Regents extend present 'U' budget By ALAN LENHOFF The Regents yesterday also approved the con- M ( Because of uncertainties concerning the level tinued appointment of A. Geoffrey Norman as vice and timing of the state appropriation to the Univer- president for research until Dec. 31, 1971, and fur- sity, the Regents yesterday adopted an emergency ther designated Norman as the head of the Uni- proposal designed to continue University spending versity Institute for Environmental Quality effec- for the 1971-72 fiscal year at the previous year's tive January 1972. level. Norman's status had been questioned when he Specifically, the proposal calls for: recently reached the, age of 65-the age at which -Payments for non-salary expenditures in fiscal regental bylaws call for the termination of execu- year 1971-72 to be made at a rate not to exceed the tive officers. monthly budget levels of 1970-71, President Robben Fleming told the Regents that -Any increase in charges for services rendered Norman may continue to perform special adminis- by the revenue producing units to become effective trative assignments while in his new position. July 1, 1971, with such increases used to provide Fleming also announced the formation of a fac- funds for anticipated higher levels of expenditures utty committee, headed by chemistry Prof. Charles for fiscal 1971-72: and Overberger, to examine the function and process i -Payrolls for July 1971 to be made on the basis of the Office of the Vice President for Research. of salary rates paid in 1970-71: See 'U, Page 6 TAKING CHANCES ,* .irHigh-upper 89's paethree AiMUU 'tt a Low-upper 50s 44P W ZKU1K ~AqFPFair and warm io lndy and thundershowers - - ' ~ANNl ARORSI MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552 Saturday, June 19, 197t NUC talks continue; state seen as target Smokea's sil bpeoia Michael Tola, a 21-year-old former University of North Carolina student yesterday smokes an unidentified substance wrapped in the subpeona he was given to appear before a federal grand jury in Detroit. The jury is meeting concerning the bombing of the U.S. Capitol in March. RACE RIOTING: National Guard sent to Jacksonville, Fla. Meeting in its third day of secret session yesterday, the national convention of the New University Confer- ence (NUC) considered pro- posals which could make Michigan the target of an intensive campaign for open admissions to state institu- tions. NUC is a national organiza- tion, composed largely of left- wing faculty and t e a c h i n g f P 11 o w s, which seeks radical change in the nation's educa- tional system. The Michigan proposal was considered in a morning con- ference, which discussed NUC's Open Up the Schools (OUTS> program. Attempts. to table the mnotion were unsuccessful. The OUTS perspective, which forms the basic ideology for NUC, includes completely open admissions for all colleges, cur- ricula relevant to blacks, women and working class youth, and promotion of a radical social consciousness among faculty. The afternloon debate cen- tered upon two major proposals from different groups within NUC. A proposal from the confer- ence's labor caucus, for radical organizing among college facul- ty received, after minor amend- ment, overwhelming a u p p o rt from the convention delegates. The proposal basically called for local chapters of NUC to become actively involved in "at- tempts to organize unions on campuses where none exist" and "be active" in such unions where they already exist. Convention delegate Joan Ep- stine, a member of the labor caucus, characterized teacher's union struggles as "where the power is" in higher education today. The proposal in its original form, however was the object of extended, and at times heated, debate among the over 200 dele- gates present at the afternoon session. Major objections were raised over the implications of the pro- posal-which some saw as dic- tating to local chapters that teacher union struggles were es- sential to the NUC program. Members of the University of Chicago delegation were espec- See MEETING, Page 10 The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University ci Michigan.tNews phone: 764-0512. Secand Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day au sroughunday mornfng Univer- sity yeare. Subsciption rates: $10 by carrier, $i by mati. Summer Session published Tuesday theouebhSaturday morning. Subscip- lion rates: $5 by carrier. $1 by mail. Woman cadet Military co-ed Deborah Carpenter will have to come back next year if she wants her ROTC promotion, She is the only co-ed at the Uni- versity of Toledo enrolled in ROTC and the commander of the uni- versity's program said successful freshman cadets normally receive promotions at the start of their second year. Carpenter has no plans to take military science next year. ACTION POSTPON ED: esearch committee delays for-mal report JACKSONVILLE, Fla. tP) - Gov. Reubin Askew put 50 Na- tional Guard troops on standby alert in Jacksonville last night where 166 young blacks have been arrested in two nights of racial rioting. The shooting death of 15 year- old Ray Hall by a white police- man earlier in the week, was credited with touching off the racial conflict. Since then at least one black youth has been shot in an en- counter with police, and several persons have been injured, in- cluding two policemen hit by rocks. Askew's press secretary Don Pride said the governor called out the guard after receiving a request for help from Jackson- ville Mayor Hans Tanzler and Duval County Sheriff Dale Car- son. By late yesterday the troops were in uniform at three Guard centers in the city but had not been summoned to help some 500 police officers patroling the riot- troubled section. Community relations officers dispersed several street corner gatherings of young blacks last night with only one looting in- cident reported. Courthouse sources said the possibility of a curfew was dis- cussed by city officials, but no final decision was made to im- pose one. City police and sheriff's dep- uties were reinforced by a spec- ial unit of the Florida Highway Patrol operating "the monster," a huge armor-plated anti-riot tank. Utilized in'the Thursday night disturbances, it spewed huge streams of tear gas and suc- ceeded in clearing rioters from several trouble spots. The riot, which has done an estimated $250,000 p e r so n a I property damage, is the third major outbreak of urban vio- lence this summer, following earlier incidents in Chatanooga, Tenn. and Albuquerque,. New Mexico. By ALAN LENHOFF A long-awaited report o n classified research, scheduled to be presented Monday to Sen- ate Assembly, the faculty repre- sentative body, will be offered only in a preliminary form. Psychology Prof. Warren Nor- man, chairman of Senate As- sembly, said the report, which was to have been given by As- sembly's Research Policies Com- mittee, would be presented by the committee's chairman or- ally, but would only be in the form of a preliminary or progress report. The committee was asked on March 22 by Assembly to un- dertake a study of the cur- rent guidelines on classified re- search at the University and re- port back to the unit with re- commendations in June. The request was made after Senate Assembly declined to act on a number of proposals that would have abolished or strictly limited classified a n d war research on campus. Chemistry Prof. Isadore .Ber- stein, chairman of the Research Policies Committee, w as out of town last night and unavail- able for comment on the delay in the formal presentation of the report. The current research guide- lines prohibits research whose "specific purpose is to destroy human life or to incapacitate human beings," but critics have charged that this phrasing is excessively vague and has not served the limiting function for which is was intended. The committee is scheduled to meet Monday morning be- fore the Senate Assembly meet- ing to work out the wording in Berstein's oral report. Norman says that Assembly will not act on the report until it receives the entire document and -conceivably, might e v e n table the receipt and acceptance of it until September. "We'd like to get this issue (classified research) cleaned up as soon as possible," he ex - plained, "but it would also be nice to wait until September when the campus is fully popu- lated and we could hold an open metting."