Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 19, 1971 IFor Direct Cassified Ad Service. Phone 764-0557 Monday through-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.I FOR RENT FOR RENT BIKES AND SCOOTERS PHOTO SUPPLIES i TRANSPORTATION JYAND/OR Aug. 3-bdrm.Wst-ide OWN ROOM fo ale ina. nar MOM'S AT CENTURY - SEATTLE, Wsh riesatd, L home Pete'rduateorpofe- camps.July-Aug. $65 m.Cli 769- Cs -,ted mottrcyletsevie, on- Jne 28. Share driving Unic a r-, sinal couple. Children tead pets 851(eet). 734 strution. & repair. Eperenced Me- The Best in D. H. Gray. 744303. 3235 nkay Call 971-6149 weekday ees. - hnt a_~ ae.Cald6d6 odUe aea 15033 C AMPUS-FALL-MODR (79-09 t NEED RIDE to Chicago (Gleneor, .. Efilenty and I and 2 bedrooms, fur- W USLTAE Jn 3o 4Cl rn 6-53 MdrcaRps a RtRnEST 2be- ished, air condiioned, lare. 66- YAMAHA $100 Twin-lt,6ecellent 3Z EBYeon-TAE ue2 r 4 alFan 6-53 Mdrca pusaotet,2bd- 6906. -- CCc dlo.91,eta.7905.3Z5 Eerying Photogaphic eers. 035 "roomis furnished. Summer half ted " -- - " ----- - - -- -- DARKROOM SUPPLIES RIEwatdtClibotJn20 -fall. Call 663-6652. Also remimmases LARGE SELECTION o1rcampus apart- RALEIGH 5-p Sprte. Gll Nb, 76- - LUMINOUS PAPERRIEwatdaCli.osiJne2 wanted summer half, cCte meots avail. far lll rentals Simli 1140 btw. 6-0 p.m. 2533 Repairs n all makes Call 761-1075. 51G33 AscHaitnMngmn.77-...NEED NROM ANDOR BOARD? Partaed, 761-l05. Cr RALEIGH Record 1-speed bike. 0od066 Cntr Lire In on International C-op Sumn-fecondition. Call 665-605. 9Z35 Cetr Camera j_- LOST AND FOUND wee term: Call 662-603 3C30 -- "--.- - At our new location) FA LYELLOW 1971 Norton Cmmando Road- 4254 N. Woodward Syal Oak LOST KITTEN, 1-wks old, witerNib. SPCA - ..BI+ser, 3 ins ald, 2,20 miles, $150. 1 ( Bewen 13 and 14 Mile Rd. godseps65-10 A3 SPECA R&AETSUNS6 .M.UNILA LeaeCsr, -el tritl 1-LI -6355 LOST GLASSES-etween U Hospital LIRD &TALETNNS.UNON009. S-E52D Take -94 to Southfield Ep.eorS o1 nd Moe Sport Shop. Torose hell C---F" ""---- CHOICE CAMPUS 1966 DUCATL. 256 Srmbler. New op 13 Mile Road-then East to ems in tuquose cst.. Call Setrop, MYPigtHanYtop helpng.youglas E LOCATIONS FOR end, sole parsad tools Call Sll Wowr n ot 761-7606.DA34 wret andstop4smoking. Douglas 3 OR 4PEOPLE ARE r769-12331 1933(Mihigan Somk, Sertecrity rand Diner M ._ -._. .. Ne~. 6-04. Ftr 12,~ " ~ .,., -Charges aceptedi !OUND-Near Dia, physics book. Call OFCT n HF ieaymg- STILL AVAILABLE. BUIESSRIE Dt 769-3303, if o answer, NO 2-5276. OFCUS n CAF ltray ag-( BSIES ERICSAsk fr Jeff. DA34 zine needn originl manuscripts and- - SUBLET "--"--- - - 11nedrawing for Pall 71 Isue. InETTER THAN CHARTES -__ - LOST -Yellow Whammo Fri eel In forato 761-0962 (IPs H f ANN The yunwy tomotkuropean ca-AglAd.,We.90moi.Lf- y '~' italn is with a scheduled carrier ANYMOTPPLnedhusbt our middle asle under seat. Please re- EUROPE $200 , DAY of he week. And you do Sal house needs people. Two sepratae turn toi Clasified Dept., Mirh.. Dily Wheii you want to go . . /1I-APARTMENT41 S { have to be a student . . . Just under bedrooms open, July-Aug., $45 each or clli 761-3593. DA4 When yau wait to return. 