page three £ r n t1
Sunny and pleasant;
normalcy finally restored
Friday, July 2, 1971
News Phone: 764-0552
State budget, taxes still unresolved
While University officials impatiently
await the final figures on appropriations
from the state, the State Legislature has
not even managed to provide the state
with a working budget for the 1971-72
fiscal year which began yesterday.
In addition, the state's lawmakers are
still groping for adequate tax revenues
to cover anticipated expenditures for the
new year.
Tuesday, the Senate whipped thiough
an emergency spending bill calling for
continued expenditures not exceeding the
level of those made in June. The bill spe-
cifically excluded scheduled pay raises
averaging 8.1 per cent for 47,000 state
civil service workers.
But the House is not expected to pass
the emergency bill until next week when
it returns after a recess for the Fourth
of July weekend.
Technically: this means that although
the state treasury has money, no one is
authorized to spend it.
State Treasurer Allison Green said
yesterday, "There's a state payroll due
July 1 and it is in the mails now for
work done prior to the new liscal year--
so that is no problem.
"The next school aid payment is not
due until Aug. 1, so no probleni. But the
next state payroll due July 15 will cover
work done in the new fiscal year, so by
about July 8 somebody has to tell me
"For instance, it takes about a week
to prepare a payroll and I need to know
if I include in it the new 8.1 per cent
pay raise I am supposed to without a
legislative appropriation covering it,"
Green said.
Adding to the problems time officially
ran out Wednesday on a 1970 bill which
reduced credits allowed to taxpayers
against their state income taxes. Unless
action is taken, the state would be de-
prived of about $92 million dollars in
annual revenues.
Meanwhile, the state's lawmakers con-
tinue to search for new tax revenue that
will provide the state with funds to cover
See STATE. age 10
Gav. iMilliken
dspite Laos drive
Reports of the North Vtet-
tnamese t r o o p huildup in
South Vietnam just below
the r e m i1i t a r i z e zone
(DMZ), w h c h American
military souices say is the
largest in that aiea in three
years have Naised doubts as
to the success of the contio-
versie American-supported
S o u t h Vietnamese assault
against Comrunist supply
lines 11 Laos in Fehruaiy
and March.
Military spokesiet say that
three reginsts of the North
Vietiimese Army (NVA total-
lute about 6,000 mset havt' tutu-
trated across the supposedly
rlnestts DMZ since May 1 ard
have 1 a rn c hi e d si otteisivr
lhose objectives, in addition to
}J OU) OC capture of the lowlands, appears
I tu Prsidnt pir Agnw ystedayshaes hodswit Jaaii to be to disrupt South Vietnam's
upcoming Nationai Assembly
ese Prime Minister Etisaku Sato 'at the .inasuguration ol South sind presidential eiectiois in
Korean President Chung Bee Park in Soiilg Augst and October.
T h e American - supported Asca
LwCA E South Vietnamese invasion o
i*iperrJ Laos earlier this year cas de- , (11(1 (I gY
signed chiefly to preveiit North
* Vietnamese offensives in the About $70,080 worth of confiscated drugs from heriiin to mu
e anorthern military r e g i n of yesterday goes up in smoke outside Saigon's city hall. Th
South Vietnam. were seized during recent raids by the Saigon regime, w
eseBut military sources say the beefing up its narcotics enforcement.
ta Pinfiltration of NVA troops across
on 1 -year-oldvoe t**heM hs cntbtc"ed""to one, ANI TWIN WIR K E RS
munist attacks in the northern-
By JONATHAN MILLER most Quantri Piovince since the
"Yes I think the 11 to 21-year-old vote will make a difference, height of the 1968 battles there.
but I'm not going to vote because to vote would mean participating Military sources also say that S r l e j t ~ t o
h c ." the new troop movements have
in "ssmwi crc.brought the estimated total of By ZACHARY SCHILLER and the city continued
So said freshman student Dwight Moore yesterday afternoon, Communist forces in the pry- and CHRIS PARKS am. yesterday but cha
just a half day after he, and approximately 20 million companions Ince to about 10,000-far above shIpy that a settlement
in the 11-21 year age group, were given the right to vote in all the level at the time of the An estimated 1,400 sanitation reached in the near futt
elections; local, state and federal, Laotian invasion, workers of Detroit's American The city and the u
Federation of State, County and main far apart on the
Moore, from Detroit, said that his vote "woulldn't count" even However, the tone of remarks Municipal mployes (AFSCMEI request for a 15 per cc
if he bothered to cast it. but his arguments were fiercely disputed made Tuesday by the two South formed picket lines at various increase. The city's lat
by other freshmen. Vietnamese generals in charge places around the city following is reported to be arount
of blocking NVA advances across Wednesday night's walkout. cet alhog th reeg
"What do I think of the vote, I'll show you what I think of it, the DMZ, takes a different view. - he remained phivate
said one freshman as he extracted a month-old New York state Maj. Gen. Phate Van Pho and cons Auion Cmeng Wedeay Dhe tro itd orinaie
voter registration certIficate from his wallet. his deputy, Brig. Gen. Vu Van isrcesn worern vedne als aS aet arays cofa
' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i whush akr hatld days aftid he, an appoxmssl 20mlincmpnos iconfbu 000-a bv lxpta etee
"Of course it will make a difference, in both local and national Gial, who led the bulk of South unanimously to strike, rejecting terday that city attor
elections," the student continned, "and I look forward to voting for Vetnamese troops in the cam- an agreement signed earlier by preparing papers for an
the best man, or woman, in the 72 presidential election." union president Cornelius Mud- tion in case he feels it
Tooghs from et aot sd tt is vte "or lnt cnoun g supply network in Laos, argued son promising the union would sary. Me also said t
TeSee OFFENSIVE, Page continue to work without a cot- Heslth Department
people's thoughts yesterday. One Northern Michigan University tract. keeping a close watch
S student, visiting Ann Arbor for the summer, said he was delighted The ii Oae iv, ted ed and man The sanitation workers, mem- ditions in the city, and
with the ratification othehe constitutional amendment yesterday and Micehtsa. News phene: 704-0152. Second hers of local 26, were joined lt judge the situation asd
predicted voting at the earliest opportunity, "for politicians who tlass postage paid at Ann Arbor, Miei- in the day by the building at- hazard, an injunction
don't make all kinds of big promises that they can't carry out" g 4 nard ee Ann Aro tendants of APSCME local 1220, sought.
A freshman woman, interviewed outside the freshman-sopho- day tcougb Sunday mraant Uniuer- who refused to cross picket lines When questioned ab
more counselling office yesterday, felt the amendent would have sity year. Subsoption rates: $11 by at the City-County Building and possibility of calling in
harrier, $10 by mali. the Frank Murphy Ball of Jus- tional Guard to break e
pofou eft onll the a lievel: e Summer Session published Toesday tice in sympathy with the Gribbs would only say
Take school board elections," she began, "who knows more trog Saturday morog. Subncis- strike, b e ie ing sera
about how well the schools are functioning than their students?" a ion rates. $5 by carrier, $5 by mail. Negotiations between local 26 Ies with G Willi I
itedI Press
e drugs
hich is
it ,
at 9:30
nces are
will be
nion re-
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est offer
d 4 9 per
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nee yes-
neys axe
is neces-
hat the
will be
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if they
a health
will be
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the Na-
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