Judicial issue remains unresolved
Daily New Analysis
The long-standing controversy over the
handling of cases of non-academic mis-
conduct within the University continues
despite the Regents' approval of a new
judicial system.
At their April meeting, the Regents
approved a modified version of a system
formulated after several months of study
by a committee of students, faculty and
administrators. The proposal would allow
for "trial by peers"-student juries in
cases of student defendants, faculty juries
in cases of faculty defendants.
This system will replace, on a one-year
trial basis, the disciplinary procedure set
up in April 1970 by the Regents to handle
violations of the Interim Rules estab-
lished at that time. Under that pro-
cedure, a hearing officer appointed by the
President of the University determines
guilt and punishment-with possible pen-
alties as severe as expulsion-in cases
such as class disruption, use of force.
damage to University property, and oc-
cupation of University facilities.
But, despite the imminent implementa-
tion of the new judicial procedure the
Interim Rules -themselves remain. Thus,
the University community is confronted
at least temporarily with the irony of a
'democratic' jury system enforcing rules
and penalties prescribed by the Regents.
It had been the original expectation of
the committee planning the new judicial
system that new disciplinary rules and
new judicial procedures would take effect
University Council (UC), a body of
students, faculty, and administrators, was
set up last year by a Regents by-law to
formulate University non-academic rules.
But before the UC rules can take effect,
the by-law stipulates, they must be ap-
proved by Senate Assembly, the faculty
representative b o d y. Student Govern-
ment Council and the Regents. Until this
happens, the Interim Rules remain in
And so far, it appears that this neces-
sary agreement may be very difficult to
achieve. Both Assembly and SGC have
considered the proposed new rules, and
both have proposed modifications--modi-
fications leading in opposite directions.
The original UC proposal provides, for
example, that the maximum penalty un-
der its rules be exclusion-a temporary
separation from the University. Also, it
provides a rule against continued occu-
pation of a University facility if such
occupation "creates substantial risk of
interference with a significant University
function or a substantial risk of injury to
persons or property."
When Senate Assembly considered the
proposed UC rules in March, it asked for
modifications which would provide for
See JUDIC, Page 16
page three r
High- 5
Sunny and windy
Friday, May 7, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
r y Women's commission
considers bias study
C an you top that?
Students have collected these 1,020,000 bottle caps since last fall
as part of an ecology project to show the need for pollution con-
trol and dramatize the meaning of numbers. If placed side by side,
the caps would stretch about 18 miles. Lynne Manson, one of the
New Ulm Junior High School students kneels at right.
Senate debate opens
on draft e xt
The University's Commis-
sion on Women will today
consider a proposal to re-
quest further research on
U n i v e r s i t y employment
The University c u r r e n t 1 y
awaits approval of its "goals and
timetables" for implementing an
affirmative action program for
more equitable employment of
The proposal asks that t h e
University release personnel re-
cords for a study of University
employment, and that it fund
the study. The commission is to
act upon this recommendation
at its regular weekly meeting.
The proposed research w ill
analyze the records.of both men
and women, to produce a detail-
ed profile of employment at the
University and to describe some
of the factors that determine
The project's stated aim is to
help the commission advise the
University on developing a nd
implementing its affirmative ac-
tion program for women.
If the study is approved, its
principal investigator will be
sociology Prof, Bettye Eidson,
whoe will work with the Commis-
sion's Research Subcommittee,
Last fall, the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
(HEW) withheld all federal
research contracts with the Uni-
versity, charging that the Uni-
versity discriminated against
women. In response to HEW de-
mands that the University de-
velop an affirmative action plan
for correcting this alleged dis-
See WOMEN'S, Page 10
Rogers and 58adat confer
U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers (right) yesterday meets
with United Arab Republic President Anwar Sadat. Rogers is
scheduled to be in Israel, the last country on his Mideast mission,
(Coy 'tiued Isom Pag e 1)
cepting the Hatfield-McGovern
amendment of vetoing the bill
and thus halting the draft.
