Page Teni
Friday, July 2, 1971
Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 2, 1971
State budget still unapproved
New pot law still unused
iContinued from Pase 3
the new year's budget-which
will probably slightly surpass
the almost $2 billion asked for by
Governor William Milliken.
Yesterday, the Senate passed
22 to 15 a compromise bill to hike
-the state's 2.6 per cent personal
income tax to 3.6 er cent Aug. 1.
Budget writers have been
counting on the tax hike to bring
in an additional $250 million to-
ward supporting the 1971-72
spending level.
The rate would all back to 2.6
per cent Aug. 1, 1972 if voters
were not given a charce to de-
cide on property tax relief or a
graduated income tai. The bill
also raises the corporate income
tax from 5.6 per cent to 7.8 and
the financial institutions tax
from 7 to 10 per cent.
The bill now goes to the House,
where a similar bill, without the
contingency provision on stat°-
wide votes, was soundly
trounced 28 to 4 last week.
At that time, Republican lead-
ers indicated they wanted the
income tax increase to be
coupled with a 16 mill limit on
local property taxes. The Demo-
crats sought property tax relief
also, but wanted that question
tied to a graduated income tai.
The compromise measure was
apparently helped through by
Milliken who sent the Senate a
note saying the measure was vital
to meet the state's budget situ
Earlier yesterday, Milliken
publicly announced he had given
up on a long-stated hope that
Michigan would have no tax ia-
creases this year. An assistant
in the Governor's budget bureau..
Offensive raises new doubts,
(Continued from Page 3) thrust into Laos in February and
that there were actually about March was primarily responsible
6,000 fewer Communist troops for what they termed the
in the area at the same time of enemy's weakened position in
year two years ago. the northern region.
The Communist troops, they The movement of NVA units
added, have not managed to get through the DMZ has political
as far in their current campaign as well as military implications.
as they have in previous ones One of the conditions of the re-
in that area. ported "understanding" reached
The generals argued that last with Hanoi at the time of the
week's heavy fighting around bombing halt of November, 5968.
Fire Base Fuller and the string was that North Vietnam would
of lesser U.S. and allied forces not violate the 40-mile long six-
within five miles of tho DMZ mile wide zone.
was an indication of how little Since then, small groups of
the Communists were able to C o mm u n i s t s have moved
advance into South Vietnam be- through the DMZ but most large
fore coming up against the units have moved from the
allies. North into Laos and then into
Their reports appear to coun- South Vietnam.
ter those of American nilitary Washington officials in recent
sources who say that infiltration months have threatened to re-
throughout the DMZ and at- sume bombing strikes against
tacks in the area are on the the North if any large movement
largest scale since 1968. of NVA troops across the zone
The two generals asserted occurred.
tIs a t the South Vietnamese To some observers, the stage
is set in the northern provinces
for a test of the ability of the
H anoi reaction South Vietnamese to withstand
determied Communist assaults.
as the last American outfit in
cite in papers the area prepares to leave withm
the next few weeks.
{Continued frome Pase 6) - -
shipment practices 'we tinsti-
In eWashington Such men as De- NEWSPAPERS
fense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara were talking of pouring
in more reinforcements - "per-
baps 600,000 men or more" he
wrote on Dec. 7. 1965 - to hold Friend of the
the line.
McNamara was quoted as es- CO N S U M E R S
tittating that if the level of con-
flict were to continue rising in
proportion to the increased U.S.
effort then "U.S. killed in action.
with the recommended deploy-
ments, can be expected to reach
1,000 a month."
Daily Official Bulletin
Day Calendar
Spring Film Festival: "Joe " Aud. A,
Angell Hall, 7, 9. 11 p.m
International folk Dance: Barbour
oy, 8-ti p.m. R
1his N.5O
however, told The Daily three
weeks ago that the Governor's
original budget request in Febru-
ary was based on the anticipation
of "at least a one per cent hike'
in state income tax.
The governor said final figures
are not yet available en the out-
come of the 1970-71 fiscal year-
which some observers nave esti-
mated may have racked tip a
deficit of up to 48 million.
Milliken, also said he was ;s-
suing an order to hold down de-
partmental hiring, purchasing
and travel expenditures--siilar
to action he took three weeks ago
for the remainder of the just-
ended fiscal year.
The confusion on luxation con-
tinues to pose problems for the
House and Senate appropriations
committees who are working on
budget bills for the new fiscal
year - including the Higher Ed-
ucation Bill, which includes the
University's appropriation from
the state.
Obviously, without some idea
of what the state's incom^ will be
during the current year, toe com-
mittees can't set ;he level of
state expenditures.
After five-and-one-half months
of legislative sess'ons, lie in-
ability of the lawimiakers to set
the state's budget for the fiscal
year has brought. charges of
"politicking" and poor leadership
from both parties.
In, a rash of abS,'ontee-
ism and sickness has furthe
contributed to the breakdovrn.
For example. last Friday wlwen
the Senate defeated a bill to rais'
the State income ta-" six of r8
senators were ausent
Wanimt Ad
(Continued from page i1
the city ordinance, but would dis-
cuss the situation with City Ad-
ministrator Guy Larcom.
Harris held that the complete
absence of such prosecutions did
nothing to undercut his statement
in March that the passing of he
ordinance would bring pressure
to bear on the legislature to les-
sen state penalties for possession
of marijuana. Public sentiment
in favor of the law and the fact
that its proponents did not com-
mit political suicide by support-
ing it are factors which have an
effect on the state legislature,
he said.
The Mayor felt he could not
force County Prosecutor William
Delhey to turn all cases concern-
ing possession of marijuana over
to City Attorney Jerold Lax with-
out endangering long-term rela-
tionships between city and coun-
ty law enforcement officials.
The city ordinance was passed
after it was specifically recom-
mended by a Mayor's Blue Rib-
bon Commission on Drug Abuse.
The law, originally aimed at
lessening the penalties for first
offense possessions of small
amounts of marijuana, was the
subject of dispute over how it
would be put into effect. At that
time, County Prosecutor Delhey
said that he had "no intention"
of referring any marijuana cases
to the city attorney's office for
prosecution under city law
The county prosecutor is not
empowered under the law to pro-
secute defendants for violation
of city law, but may refer cases
to the city attorney.
At the time of he law's enact-
ment, there was some discussion
that there would be a meeting
of all the officials involved in or-
der to decide when to prosecute
under which law, but apparently
no such meeting was ever held.
Lonely and blue?
Nothin'to do?
Be a sWinger listen to radio
Wave fun! Be lively!
7-UP TheUncola,. sez:
Listen to the
\ on NBC (Bona.orNBa) Monitor
I nday p4,rtaid
SaturdayJuly3, 7lol pme
/I *Eastern5tandardTime
\\ \N0 /
Folk Dancing!
every Fri. evening 8-11
teaching 8-9
B rba r ymusium
(comer of E, University and
N. University, some building
as Waterman Gym)
Intermediate a n d Ad-
vanced group meets Tues-
day evening, 7:30-10:00,
in Barbour.
"a fullness and
sensitivity equal,
to anyone singing
folk music today."
141Hill STREET
closed all day Saturday
through August 7
Jacobson's will be closed all day Saturday, July 3, 10, 17, 23, 31, August '7
9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
I "
- ~ U - I