Wednesday, June 23, 197
Page Nine
For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557
Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
(Continued from Page 8) SUBLET FOR RENT PERSONAL
BIG. BEAUTIFUL house, 5 bedrooms, NEW FLIGHT OPENING 7/17-8/15. PAINTING JOBS DESIRED. 5 years ex-
HELP WANTED furnished, garage, washer-dryer, sub- Windsor/Lon/Windsor. $210. Cal1 perience. Free estimates. Reliable, ref
- - let July thru August, entire house Student International 769-5790. cF35 erences. Call 662-4736. FD
NEED SUMMER JOB? Must have life- or single rooms. 761-7504. 58U35 SALE AT SALVATION - 330 May- - -- - -- -
saving or WSI- 761-3940, 453-1300. nard - thru the Arcade. Rod Ste- ARTISTS! For info and registration for
36H35 MOST PEOPLE need houses but our wart's "Every Picture Tells A Story" the free Arts Fair, call 764-7416. 95F35
- - house needs people. Two separate costs $3.45, Carold King's "Tapestry"
GAL FOR occasional figure modeling, bedrooms open, July-Aug., $45 each is $3.59, Emerson, Lake & Pahner's TV RENTALS-Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Good pay, flexible hours. Write Daily -- take one or both. It's a place new "Tarkus" Is $3.69. Sale lasts thru Free delivery, service, and pick-up.
Box No. 12. 84H35 with character - bad character, per- Thursday. We also have Joni Mitch- Call Nejac, 662-5671. 60tc
haps, but at least there's character. ell's new "MAue" at $3.99. We've got YOU GET what you pay for.
NEED STUDENT to help care for in- Call 665-7295 or ask for Larry at 764- the best selection of funky music in Love, Tom and Harry
..valid (in wheelchair); living quart- 0562. dU35 town at the lowest prices and we're CFtc
ers provided. 662-4351. 85H37 open til 9 every weeknight. F35-
(1) GIRL TO SHARE modern 3-bed- -- --- -- "LSAT, ATGSB jnd GRE Board Exams."
MALE GRAD student, preferably in room. Own room. Near campus, Uni Creative Photogr hy Kaplan tutoring classes now being
psych or social work needed to litiv $50.00. Call 662-8292. 83U37 formed for June, July, and August
with retarded adult in return for - . WEDDINGS and portraits. Professional ams Cl 31 51-6077 collect.
room. Call 482-0820, Ann Quacken- OWN ROOM in apt. Friendly people! quality at student rates. Call David 14F4,
boss, weekdays. 86H38 July-Aug. 769-0227. 37U35 Loehr at 769-0053 for appointment to
see portfolio. cFtc PHOTOGRAPHY by Richard Lee, Inc.
BABYSITTER WANTED about 20 hrs/ MEN WOMEN sublet July & Aug. Near, - PHOTORAPHY bymRcad Lee, Inc
week with 15 month boy. Exper- campus, rent negotiable. 665-2187. RICHARD LEE . a photojournal- Editorial and Commercial. Fast and
fence and sense of humor desirable. 24035 ist . . . possessea exceptional ability Reliable Service. Call 761-9452. CFtc
Call 662-0592 eves. 88H35 in tihe sciences and the arts . ..' LANDLORD INHUMANE!
JUL Y OCCUPANCY. 1 bdrm apt. the U.S. Department of Justice cer- Adorable Tiger kitten - Free to good
MALE SUBJECTS wanted in P 5 yec h close to ramso. Irtblrt July and tilled! cF35 home. Call 761-6521. DF3S
experiments. Earn $1.50 in less than Aug. with option for fall. C all I I
1 hour. Call 764-0318, ask for Chai or 769-5433. 26U36 WE SELL the best and patch the rest.
walk into rm 207c, Perry Bldg. any Wave of the Future Waterbeds. 214 EUROPE $200
class time. 55H35 JULY & AUGUST. Own bedroom in E. Washington, 769-9020. cFtc When you want to go . . .
