Result of NUC convention unclear
Daly News Analysis
After five days of caucuses, work-
shops, and plenaries. the New Univer-
sity Conference (NUC) wound up its
five-day convention leaving doubts in
the minds of many. delegates included.
as to what exactly had been accom-
NUC is a large, amorphous organiz-
ation composed largely of faculty and
teaching fellows from universities
around the nation. The major thrust of
the group's activities is change in pre-
sent educational systems to accommo-
date a more radical perspective.
Beyond that, however, the group's
aim are unclear and seem to vary from
delegation to delegation and even from
delegate to delegate.
Debate during several days of plenary
sessions clearly revealed the kind of fac-
tionalism which has often plagued the
radical movement.
The convention seemed to split into
two major contending factions, those
supporting the proposals of the Labor
Caucus and those aligned behind the
Open Up She Schools (OUTS) pro-
posals OUTS has constituted a major
part of the NUC program, at least until
this convention.
The OUTS program centers around
open admissions to colleges for "every-
one who wants to go". It also includes
so called "student power" issues.
The other major force, the Labor Cau-
cus, takes a more militant pro?labor
stance concentrating on socialist or-
ganization of working classes rather
than purely student-oriented demands.
The caucus proposes that NUC take
a more active role in organization and
support of education workers unions,
feeling this is a more permanent power
base than student organizing.
The Labor Caucus and OUTS repre-
sent, within NUC, the classic argument
between student power and labor power
which is currently dividing the left
OUTS sees campus revolutionary
struggle as basically centering around
See RESULTS, Page 10
sight of the New University Can-
ference held over the weekend.
page three dILow~ ig-7
partly cloudy
Tuesday, June 22, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
High court to rule
Celebrtion of Life?
Workers for the proposed "Celebration of Life" rock festival await
a decision on the festival at their construction site at McCrea, La,
The rock festival is jeopardized by a health ordinance prohibiting
mass gatherings in the parish.
olice burn quantity
of confiscated grass
on govt.
Supreme Court yesterday
granted a hearing to t h e
Nixon administration on its
contention that f e d e r a l
agents can wiretap "suspic-
ious" domestic organiza-
tions without a judge's per-
The case came as a result
of a. ruling in Detroit by U.S.
District Court Judge Damon
Keith that government wiretaps
on Rainbow People's Party
(formerly White Panther Par-
ty) official. Pun Plamondon
were illegally obtained.
The government contends
there is "no visible distinction"
between wiretapping "subver-
sive" domestic groups such as
the White Panthers, and wire-
tappingto intercept foreign in-
telligence - which is legal -
without a judge's permission.
Plamondon, along with three
other party members is charg-
ed with the 1968 bombing of the
Ann Arbor offices of the Cen-
tral Inteligency Agency.
In another decision yesterday,
the court ruled by a 6-3 vote
that persons under 21 may be
denied the right to trial by jury
in criminal proceedings.
The decision, given by Jus- South A
tice Harry Blackmun in Pa. and the Hag
N.C. cases, ended a 23-year ruled th
trend of applying Bill of Right's mineral-
protections to juvenile proceed- Nations.
Juriessaid Blackmun, are GRA
not necessary to get at the r1 i[
facts, and jury trials would im-
pose a formality and clamor
on a process that is supposed to
be intimate and informal.
If a state wants to allow
jury trials for juvenile defend-
dants, that "is the state's priv- -
ilege and not its obligation,"
Blackmun said.
At least 34 states and the DETRC
District of Columbia bar jury is schedu
trials in juvenile proceedings today on
while 10 other states authorize theosubp
juries to judge the young. federal e
In Michigan juveniles are giv- The gr
en the option of whether or nationwit
not they wish a jury trial, the Mar
U.S. Capi
The Michigan Daily, edited and man- war dem
aed by students at the Univer Icy of ington,c
Michigan. News shone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- ment sou
igan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, The su
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- subpoena,
day through Sunday morning Univee- basis ofi
sity year. Subacription eates: $1 by
carrier, $10 by mail, heard by
Summer Session published Tuesday Cornelia
through Saturdayemorning. 5 bscr i p U.S. At
lon ratea: $5 by carrier, $1 by mal.
_________________________ iantwitne
Before a small invited aud-
ience of newsmen, city police
yesterday destroyed 179 pounds
of confiscated marijuana by
burning it in the county build-
ing incinerator.
The haul, described by jubil-
ant police officers as the larg-
est seizure of "uncut" mari-
juana in the city's history, was
made by city patrolmen in-
vestigating a stolen credit card
report early yesterday morn-
At approximately 2:45 a.m.
yesterday, a routine police pa-
trol stopped a car answering the
description of a vehicle which
had passed an allegedly stolen
credit card at- the Westgate
Standard gas station.
A check of the car and its
contents uncovered two suit-
cases and seven plastic sacks
containing freshly cut mari-
juana, which police speculate
was locally grown.
The car's three occupants,
two 21-year-old men and an
18-year-old woman, were taken
to police headquarters for ques-
tioning but were released pend-
marijuana by state crime lab-
ing positive analysis of t h e
marijuana by state crime lab-
oratory officers.
Though detectives yesterday
declined to place a monetary
value estimate on the confiscat-
ed marijuana, observers esti-
mated the worth of the load at
approximately $2,500 at current
wholesale prices.
"Any figure you could place.
on it would be a guess," ob-
served Detective Sergeant Cal-
vin Hicks as he lifted a twen-
ty pound bag of the marijuana
from the trunk of his unmarked.
patrol car at the county build-
ing loading dock.
In the small basement incin-
erator room at the county
building, the sacks of mari-
juana marked "State Police -
Evidence" were heaped against
the wall while one of the de-
tectives lit the funnace.
The two detectives pushed
the unweildy sacks into the fur-
nace, one at a time, and the
room began to fill with smoke.
But smoke was about all the
marijuana did; it refused to
Illegal oeicupation?
frican delegates at the International Court of Justice at
ue yesterday chat before the session opens. The tribunal
at South Africa should end its "illegal occupation" of
rich Southwest Africa, and surrender it to the United
South Africa rejected the ruling.
Ige to hear motion
lsmiss subpoenas
IT (P)-A federal judge
led to hear arguments
a motion to dismiss
enas of six young rad-
red to appear before a
rand jury in Detroit
and jury is part of a
de investigation into
ch 1 bombing of the
itol and the May anti
onstrations in Wash-
according to govern-
ait which charges the
s were issued on the
illegal wiretaps will be
federal District Judge
tty. Ralph Guy Jr. said
sses were under sub-
poena to appear before the
grand jury when it reconvenes
Five of the six are Ken Kel-
ley, 20, and Terry Taube, 18,
both of Detroit; Collin Neiber-
ger, 21, of Boston; Larry Can-
ada, 29, and his ex-wife Kath-
leen, 25, both of Nashville, Ind.
Kelley identified the sixth as
Michael Tolla, 21, of Boston.
All have indicated they would
go to jail rather than testify
before the grand jury.
Kelley, Taube, Tolla and Nei-
berger have said they were part
of a group that worked in
Washington in February and
March on a newspaper to pub-
licize the May demonstsrations.