enate asks
By The Associated Press which "expresses the feelin
Stopping just short of a vote to cut off of the Senate."
war funds, the Senate yesterday urged There seemed little possibil
President Nixon to withdraw all U.S. would go even as far as the S
troops from Indochina in nine months if the The Mansfield amendme
Communists release all war prisoners.
The historic, first-of-its-kind action these steps
came in climax to an afternoon of roll calls -Immediate negotiations
on various withdrawal formulas. A 57-42 Vietnam for a cease-fire.
vote approved the amendment offered by -Negotiation of a planned
Democratic leader Mike Mansfield of withdrawal of U.S. troops fr
Montana to the draft-extension bill. which would coincide withl
Mansfield conceded his own end-the-war drawal of prisoners of war,
formula, calling for phased and simulta- in total withdrawal of troops
neous troop withdrawal and prisoner re- lease of prisoners in nine mo
lease, is a guide only and "has no power Adoption of the Mansfield a
and there's nothing binding about it." the draft-extension bill appear
He called it a declaration of policy en the already uncertain pros
g and sense ing the dr
rent law
ity the Horse The Ser
Senate. leadership
nt calls for debate by
vote is re
with No tls past the J
they had
and phased At the
rom Vietnam Ronald L.
phased with- not bindin
"culminating continue 1
and total re- ing. Ziegl
onths." "It stat
mendment to policy sho
red to threat- Congress
pect of pass-
end to war
aft measure by the time the csr-
expires, June 30,
nate is due to vote today on a
move to limit the rest of the
invoking cloture. A two-thirds
s seeking to filibuster the bill
une 30 deadline predicted earlier
enough votes to succeed.
White House Press Secretary
Ziegler said the amendment is
g and that President Nixon will
the policy he has been follow-
er told reporters:
es what 57 senators think our
uld be. It is not the view of the
as a whole."
See SENATE, Page 10
TWO SPONSORS of the draft bill
amendment, Ted Stevens (R-Alaska)
and Vance Hartke (D-Ind.) meet
outside the Senate chambers yester-
I~e Eirliigan ij
Vol. LXXXI, No. 35-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 23, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Court bars Boston Globe study;
Bans on Times, Post extended
More papers
enter in Viet
study conflict
By The Associated Press
The New York Times and
the Washington Post yes-
terday were restrained in-
definitely from printing
more material from a sec-
ret Pentagon study. A fed-
eral judge in Boston re-
strained the Boston Globe
and ordered the paper to
turn over its copy of the
document, while the Chi-
cago Sun-Times printed a
story it said was partly
based on the same report.
At the same time, government
officials announced steps to re-
view and declassify parts of the
study on U.S. involvement in
Vietnam. Defense Secretary Mel-
vin R. Laird said he had ordered
censors to move "as rapidly as
we possibly can."
In New York, the 2nd U.S. Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals extended
a temporary restraining order
against the Times pending a final
decision which the brief judge
promised "in the next few days."
Beforethe hearing moved into
closed session U.S. Atty. Whit-
ney North Seymour said the gov-
ernment was ready to review the
papers and declassify portions
within about 45 days.
In Washington, the U.S. Court
of Appeals banned the Post in-
definitely from publishing more
8e! COURTS. eage 2
Scientists at the University's
Institute for Social Research
have disclosed in a recent re-
port their finding that students
workingat The Daily have a
threshbold of pain which is
35.827 per cent lower than that
of the average University stu-
In the light of this informa-
tion, The Daily staff is skipping
town earlier than anyone else.
lint after temporary suspension
of publication between terms,
we wil be back next Wednesday
morning, June 30. Same time.
Same doorstep.
.... ~ - - - - - - - - - - a ca
IN THE MIDDLE OF a news conference outside the Federal courthouse in Detroit, Ken Kelley (right
foreground) looks down to put a match to his subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury. (From
left) attorney Hugh Davis, Larry Canada, also holding a burning subpoena and Terry Taube look on.
