Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 7, 1971 LEGALITY QUESTIONED: 3,000 protest in Boston D.C. arrests spark outburst of protest as demonstrations taper outburst o protest ..-. The A-ss.o.e.lsied .Press=a I'" A-L 4 V (Continued from Page 1) as well as filling out a form describing the conditions of the arrest and the charge. The field arrest procedure has been used in Washington for the past three years, and after Monday's sus- pension it was in effect again Tuesday. Sanitary and health condi- tions in the jails and detention centers have come under attack from the D.C. Public Health As- sociation, which charged Wed- nesday that an epidemic threat- ened the prisoners. In precinct lockups and the holding cells at police headquarters, ten to twenty prisoners were placed in cells five feet by eight feet. Most cells held about thirteen prisoners and were hot and hu- mid with poor ventilation. Almost 2,000 prisoners were held at the Redskin practice field without sanitary facilities of any kind for several hours Monday. Portable toilets w e r e later brought in and these pri- soners were eventually trans- ferred to the Washington Coli- seum. Prisoners were also heldrin the exercise yard of the District Jail and in cell blocks of vari- ious courts in the city. Conditions under which the prisoners are released have caused considerable confusion. Most of those arrested Monday were released upon payment of $10 collateral, indicating that a court date is set for a hearing, but, if the defendant does not appear in court, he automatical- ly pleads guilty and is fined the amount of his collateral. Bail, on the other hand, is a guar- antee that the defendant-w ill appear in court, and if he does not, a bench warrant can be issued for his arrest. Collateral is paid at the police station at the option of the police, while bail is set by a judge at an ar- raignment. Police said early Monday they would not allow prisoners to be released on collateral, and then began sending those arrested to Washington Superior Court to be arraigned. However, later in the day, police began to release prisoners on $10 collateral. Tuesday, police again refused to release prisoners on collat- eral. Bail set by judges in the Superior Court was generally $250 and prisoners were freed upon payment of 10 per cent of that amount. The source for Monday's de- cision to make arrests is not clear. The Washington Post Wednesday reported that a high source in the Justice Depart- ment said the Justice Depart- ment in close cooperation with the White House, had directed police handling of the disturb- ances. However, Washington Police Chief Jerry Wilson later denied the Justice Department had anything to do with police ac- tions. "I made all tactical de- cisions relating to the recent disorders," Wilson said. Although most of those ar- rested quietly submitted to pro- cessing which involved finger: printing and photographing, sev- eral hundred refused to be pro- cessed. They said they did not want police records which could follow them through their lives and possibly be turned over to the FBI. Two Superior Court judges Wednesday dismissed charges against 382 protesters who had refused processing. The judges said the police had insufficient evidence to link the demonstrat- ors to any particular crime. Superior Court Judge Harold Greene had earlier ordered the immediate release of all prison- ers for whom the government could not produce specific evi- dence of criminal behavior. Greene's ruling was immediate- ly appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals which upheld his de- cision. DEMONSTRATORS jam Boston Common Wednesday in protest of American involvement in Southeast Asia. MAYDAY LEADERS: U.S. may1ie charges By The A ssociated Press Police yesterday arrested at least 100 persons during an anti-war sit-in in Boston during a day otherwise marked by waning of dem- onstrations against the In- dochina war around the na- tion. The sit-in lasted more than seven hours outside the John F. Kennedy federal building. Be- tween 2,000 and 4,000 marchers came from a Boston Common gathering with the announced intention of stopping the build- ing's operation by preventing its 4,200 employes from entering. The group surrounded the building at about 8 a.m., trap- ping the some 700 police guard- ing it between the building and the line of protesters. Police then proceeded to break out of the encirclement, clear- ing a passage so that federal workers could enter the build- ing. At 11 a.m. demonstrators blocking building entrances were attacked by police units wield- ing clubs and using chemical m a c e . Several demonstrators were injured. During the demonstration a group of between 30 and 40 federal workers marched around the building expressing support for the demonstrators. Police at the University of Illinois said they arrested 30 persons for failing to leave a lobby where they conducted a sit-in in protest against re- cruiters on campus. At the Wayne State Univer- sity campus in Detroit, about 350 persons gathered for an an- ti-war rally. A handful of demonstrators remained in front of ROTC headquarters at Kent State Uni- versity in Kent, Ohio. The build- ing was open after being closed during most of a four-day me- morial observance for the deaths a year ago of four students in a confrontation with Ohio Na- tional Guardsmen. (Continued from Page 1) Court Judge Harold Greene to or- der those balking at processing to accept the processing or face contempt of court charges. The estimated bulk of the Mayday demonstrators had left the city by yesterday, many in- dicating they would organize local demonstrations against the war. D a v i s said yesterday the w e e k 's demonstrations h a d proved that "people could mount a major national action, survive repression, and still feel com- pelled to mount another action." Mayday leaders said they would meet this week to plan a national conference to discuss further action to implement the People's Peace Treaty, which demands immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from Indochina. It was negotiated last fall be- tween U.S. and Vietnamese stu- dents. The conference, to be held late in June at a mid-west col- lege, would, according to May- day spokesmen, organize further tactics to develop publicity for the Treaty. "We are committed to non- violence," Davis said yesterday, "and hope that non-violence continues to be the method of pursuing the adoption of 'he Treaty." "We are not going to be stop- ped," Froines added. "If the government has not stopped the war, we are going to continue to stop the government Meanwhile the Rev. Carl Mc- Intire made plans for his "Pa- triots March for Victory" to- morrow, billing it as "our asi- swer to Haiphong's hippie har- anguers." A DISCOUNT SERIES SALE MENDELSSOHN LOBBY MON.-FRI. 12-4 P.M. WANTED: College men and women for man- agement positions in government. Must meet physical requirements. Financial aid available for in- college trainees, or applicants can enroll in special training course on graduation. Stateside and/or overseas travel guaranteed. Here's a government position with a lege, you can get your commission real future for both men and women. through the Air Force Officer Train- An officer's job in the Air Force. A ing Program. It is open to all college management level job in anybody's grads, both men and women, who book. Certainly, there's no better qualify. way to get the experience and train- Check it out. 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