1 S qualify. Foe new eciing - take one or both. Its a place all Sudens Intrnatonal769-57901.wihcactr-bdcaatep- ColSudnInentiia 545 CHURCH ST. low rates, Call uis We'll gt you wihhoatr-bdcaalr FOR SALE there thewiemalHrnVle habiatlatteescrce. r ~~~all 665-7295 o ak frLarrLy au 764-Z I- - & - MNefiirc --AvilblTeel Agency,wie119ayiis unLibet SiTV ZENITH 19 partble aiddsirina met and fall. Reduced rnt foe sum- 76_760-A0-Aha-i ig--t5---J 4 053.- 035 UHFVHF$0 me. Cal 66-3675 or alga by 522 REAO26-L OWN ROOM in- apt. Frieidly peplel Sony Cockcdo AM PM 35 Monrae Apt. No, 1 16C33 CCt EAOBL TENNIS esugon Call July-Ag 769-0227. 3735 Hair dryer $6 ____Mik, 769-5598 99J35 _-__--Curtains 2 roh 000 E -KIGSE, kitchen p 1slee.2 BLOCKS frow campus I bdm. apt. ( -' -- _- -- ENWOMENd sublet July & Aug. Near(edpread $2 weekly and/oeorwmothily. 79-1137 ater whew kiten.o.urished, nice sie TYPING IS my howrseThesis, reports, cmpus, rent inegotible 665-217.I Vacusio cleaner $2 6 p.M. 7633 foe ouile. Paking. 13 Mn Iate w/ etc, Call 665-4720 46J3 2435 4 761-302 3433 _sublet clau. $160/itoicludng heat, _-_.__ ROOMS FOR RENT-iSuwiaetnly! 3 665-9242 1734 WILLING 'o dt htusewok. Cll 769- JU0L Y OCCUPANCY 1 bdm apt. TAPE RECORDER. cm~ea. dihus, ap- blocks feti amlpuiu. refrigerattr. 769- ---- --- -- - ---7473.---g6135 close tacampu. Sublet July and pliances. 2905 Pakwod. 971-392. 0053 eves, 65C34 - - ---- - - --- Aug. with options fr fal. C all Cheap. 103 . ____ -.---. - SUMMIT ASSOC IATES MUSICIANS, Groups, blus, ftlk, jazz, 769-93. 635 - ROOM FORl RENT in twine netrcaw-=rk. Do you ned publiity photos, . WATERLESS Ckwar-Mus sell 1- pus with kitchen and living room a- 77 Packard promotional flyes, etc.? That's our JULY & AUGUST. Own bedroom in piece set, unused aid heap. Call crsible, starting July 1 until when- presents job and we do it well. Call Jack or 3-man, 1 blck fom ampus. Call 769-756aiy p.m. 334 ever, $55/mt. And other nice people aab after 5 p.m. 665-6921 -CJc ill at 71-765 aftec 5:30 pm living thece. 761-1313 6135 BROWN ST. APARTMENTS ---(aail now if deired) 29U37 SCUA eqip-Dacr Olympic 100 Reg- - _.____ .-- CRISIS TYPING - One day service. ul_..... ster, Dacor toik, belt. est. Cl TOP FLOOR of large htuse Air cond., 1 & 2 bedroom funished aartmentn Theses, -term papes, et. 4-10 p.m. JULY-AUG. Mod. 2-ma, 1-bdm ale 66-025. -935 shaed kitchen, parking. $90 pls $165-26, Available foe fal 434-417, 73J34 cond; parking spcee 66-7733, 70 & __-' _.5.-. .