- ---- 3-man, 1 block from campus. Call -- - When you want to return.
TYPIST, technical. Half-time June 25- Bill at 761-7605 after 5:30 p.m. BARBER BILLIARDS BOWLING Call Students International 769-5790.
' Sept. 1. Hours flexible. American En- (avail. now if desired). 29U37 MICHIGAN UNION cF35
tomological Institute. Phone 662-8476. -- -- -- --- - --. OPEN DURING EXAMS & BREAK -
2H3f JULY-AUG. Mod. 2-man, 1-bdrm, air cF3
cond., parking space. 668-7733, 720 S.
UNDEHGHADS! Earn money for par- State. 27035 BRAGS FOR MEN
ticipating in psychological research. - __ - UM UNION BARBERS LLIA D S
Call Ron Cohen at 662-5129 after 5:00. SUBLET IIIb - 2 bdrm., 3-man, air FOR APP'T CALL 662-4431. B
73H35 rond. Price negotiable. 1326 Geddes, rF35
- - -- --- Apt. 1. 769-0311. 14U35
HOUSEWIVES earn extra income -eli-- 1 TEN IS
log tosmetico, hale fashions, mink CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA EU O E $I5 T B E irri
accessories. For further information, July and August. 521 Walnut St SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES
contact Mr. Chapman, 483-4675. 22H38 Modern, air, dishwasher, 2 bdrm., Turn. 3 5/3-6/6 Det/Am'/Det Departed
3-man apts. 668-6906. 761-2943, call p.m. 4 5/3-6/25 Det/Ams/Det Departed
BIKES AND SCOOTERS CUte 5 5/16-8/16 Det/Ams/Det Departed A l
AVAILABLE immediately-331 Cather- 6 6/25-9/1 Det/Ams/Det 5 seats
SUZUKI 350 '70. $500 firm. Call 761- ie Need girl own bedroom in I 6a 6/26-8/29 Det/Lon/Det 3 seats
4888 persistently. 74Z35 'bdr apt.r$5 Call 612943.n 7 7/2-8/17 Det/Ams/Det $209
_______ _____________________a __ 8/1-9/2 Det/Ama/Det Full
1969 SUZUKI 305, low mileage. $450. APARTMENTS AVAIL. for summer sub- SUMMER: NEW YORK DEPARTURES
& 662-5392. 76Z35 let. 737 Paekard. 761-0055. Summit 9 5/27-6/24 NY/Lon/NY Departed
- - - -aadAssociates utc 10 7/12-8/1 NY/Ams/NY $201
305 HONDA custom paint, extra stuff. A I pt
Really must see to appreciate. $350 PEonseALoour origia schede w
firm. 761-1677 after 6. 70Z37 PERSONALare offering the following additional
YAMAHA 100 Twin-Jet, excellent con- SINCE ALMOST all gers diamonds flights:
dition. $185, extras. 769-0227. 38Z35 come from Africa, a brand la bel 5a 6/20-7/23 Det/Amst/Lon/Det $219
for a ring mounting does not guar- '9a 6/9-8/14 NY/Lon/Ams/Det Dptd.
RALEIGH Record 10-speed bike. Good 11 7/8-9/5 NY/Ams/NY $209
condition. Cali 665-0205. 94Z35 a dhin the ring. Austin D i a- WORLD WIDE CHARTER Would You Like to Know
SUBLET m ond, 1209 S. Univ. 663-7151. K 211 South State Street
THOSE .WHO can teach, do; he who Ann Arbor, Michigan The Student Health Serv
l Ta&DROOM for 1-2 people in mod. couldn't, wrote plays. Shaw's plays Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" will be running this test
4-man, 2 bedroom apt. A/C. $501 are available in Penguin editions. 66-2-8747 Thursday, June 24 and
month. July-Aug. 769-3742. 75U36 Penguin Books at Little Professor Open only to U of M students, facul
Book Center. 369 N. Maple (Maple ty, staff and immediate families. 8:00 and 10:00 A.M. P
JULY-AUGUST sublet: 1 girl for 2- Village Shopping Center) 662-4110. 7Ftc 1 0:00 P.M. before you CO
man, central location, A/C, furnish- cF35
ed. Call Pat, 665-0452. 68U35 -- --- DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE with dou- drawn. Phone 764-8305 f
I NEED a travel pal for Europe June ble knit suits, sportscoats and slax
CLiAN, NEW, 2-man, close to Rack- 28 - August 28. Kathy, 769-2399. from Marty's, 310 5. State St. lF
LIGHT CARPENTRY, Redwood fences,
thle floors, painting and odd gobs.
