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July 01, 1971 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-01

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Thursday, July 1, 1971


Page Seven.


Thursay, uly ,197 THEMICHGAN AILYPageSeve

War disclosures continue after
lifting of ban on pentagon study

-Associated Press
SEN. MIKE GRAVEL reads from secret Pentagon papers yes-
terday. Gravel faces possible sanctions by the Senate for disclos-
ing the material in the documents to the press.
High court rules in
favor o Times, Post
(Continued from page 1) his colleagues evidentally 'are
Justices Hugo Black, William O. willing to permit restraints.
Douglas, William J. Brennan Jr. "The word 'security' is a
and Thurgood Marshall. Siding broad, vague generality whose
with the government, as they contours should not be invoked
did last week, were Chief Jus- to abrogate the fundamental
tice Warren E. Burger and Jus- law embodied in the First
i tices John M. Harlan and Harry Amendment," Black wrote.
A. Blackmun. Douglas concurred and, an
The government had argued opinion in which Black joined,
unfettered publication c o u l d he wrote: "Secrecy in govern-
prolong the Vietnam war, delay ment is fundamentally anti-
the release of American prison- democratic, pertpertuating the
ers, harm the Strategic Arms bureaucratic errors. Open debate
Limitation Talks and upset Mid- and discussion of public issues
dle East relations. are vital to our national health."
None of the opinions of the Marshall said the government
nine justices referred specifically was asking the court to make
to these arguments although laws to prohibit newspapers
Stewart said he agreed with the from publishing classified ma-
government that publication of terial. He said the court has no
some of the secret documents such power.
wsome notf the cretdocnts The three dissenting justices
was not "in the national in- said the court had acted too
terest. hastily in reaching their deci-
Black, Douglas, Brennan and sion.
Marshall concluded the First Burger said the court had act-
Amendment, by its very word- ed in such "frenetic haste" that
ing, barred restraints on the two "we literally do not know what
newspapers. Stewart and White we are acting on." He suggested
said that since there was no law The Times, which had the docu-
authorizing the restraints, they, ments in its "unauthorized pos-
too, supported the newspapers, session" for three to four months
In voting with the majority, should have been willing to go
White and Stewart said their along with further delay so that
votes did not mean "that in no the issues could have been de-
circumstances would the First cided in a "judicial atmosphere
Amendment permit an injunc- conducive to thoughtful reflec-
tion against publishing informa- tive deliberation."
tion about government plans or Harlan said -the court "had
operations." been almost irresponsibly fever-
Justice Black, the senior mem- ish in dealing with these cases."
ber of the court who takes the Blackmun, the third dissenter,
view that freedom of press is said the cases should have been
absolute, said enjoining the pub- turned back to lower courts for
lication of news on any occasion the orderly presentation of evi-
"would make a shambles of the dence from both sides "free of
First Amendment." He said it pressure and panic and sensa-
was unfortunate that some of tionalism
I G P -k . -.rrr Sj

As the Supreme Court voted
yesterday to lift the ban on the
publication of secret Pentagon
documents by The New York
Times and The Washington Post,
new portions of the war study
continued to be disclosed in a
number of papers across the
Highlighting the continuing
developments were the following
- * Resuming publication of its
series, The Times said President
Kennedy transformed the "lim-
ited risk gamble" of the Eisen-
hower administration into a
"broad commitment" to prevent
Communist domination of South
The Post said both the Ken-
nedy and Johnson administrations
were afraid the United States
might be forcedout of Vietnam
without a victory by "pro-
French" factions in Saigon seek-
ing a neutralist peace.
The Christian Science Moni-
tor reported today that Pentagon
analysts concluded "it was the
British who held the door open
for the French to return to Viet-
nam at the end of World War II"
and who were instrumental in
"precipitating the first Indo-
china war out of which grew
the massive American involve-
ment . . ."
* Documents obtained by The
Associated Press showed that the
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff told
President Eisenhower in 1954
that aiding South Vietnam "was
a risk not worth the gamble."
* A restraining order against
the St. Louis Post Dispatch was
lifted and the paper resumed its
series on the Pentagon docu-
ments with an article saying Gen.
Earle N. Wheeler, then chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ar-
gued in 1968 against efforts to
curb American military action
in Vietnam.
As Sen. Mike Gravel released
more of the secret documents
yesterday to newsmen, these
points were also made public:
* The Pentagon papers dis-
closed early, high-level U.S. talks
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about using nuclear weapons in
the Vietnam war if Red Chinese
forces joined the fighting.
* The war study said that the
night before President Lyndon B.
Johnson announced cessation of
the bombing of North Vietnam in
his successful 1968 bid to get
peace talks started, the State De-
partment notified U.S. war allies
that the move probably would
. The Pentagon papers dis-
closed that former Secretary of

- ------ - ---- - - - -- - -
Mass Meeting
T-Group Projects
Information and sign-up meeting:
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Defense Robert S. McNamara, as
early as November 1961, raised
with President John F. Kennedy
the possibility of attacking North
In late 1963, the Kennedy ad-
ministration chose to encourage
or tacitly support the overthrow
of the South Vietnamese govern-
ment of President Ngo Dinh
Diem, his ouster being "one of
those critical events in the his-
tory of U.S. policy that could
have altered our commitment."

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