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June 22, 1971 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1971-06-22

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Page Twelve


Tuesday, une 22, 1971

Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 22, 1971

Trevino cops U.S.

Hairston reveals
From Wire Service Reports
Wolverine basketball fandom tentatively received something
else to cheer about yesterday afternoon as the Associated Press
reported that Detroit Kettering's hoop ace Lindsay Hairston, one
of the most sought-after players in the state, apparently has decided
to enroll at Michigan next fall.
The 6-8 sharpshooter, who only a few weeks ago publicly re-
vealed his intention of attending Michigan State, reportedly in-
formed his former assistant basketball coach at Kettering, Ed
Williams, that he had changed his mind after mulling over several
Williams, assistant to Kettering coach Charles Nichols, said
that he had spoken with Hairston over the past weekend and that
Hairston indicated that he wished to attend Michigan along with
his teammate and friend Joe Johnson.
Johnson, a 6-0 guard who controlled the ball for theKettering
team, signed a Michigan letter of intent last week.
"Hairston and Johnson played together for three years on
our Kettering team and they are real close pals and Lindsay said
he wanted to stay with Johnson," Williams explained.
The switch came as news to MSU where an aide to MSU bas-
ketball mentor, Gus Ganakas, said "As far. as we are concerned.
we believe Lindsay is still coming to State although we have noth-
ing in writing and his scholarship application has not cleared
through the Big Ten athletic office as yet."
An athletic department spokesman indicated that Michigan
has received no word from the former Kettering star.

ARDMORE, Pa. (P) - Lee
Trevino abandoned his har
go-lucky role for that of grim
destroyer, shot a two-under
68 yesterday and beat Jack 1
laus in their 18-hole playoff for
the United States Open Golf
Championship. The frustrated
Nicklaus had a 71.
Nicklaus, favorite to make
this his third American national
open title, never recovered from
poor play out of the distinctive
white-sand traps on both the
second and third holes.
He failed to get it out on '
first try on each hole, taking a
bogey six and a double bogey
five. That gave Trevino, who
had bogeyed the first from a trap,
a two-stroke lead and he n(
trailed again,
It was all over when Nicklan
bogeyed the tough 17 from a
trap and Trevino got his par
with a one-putt. That put him
three ahead with one hole to play.
It was the second U.S. Open
title - generally considered t
most prestigious of all the
world's golf championships - ion
the 31-year-old Trevino, a Mexi-
can - American grandson of a.
Dallas gravedigger.
They started the day's play in
hot, humid weather that gave
way to a violent thunderstor i
that delayed play for 22 nminute
as they played the sixth hole.
Nicklaus had closed to
strokes at that point, telm an

iron to six feet on the fifti holed
But Trevino, chewing deter-
minedly on a cud of gum, went
two ahead again when he-hit the
flagstick with his approach on
the eighth hole, tae bail drop-
ping down less than a foot from
the flag.
Nicklaus got a ducce on the
ninth, hitting an iron to 30 inch-
es, but he bogeyed the 10th
when a poor seco'i d shot vas
short of the green.
Nicklaus closed to ons agaton
with a 12-foot birdie on the 111h,
but Trevino wouidn't quit. He
rammed in a 20-foot putt on the
next hole and the margir, was
back to two.
Trevino usually a nn-stiu-
talker but quirt and dteri'lin-d

in this playoff round, soved par
from 12 feet on the 14th hole,
matched birdies with Nicklaus
on the 15th And both missed po-
tential birdies on the 16th.
Trevino had it i-1 hand when
'Nicklaus buried sis t-e sht in a
bunker on tie 11th and f .il Oto
car. Trevino also missid te
green, but chipped ou. of the
rough to three feet and stroked
it in. 'oat out the 'n,!g.n m
Nicklaus hit his second close
on 18, but missed the putt. Trevi-
no was bunkered in two, but
blasted to three feet, leaped out
of the trap and danced on to the
green. He sank for the par he
didn't really need.