0 Sens. John Sherman Coop-
er (R-Ky, and Frank Church
(D-Idaho) are working on a
more general peace amendment
which would prohibit expendi-
tures for U.S. military activities
in Vietnam except those con-
nected with withdrawal of
The Cooper-Church proposal
lacks a specific withdrawal date,
however, and includes as escape
clause that allows military ac-
tion when U.S. troops are in
"imminent danger."
Since Church is also a co-
sponsor of the McGovern-Hat-
field amendment, Church a n d
Cooper are likely to wait until
later in the year and attempt
to add their proposal to either a
foreign aid or military procure-
ment bill.
0 Sens. Philip Hart (D-Mich.)
and Cooper are planning to try
to stop deployment of the Safe-
guard anti-ballistic missile
(ABM) system.
Area residents favor
A majority of Ann Arbor area residents,
responding to a recent poll, favor legaliza-
tion of marijuana, environmental quality
programs, and continued autonomy for in-
stitutions of higher education.
Approximately 7,000 residents responded
to the questionnaire sponsored by State Rep-
resentative Raymond Smit (R-Ann Arbor).
The University community came out more
* strongly in favor of legalizing marijuana
than any other group of respondents. Ans-
wers showed that 55.3 per cent of the Uni-
versity fsculty and staff responding and
71.3 per cent of tte sltudents respondingg
favor legalication,
A bare 52.2 per cent iajority of persons
not connected with the University opposed
legalization, but even among this group
35.8 per cent favor it.
Among a group of ninth grade students
who were polled, 67 per cent indicated
strong support for legalization.
"I was a little surprised with the strong
response in favor of legalizing marijuana,"
said Smit. "There was, in fact, majority
approval for legalizing marijuana and treat-
ing it the same under the lae as we do
Respondents sympathized little with the
use of hatd drssgs, such as heroin, and evest
less with pushers. A 53 per cent majority
favored increased penalties fo possession
of hard drugs and only 21 per cent thought
they should be lowered. Of all :espondent,
85 per cent said penalties should be in-
creased for the sale of hard drugs.
" i
Reaction w
legislative co
education, w
tioned oppos
greater rolei
favored gret
havior by th
A large n
pollution isa
per cent fav
firms that p
lation of bill
Ann Arbo
strated a w
for pollution
port govern
and by high
pollution con
Student aidmaylrs
Students receiving financial aid in the form of scholar-
ships, loans and grants should find sufficient funds avail-
able when they return to the University in the fall, despite
the 16 per cent hike in tuition.
Director of Financial Aids Thomas Butts says the sub-
stantial hike should not hinder anyone from returning to
the University.
Although none of the University budgets for the fiscal
year have been finalized as
yet, Butts explains his of-
fice generally receives a
portion of 'the revenue from
1 t tuition hikes to offset the
a l o t increase for students in need
of financial aid.
"That is how it has worked
eas vehemently against greater in the past, and we are pro-
ontrol over institutions of higher' ceeding accordingly," Butts
vith 80 per cent of those ques- says.
ing it. But a majority of those University administ"rators have
were against giving students a already indicated that a $10
in University policy-snaking and million increase in the Univer-
ater discipline over student be- sity's general fund budget is
necessary to meet expenditure's,
e University. including a .$1.3 million in-
sajority indicated they believe crease in the Op p a r t u n it y'
a major problem, with over 51 Awards Program OAP). The
aoing heavier fines on businss OAP provides schsolorships for
ollute, as well as stricter recuR- massy students adsmsittu d through
boards. lit' University s msinoi y ad-
area residents also dosn snissions peograt.
illingness to help foot ths bflt Tise uitiot Isik. u stsbtished
control by higher taxes to sp by the Regests at thuir April
mental ani-pollution actisitie mstantial increase over lst Lst
ter prices to support indtyst tantfive years.
trol efforts. See FINANCIAL. raze 10