__. --. utilime. Wat Side 'AA. Call 761-78067er IM Buildinsg on Mihigan hilt lint --' --- State, 27U35 SIAMESE KITTEN, stud sevie, rea- after 5 p.m. 59C33 EXPERIENCED Theses and Tchncal -.___ sonable. Or all shos. 769-621. 96S35 __ -,.-761-8055 Typit desrs typing ii her home, SUBLET IIb - 2 bdrm., -man, ale -__ 2 ON 3 GIRLS wated to sublet i- Cote IBM Seletrc, accuratr and fast cnd Price neoiabe, 1326 Geddes, T V's level,. air rtnd. ap., June 20 to --- --- - - - - - service guaranteed. Call Jeanette, Apt. 1, 769-0311. 1435 All prices slashed Fine TV's pried Aug. 3. Dshwiasher, 2 baths, 10 in. FURN ISEDAARTMEiNa S 971463. CJta - ___-- fom $19.95, Cl 66-5495. 443 from csapus and hospital. Call 761- FRISc.aIrarlv NS - ----------- - SULET July-Aug. AC Efficinicy, rits-__ __- 2989. 25034 SUMMIER RATES _ WATERBED WHOLESALERS-Don't piay to ampu. 769-7630. 834 2 TICKETS Ais-Detrot Aug 17. U-H ___ - __- Aleronditoning distributor pries. Ot your beds __________ ----- grosp, 0c Doe at 1969, 6 autamtc, HOM, uly uilised treebeeoml wholesale from Tom and Harry down JULY-AUG. - 3-bdrm, apt. AC. Ne 4 r., air conditioner 5800 BTU. 662- two babs on lout aret. Neat Dx- Owmngpo at Wave of the Futute who an offer campus. Cheap. 665-13. 937 5419. 8531 Availab lesptf1ro Jan,1poeter.bUy iersity Towers you factory prices - immedate d-Or -- - - -- -- boro, 0bi om Ja1,pssrntr.Uly livery-and friendly IfattesOENEHO.AT -Kihe-n Aug. 1to Jan. 1. $300. Phone 66-0476. 536 S. Forest - ________- shower 0000 lmaton. $80/mo. June HELP WANTED -35C332 761-60 C4 UIA DE, 2-Aug. 20. 663-4391, 134 -___ MUSIAL DSE. - - - - (TYPST, technieal Half-time June 5- Campus & Hspital Area ' RADIOS, REPAIRS JULY-AtGA/Ctldishwaher, owis room. Set1Houurs fleible Amerirn En- 4 man apartments, balconie, A/C, Campus-Hospital Area HERS-DAVID/GUITAR9STUDIO -,___________ ___ Institute. Phon 66-476 parking, laundry faclities, carpeting,IntuesadsosornNwad MID-JULY thu August or pot.- 2- alethrlkathkitchens pprivate3-93totagoager65-daFalli OOccupancyed used. s rLpirsno, 9 S.Spaterbdrm369t5912 rtate.Cbdrxpen apt.un912radutewnnerA6C,, tngespe.n-6-MALE 2un3dassitoprfessoe(underelcaift.n It 0063 (weekends) 769-4779, CCtc P6-01 0am pm urnished-2-bedroom, 2-3 wan apart-- -____ -- turn for room and bord. 761-9034 w------ - - ent, $215 per month includen heat GIBSON GUITARS JULY-AUGUST-Fatttti one bedroom ater 5. 1H34 BARGAI N CORNER and water, air-ronditioner optional Gibon Les Paul Custom Reg. $685 now apt, A/C, parking, freat location, pe- ---- ------- -.- - -___-$300 with hard ase, Gibon um- sisently ctll 662-806. Negotiable. CAT NEEDS lodging thu July 19 while CLUE-An earth pig is an AARDVARK Campus Management, Inc. mingbrdReg, $410 now $49. New 3334 we vaatn. Cmeinsatin negtiable. Rondan Jmb WTEBDS$2. Gbsn are Ks-lsRe..89.nw761-353. 