Reliable. Call 662-4736. FD
Rh, $10 & $12 Rh negative only
Mon., Tues., Thurs. Fri. 9-4, Wed.
1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's
Michigan Community Blood Center
404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti
UM Union
Ba rbers
Call 662-4431
for appointmnt
Michigan Union
Open Regular Hours
During Exams
and Break
Your Fasting Blood Sugar?
ice Laboratory, Room 226
on Wednesday, June 23;
Friday, June 25 between
ome in to have your blood
for an appointment.
ham. 764=3065. Rent negotiable. 80U35
NEEDED - GIRL to sublet - 4 man
apt. immediately. Call 769-2518.
SUUMER - modern, A/C, 2-bdrm, bal-
conies, close to campus. 769-3217.
1ULY-AUGUST, 3-bdrm, A/C. Name
your price. 761-2556 persistently.
ROOM IN house on Packard at East
U. Cheap. 769-3874. 51U35
tion. Eff. apt. next to Dominick's on
Monroe St. 761-9522 mornings only
after 8:30 a.m. beginning Monday,
June 28. 41U36
2 BEDROOMS upstairs in nice old
house near Arb, kitchen d o w n-
stairs, 665-6665, 764-2061. 43U35
SUMMER SUBLET - 4 man, 2 girls
needed. Air cond. near campus, back-
yard & grill. $40. 665-9235 after 6.
ONE MAN needed July & August,
Cheap, spacious, great location, A/C.
Call Barry 663-7178. 64035
FEMALE ROOMMATE, fall, modern 4-
man, A/C, separate kitchen, 665-
2774. 65036
BEDIROOM4 in 4-bdrm, house, July-Aug.
Call 665-0205. 86U85
HELP THE physically and mentally
handicapped. Sign the petition for
mandatory education for all child-
ren. For further information, c a l l
Clifford Ashmore. 769-1929. 73F37
BED ROUTE? Then cool off in the
snack bar-basement of the Michigan
League. We're open daily except
Sunday from 7:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
You'll find good company, g r e a t
food and low prices. 91F42
YALE - New Haven in Fall? Am seek-
ing house-mates for house on cam-
pus, male, female, or couple. 665-0765,
Wallace. 93F40
Have Jhan create your own design in
white or yello.w gold. Reasonable
priceo, 768-7550. cFtc
Come to I.C.C. Office-.
3-N Michigan Union
+} c~i'.{' ,. p I.i}F F.t+',fr <Fi« f rfr ' d9 $.vr(t ., f ,, Lf
'..... :
3 {3 : : , ,y,;
5"'%" 4:
a% ' .
. "
3l9ry y'"lbxia ; tast i;^ tu ''t' '.f'"t t ,/Wt nB,'. pG'pt" - r 3,' .r rt' a' 9. "
" r
+"ta,'Y a ' , . ka'.r "' .',xua 3.ltW m v ": ,.. / ! , 3 y '"2 "w" .
with: Cheese, Peppergni, Sausage, Peppers
Mushrooms $2.25
~ I Serving: 11 A.M --1:30 at nice
206 W4 HURON
. .
Pappagollo Summer Shoes
DRESS PUMPS, orig. $2425. .*17
FLATS, orig. $15 and $16. .'10 and $12
Those clever shoes of Poppogollo, now of reduced prices.
unique styes and colors just right kyour n-w6rradrobe.
r . . :,
ob, r
Y :. ..,n . . y.: a .. ... i