would "bring the enemy to the troops are not needed mili-
the conference table or cause tarily there and want them home
the insurgency to wither from so the Army can begin in earn-
lack of support." est to restore discipline' and
See PENTAGON, Page 10 See PAPERS, Page 10

Student Government Council
(SGC) member Brad Taylor
said last night he may be sub-
poenaed to testify before the
House Internal Security Com-
mittee regarding national peace
groups involved in anti-war ac-
tivities in Washington, D.C. last
Taylor, a member of Young
Americans for Freedom (YAF)
has already voluntarily given
preliminary testimony to staff,
members of Republican mem-
bers of the committee, formerly
known as the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities committee.
On the inside...
Photos: A trip
to the museum ......... P. 2
Editorials .............. P. 4
Classified Ads P........P. 8
Sports ..........P. 11, 12

Ta y lo r ' s preliminary testi-
mony appears to have centered
around the activities of the Peo-
ple's Peace Treaty Conference
held in Ann Arbor the last week
of February.
RISC is currently investigat-
ing the National Peace Action
Coalition (NPAC) and the Peo-
ple's Coalition for Peace and
Justice (PCPJ) - two of the
gro ups which organized the
Mayday activities and the Apn
Arbor conference.
Taylor told The Daily in an
interview that he covered the
People's Peace Treaty confer-
ence for the Campus News Ser-
vice, a national news service or-
ganized by the Republican Na-
During preliminary hearings,
according to Taylor, he told the
minority committee staff mem-
bers his impressions of the con-
He declined to elaborate fur-

ther on his discussion except to
say that they did not discuss
the Capitol bombings-in con-
nection with which dozens of
radicals have recently been sub-
poenaed to testify before grand
juries in five cities.
Taylor's testimony before the
full committee was postponed
due to committee adjournment.
It is uncertain when the com-
mittee will reconvene,
"If I am subpoenaed," Taylor
said, "I will testify. You won't
find me burning the subpoena
on the courthouse steps."
A HISC official refused this
week to supply any information
about the reasons for the ad-
journment or the possibility of
Ta y 1 or testifying, when con-
tacted by a member of The
Daily's Washington staff.
The staff member said she
"did not know" when the hear-
ings by the committee would

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