19H3 Ron, und n Jull$o8WATRnDS$,35 35laEn arneroneeloS6g,$895nowJULY-AUG. -2 bdrm, AC, parking, - ------------ K~g uefl 1,T~ 1 3 .Hrn 634 1 $649 All model Gibson S's in stok- disposal, dishwshe, upstairs. $10/ BOOKKEEPER-Fling, some ta work. Pasn $5. EARTH P, 663-974, CWt Cotahek our super prices Also super ma, o best offer. 761-54. 7533 Part tme, your own hoss, friendly - --'--- - _..._____--_____ "-- selection of Gibson Bases, trade-ins '-c. ompany. 769-026, C t Tam and Harry announe THE COM FALL-Modern, 2 bdrm., 3 and 4 man welcome,. Remember, We have one ONE EDROOM furnished. Rent re- -- --- -- ----- PLETE SYSTEM. What could a honkis aps. Ecelent camus locations, in your ime, ANN AROR MUSIC sonable 764-5471 (days), 769-0900 UNDEGRADS Earn money for par- name like this inlude? Only a water- 668-6906. - UCICC MART, 15 E Liberty, 66-650. cXtc (eves). Near campus. 8734 ticipating in psychologcal reerch bed, pad, liner, choce of stained wood -----°------_______________-___- Call Judy Cohen at 70-9300, 9- frame or a new ale frame and sug- APATMENTS now available for sum- DUAL 101S-18 monts old, $60. 663a (1) GIRL TO SHARE modern 3-bed- wekday, 66-5129 after 5:0, 73135 getively eotc tapestry of your met, and fal rentals. Please call 6733. 7X35 rom Own room, Near campus. Only -- ------------- chice at an absurd price. Can't be P M'A 769-4227. - 7Ctr - - -" - $.0. Call 66-193, 8337 HOUSEWIVES earn etsinom sell- beat-try itt 214 E. Washington. -769- ..'... SCOTT 383 Receiver, Dual 109 table,______- - ing cometis, hair fashos, mink 9020,UWt Frazier speaker. 665-0205, 88X35 PRIVATE ROOM near campus for girl. acessories, For furthe information SUM M ER - Communal kitchen. Ph. 66-513 ot contact Mr. Chapman, 483-4675, 22138 -FOR SALE-SAND eqipment. 761-991, 769-137. 8034 - 60X3 _______ __ STROMRnE-btmhr s J--A - ROOMMATES WANTED SU B ET GUITARS, amps, organs. Fender, ot- Cal 65-005. 635 i - ---_________ tam $100. Marshall and Sun ams____FMALE ROOMMATE July-Ag. AC, LEIDNISFrfis organ $275, Reps Fende ass- apt. for summer, A/C, west balony, Bob'n. Cl11.79-1081. 23Y34 Bell ottos ... $800 ,man $295. APOLLO MUSIC CENTER, dishwaher. Price negotiable. 663-013 - -___ __-_ --T'dtIY0s $,5 -65_$5 a323 . Main, Ann Abor, 769-1400 93U3' WANTED-i an to fill newly fur- C-. - - tenhed house, On bdrm. Immediate Buttan Flys... $6.98I - AN-RSRFOKOR ENE FALL OPTION--bdgn.iaptt. Good Inc, -ocupany $40. 66-9964, 6Y33 Super Slims . .. .. $7.0 C AR E 516 E. Willam--668-9836 tonCalDne - - MALE GRADS need roommtes for al. Gutars, Banjos, Fiddles Old & New SPACIOUS 1 hOm, apt. Furnshed, 2 Call Righsrd o Lary after 6 p.n. LEVI CORDUROYj REALTY ought and Red, Prompt Repairs iS -fr1m mapus $100. all utlites 767289.- 13Y3 Bell's...... .$50 - 1 - _Instructon Ste paid. 761-6381. -- 56033 -RFEALYMLE-f°- amu lc- (seveal coors)MOD. APT, All ar-ond 1, 2 man, lon (Spring t.) 77.5/mo. Call Isvrlclrl- -- USED CARS $45/m. North id--of ampus Call anytime. 