Mighty Vida dumps Twins, 3-2

By The Associated Press enth, Joe Rudi broke from first
ST. PAUL - MINNEAPOLIS - base. When catcher George Mit-
Oakland's sensational Vida Blue terwald jumped up to throw,
recorded his 15th victory of the Campernis broke for home and
season last night, firing a seven- scored at Mitterwald fired the
hitter and striking out 13 in a 3-2 ball into center field.
decision over the Minnesota Corbin and Harmon Killebrew
Twins. * *
The game's winning run scored Denny loses again
when Oakland's delayed double WASHINGTON-The Baltimore
steal attempt in the seventh in- Orioles belted Denny McLain for
ning drew a throwing error that 16 hits and shelled the Washing-
allowed Bert Campaijeris ton Senators 7-2 last night, tag-
scamper home. ging the controversial right-
With the game tied, 2-2, two hander with his eighth consecu-
out and two on in the A's sev- tive loss, and 14th of the season.
Major League Standings '
W L Pet. GB East
Baltimore 41 22 .651 - - W L Pet. GB
Detroit 37 29 .561 Si2 Pittsburgh 44 25 .638 -
Bosoton 35 29 .547 60), Now York 37 27 .578 4%,
.- Cleveland 30 34 .469 111x/ St. Louis 37 32 .536 7
New York 30 36 .455 122 Chicago 34 33 .507 7
Washington 23 40 .365 18 Montreal 26 36 .419 14
West Phildelphia 27 39 .409 15%
Oakland 45 22 .672 - Wesst
Kansas City 35 28 .556 8 San Francisco 46 25 .648 -
Minnesota 34 34 .500 11/ Loso Angeles 37 30 .552 7
California 31 39 .443 15, Cincinnati 31 38 .449 14
Chicago 24 38 '.387 184 Houston 32 35 .478 12
Milwaukee 24 38 .387 182 Atlanta 32 40 .444 14/
Yesterday's Results San Diego 23 46 .333 22
Baltimore 7, Washington 2 Philadelhpia 5, Cincinnati 2
Cleveland at Boston, postponed Yessterday's Results
Milwaukee 3, California 2, 10 innings Atlanta 6, Montreal 4-1st
Chicago 5, Kansas City 1 Montreal at Atlanta-2nd, inc.
Oakland 3, Minnesota 2 Pittsburgh 6, New York 0
Other clubs not scheduled. Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati 2
Today's Games Today's Games
Oakland at Minnesota New York at Pittsburgh
California at Milwaukee Ohicago at San Francisco
Kansas City at Chicago Montreal at Atlanta
Baltimore atWashington, 2 Philadelphia at Cincinnati
Detroit at New York, 2 St. Louis at Los Angeles
Cleveland at Boston Houston at San Diego
Jumbo Hot Dog-60c
with beer grout-65c
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208 W. HURON
all sandwiches served with chips and pickle
- ODYfMY -

Boog Powell, who was batting
.178 before last night, led the
Orioles attack with three singles
and a double and drove in three
The Orioles hopped on McLain
for two runs in the first and after
Washington came back to tie it,
Baltimore scored another in the
fourth and three more in the
sixth, two of the runs coming
on Robinson's triple.
Pirates pound Mets
won his ninth straight game and
his 11th in 14 decisions, hurling
the Pittsburgh Pirates to a 6-0
victory over the New York Mets
last night.
The victory boosted the first
place Pirates to a 4/2 game lead
over the second place Mets in
the National League East.
The Pittsburgh attack was led
by Willie Stargell, whose major
league leading 25th home run of
the season, a two-run blow to
right-center in the 'fifth inning.
staked Pittsburgh to a 5-0 lead
off Met starter Jerry Koosman,
now 3-5.
Bob Robertson, Pittsburgh'
first baseman, . set a mr
league record with eight assis'


-Associated Press
LEE TREVINO, the Wild Mexican, is stunned for a moment by
his birdie putt on the 15th green. The putt was a key one as Tre-
vino went on to win the U.S. Open title in a playoff against Jack
Nicklaus. The win was Trevino's second U.S. Open victory.
BILLIARDS Michigan Union
Open Regular Hours
BOWLING During Exams
FOOSBALL, and Break



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