Judge rejects dis-missal
of activi*sts' subpea
By JONATHAN MILLER demonstrations in Washington, newsmen that a notice of appeal
Special To The Daily government sources say. would be filed with the appeals
DETROIT - Six young anti- Kennedy ruled that although court in Cincinnati and that a
war activists failed in a bid to the six anti-war organizers need motion for a further stay of the
have their subpeonas to appear not testify before next Tuesday-- grand jury subpoenas would be
before a federal grand jury here giving them time to seek an in- submitted while the court delib-
quashed by a federal judge yes- junction or a temporary re- erates on the appeal.
terday, but succeeded in winning straining order from the Sixth U.S. Attorney Ralph Guy said
a one-week delay in the grand U.S. Court of Appeals in Cin- yesterday afternoon that if such
jury hearings to allow time for cinnati---she did not believe a stay is granted, "it could be
them to appeal. "there is demonstrated here a October" before the grand jury
Stating that there was no pre- need for an injunction." finally gets underway.
cedent for an "anticipatory hear- "One may not quash a sub- The Sixth U.S. Court of Ap-
ing" in the case, Judge Cornelsa peona merely' because someone peals is scheduled to recess at
Kennedy ruled that the six young believes he or she may be re- the end of next week.
witnesses do not have a right to quired to answer incriminatory Representing the government
a hearing on the legality of po- questions," Kennedy stated, at the hearing in Detroit's
tential grand jury evidence nefore Kennedy also refused to dis- downtown federal building yes-
they testify, solve the grand jury on a motion terday was U.S. Assistant At-
Attorneys for the six had asked that it was not representative of torney General Guy Goodwin.
the court to rule on the legality the community, and refused to Goodwin told the court that the
of wiretap evidence they expect quash the subpoenas themselves six had failed to establish the
to be used by the grand jury. because evidence used in wire- three criteria necessary for their
The grand jury is part of .a n.a- taps of persons other than the motion to be upheld.
tionwide investigation into the six might be used. These were, he said, that ir-
March 1 bombing of the U.S. The attorney for the six, Henry reparable harm to the six would
Capitol and the May anti-war DeSuvero of New York, told See JUDGE, Page 10
Judge orders
Globe to turn
in documents
BOSTON (R--A U.S. Dis-
trict Court judge, acting at
the request of the Depart-
ment of Justice, yesterday
restricted the Boston Globe
at least until 10 a.m. Fri-
day from publishing further
excerpts from a secret De-
fense Department study of
the origins of the Vietnam
Judge Anthony Julian also
ordered The Globe to deliver to
the court for impounding any
documents "or other tangible
evidence of such documents" re-
lating to the study of American
involvement up to mid-1968.
The Globe announced it would
obey the court's temporary re-
straining order in effect until a
hearing Friday morning but said
the newspaper would confer
with counsel about the im-
pounding order.
"We don't like this impound-
ing order," editor Tom Winship
said in a statement. "We are
consulting counsel and will have
something to say tomorrow."
In ordering impounding of the
Globe's documents, Julian ap-
parently went further than other
federal judges who dealt with
similar publication by the New
York Times and the Washing-
ton Post.
Appellate courts yesterday ex-
tended indefinitely court orders
against the Times and the Post
to prevent their further publi-
cation of the war study.
In those cases, the Justice De-
partment requested that the
newspapers turn over their doc-
uments for inspection but both
refused. The government did not
seek subpoenas for the docu-
ments' return but the news-
papers did submit lists of docu-
ments in their possession.
The Globe printed excerpts of
the study yesterday morning.
T h e articles covered a 1964
meeting at which Adm. Harry
Felt, then commander of the
Pacific forces, argued that com-
manders should have the free-
dom to use tactical nuclear wea-
pons in Vietnam.
In Honolulu, however, Felt,
See THIRD, Page 2