66-1473. 436 Slim Fits .. .. . ... $6.98 GREATEST APARTMENTS - 76-553 or 761-435, 5433CA'AFODyuowap.Shra IN ANN ARBOR CHEVY BEL-AR 163, Good cond.,A' FOR oronap. hr LEVI STA-PRESS 1111 . Sae, fine enigne, very dependable tran- 3 GIRLS needed July-Aug. In lrge apt. 3-bdrm. Nell-668-715 persistently. - SLIM FITS 1035 Wal t,106 Pckrd poorion, $90, will negotiate.--761- $4/mo, Clse to campus. 474-4776.- 6Y32 1&2 dems. Air rond, well furnished 625.3N33 70U' OWN BDRM--in 3-bdrm. house, Now FieClr ... 75 seletlctos VOLKSWAGEN 16$. 18,00 miles Ex 1 GIRL NEEDED for Juy and Aug. until. Sept. $3/mo. A/C, 769-189. LEISI ISCall after 5: 971-84 or 1-64-853 celent condton Still under we - Sublet f large SI-evel 4-man, all -94; WeLhveIimeforImmd.Iccuanc rany. $1466 r best offer. 763-2595 66-4431 et, 436 after 8 p.m. $903 FOE SALE-3" Englh bike, 3-speed. FieClrs... 5.8Crdas 6-64 vnng. 3N5SULET--3 ap. fat Call Al, 71-7774. 773 LEVI FLARES ~~~~~1965 MERCURY Monterey. New tires, July-Aug. Ate gond. Paul, 663-036EAEROMTEneesme LVFLRS- Next Fall is not far away. new exhaust system, many new parts. 2033 fallEiRoMMATE edmhed,6umm- In many salids and $450. 455-2398. Must se11, 81N33 JULY-AUGUST-Spacious 2 man apt. 6665, 764-2061. 63Y34 Stri s---The best campus apartments 461 Hill 769-3338. Negotiable, 20033 Csripes- rss abrcs are renting right naw, l10x58 HOMETTE - Carpeted--two bed-12GRSNEDtocmlea4 Casal ndDres abrcsroam. Move sf1 lot. $3600.0. 403-7493, SUBLET -July-Auguat, near eampus, man, Summer ha1. Park Plaaa Apts. $ 8.00-$ 1400 Give us a call. 84N3,. 2t room efficiency. $05. 665-4044, 6-10 Rtent negotiable. 769-9270. 48Y35 p.m. 20023 2 WOMEN NEEDED for 4-man Apr. LEVI DENIM JACKETS CHARTER COMET, 1964, 2 door, hardtop, auto-- CAMPUS-HOSPITAL AREA July-Aug., central campus Own room. iatic transmision, excellent me- Jl n uut 2 antS. AC 5/o 769-1726. Negotiable. Unlined ..' ...$900 R AL Ychanicalcondition. Will take the best JuyModaur dsh wauA/C, $9/mo,68Y35 RE L Yoffer. CaDl 761-2002 or 761-1783 ieee- Moenar,0wah,2bdm Blalnket lined -... $13~.00 Jnings). DN33 66-s66 Cc ROOMMATES 1111il large house. BLUE CHAMBRAY 665-1825 tt '69 DODGE Dart, 2 domit hardtop, Itow AVAILABLE immediately-331 Cathier- Cep 6-67 03 WORK SHIRTS ..- $2.49 ROOMS-Summer and/sr fall. No cook- mileage, 1 owner car, 6 cyl atandard. toe. Need gSi, own bedroom in large WANTED TO BUY lng, no pete. 761-0125. 67033 Call 683-8244 after 5 pm- DN 3lbdrm. apt. $50-Call 761-2942. CUt- ____________ 207 E. Liberty116VWBSRdtpgahetrreAPRMNSAALfosumrsb cniinh NEED DOUBLE BED ansd DEER, Good _ 62V U-eltp e elr e PRTET VI.freee ~-cm~oceap. 761-2619. DK3 _______________ Try Daily Classifieds Cmotobengte, and othe the~inge. let. 73Pckrd,76-8S t ___________ t662-642017-19 0..13633 Associates5, d,71805 uUte - (Continsued on Page 91