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June 19, 1971 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1971-06-19

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Pge Six


Saturday, June 19, 1971

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 19, 1971



4-Channel Stereo eronstration
99.5 u in Detroit on
3307 David Scott Building tune 2, 1911
Detroit, Mich. 961-8888 r Pl "It Ejr from 9 to 12 p.m.
308 S. State

Stereo was one of the greatest things to happen to"
sound reproduction. Rather than the old monaural
system which had the sound source in one place,
stereo came out of two separate channels, allowing
the music to surround you, bringing the listener
closer to a "live" sound. As popular as stereo is today,
it is quickly becoming obsolete. We now have QUAD-
QUADRASONIC SOUND isn't a passing fad or a
gimmick. William Anderson of Stereo Review, the
highly-respected hi-fidelity trade magazine said, "I
have heard the future and it works." Apt words. When
Quadrasonic works, it means that the music has been
split into four parts. Therefore, four speakers are
needed and two separate stereo systems. Now we are
truly surrounded by the music. By placing one speaker
in each corner of your living room, you will have music
coming out of the "left front" and "right front" chan-
nels. The other two speakers, of course, carry the "left

rear" and "right rear" channels. Attached is a dia-
gram giving full details as to how the surrounding
effect can be maximized.
You can try out the new JUADRASONIC SOUND
again on Monday, June 21, 1971 from 9 to 12 p.m.
WABX-FM and WDET-FM have combined forces to
present this milestone in sound to the people of De-
troit. The broadcast is made up of music programmed
by WABX Music Director, Tim Powell and WDET
Program Director, Bud Spangler. It will consist of all
types of music such as folk, rock, jazz, classical, and
even some Mood music. Technical operation of the
show will be handled by Vince Capizzo of WABX
and Paul Grzebik of WDET. WABX will carry the
front left and right, while WDET will broadcast the
rear left and right.
This is Detroit's chance to hear the future. You'll
find out it works.

WABX'is 99.5 MHz, and WDET is 101.9 MHz.
Recording equipment for the program has been supplied by
- Aseriec TCA-42 SIMUL-TRAKĀ®

IRA case
An unfair labor practice hear-
ing before the Michigan Employ-
ment Relations Commission,
(MERC) - brought by the In-
terns and Residents Association
against the University - was
briefly called -to order and
promptly postponed yesterday
in Detroit, pending the outcome
of a state appeals court action
brought by the University against
The University has asked, and
the court has agreed, that a hear-
ing be held to establish the legiti-
macy of a MERC decision grant-
ing bargaining unit status to over
550 interns, residents and post-
doctoral students working at the
University medical center.
The University has stated that
it does not recognize the interns
and residents as employes, but
rather as trainees, and thereby
ineligible for union representa-
A MERC representation elec-
tion in April resulted in a vic-
tory for the Interns and Resi-
dents Association (IRA) by a
large majority.
The court has agreed, however,
to permit the University to de-
cline to bargain until a settle-
ment is reached.
A University spokesman said
yesterday that would be August
at the earliest.
U extends
old budget
(Continued from Page 3)
Fleming explained that the
position - which had been held
by Norman for the last seven
years - "has not always been
packaged in the same way. As
we look ahead to the 1970's his re-
tirement furnishes the obvious
moment to re-examine the nature
of the office," Fleming said.
Other action taken by the Re-
gents yesterday included:
-The approval of three new
degree programs in the engineer-
ing college - an environmental
engineering program, a bachelor
of science in engineering pro-
gram which would not require a
student to specialize in a partic-
ular field and the consolidation of
a science engineering and physics
program into one course of study.
-The confirmation of the ap-
pointment of Leonard Goodall as
the chancellor of the University's
Dearborn campus;
-The rejection of an appeal by
former economics teaching fellow
Eric Chester, who charged he
was fired in violation of his con-
tract; and
-The reorganization of the Uni-
versity's School of Natural Re-
sources to make it more respon-
sive to the rapidly changing
ecology field.
The Regent's action on the
budget comes one week after the
University ordered a freeze on
faculty pay increases, also due
to uncertainty over the state ap-
Wilbur Pierpont, University
vice president and chief financial
officer, told the Regents that
their action was necessary be-
cause the State Legislature has
not yet acted on the University's
budget proposal.
Fiscal year 1971-72 begins July
1, and it appears unlikely that the
legislature will approve the Uni-

'versity's new appropriation be-
fore the end of the fiscal year.
The Regents' action will allow
the University to continue spend-
ing money until the final appro-
priation is enacted in Lansing.
The University had requested
a state appropriation of $95.6
million for the coming fiscal
year. In February, Governor
William Milliken recommended
that the amount be reduced to
$76.3 million, only $2.8 million
more than this year's budget.



308 S. STATE
HOURS: MON.-THURS. 9-5:30, FRI. 9-8, SAT. 9-5:30

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