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May 07, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-07

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 3-5 Ann Arbor, Michigon-Fridoy, Moy 7, 1971 Sixteen Pages
Protest leaders face indictment;
actions by D.C. police disputed

Legality of
mass arrests
Special to The Daily
numbering close to 11,000 in
the past four days have pro-
voked widespread criticism
of police procedures and
have raised questions over
the constitutionality of t h e
A police actions,
The mass arrests were made
during anti-war protests as
police rounded up large crowds
on the street, shuttling them to
detention centers, without press-
ing formal charges until hours
The prisoners claim they were
not informed of their rights,
were not allowed to make phone
calls, and, in some instances,
were not provided food for up to
12 hours after their arrest. Po-
lice also confiscated and kept
personal property such as note-
books and keys.
The arrests came as thousands
blocked traffic and buildings to
protest the Indochina war.
Reporters observed police, who
lined the streets supplemented
by army troops and National
Guardsmen, stopping cars and
t arresting occupants on charges
of traffic disruption, arresting
bystanders on charges of pe-
destrian disruption, and arrest-
ing people for jaywalking.
'Our objective is to get them
off the streets," a police offi-
cer told The Daily Monday. The
*- seemingly indiscriminate meth-
ods of arrest have drawn strong
criticism from several congress-
men, the American Civil Li-
berties Union, and many of the
nation's newspapers.
Police Monday abandoned a
field arrest procedure w h i c h
they have used in previous civil
disturbances. This procedure
involves photographing the ar-
restee and the arresting officer
See D.C. ARRESTS, Page 8

BOSTON POLICE yesterday drag two anti-war demonstrators by the hair from a crowd of approxi-
mately 1,000 trying to block entrances to the John F. Kennedy Bldg. in downtown Boston. (See story,
Page 8.)


Senate opens discussion
on draf extension bills
By DAVE CHUDWIN deferments and raise military security and that failure to do
special to The Daily pay. so would be "calamitous."
WASHINGTON - Debate be- Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) Among the amendments ex-
n yesterday in the Senate, vowed Tuesday to filibuster the pected to be offered to the bill
a bill to extend the draft, extension bill. The draft law is a proposal by Sen. M a r k
the first of a series of ex- expires June 30, after which no Hatfield (R-Ore.), who favors
cted confrontations between inductions would be possible a volunteer army, to end t he
nate war foes and the Nixon without approval of a bill by the draft.
ministration on U.S. involve- Senate. Much more likely to be ap-
nt in Southeast Asia. In presenting the bill on the proved is an amendment to
The bill, similar to one pass- Senate floor yesterday, Sen. limit the extension of the draft
April 1 by the House, would John Stennis (D-Miss.), chair- to one year, proposed by Sens.
ntinue the Selective Service man of the Armed Services Richard Schweicker (R-Pa.)
stem for an additional two Committee, said extending the and Harold Hughes (D-Iowa).
ars, stop any new student draft is necessary for national Senate doves believe that by
stopping th draft they c a n
.----------- -- - force President Nixon to rely
./ f;$t on volunteers if the Indochina
War continues, and further pre-
vent the administration f r o m
undertaking any large new
commitment of troops without
first seeking congressional ap-
The draft extension contro-
versy will be the first of several
battles concerning the Indochina
Sf'war on the floor of the Senate
this session:
Hatfield and Sen. George
McGovern (D-S.D.) plan to re-
introduce a resolution offered
last year requiring an end to
U.S. ground and air combat
operations in Southeast Asia by
December 31, 1971.
The measure last year was de-
feated, but stands a chance of
getting a majority in this ses-
sion, observers say. All the ma-
jor Democratic presidential pos-
sibilities except Sen. Henry Jack-
son (D-Wash.) support the Hat-
Associated::re y field-McGovern amendment.
G 9The proposal is expected to be
Ise transplant at Voffered as an amendment to the
han (left) begins a corneal transplant Wednesday at the Univer- draft extension measure. Thus,
if the draft extension passes the
another building, the operation was viewed for the first time on a Senate, Nixon would he faced
dents. A view of the eye may be seen on a small TV screen (up- with the dilemma of either ac-
See SENATE, Page 3

Officials may
file charges
of conspiracy
special to The Daily
tice Department is expected
to file federal charges
against two dozen anti-war
leaders for their roles in or-
ganizing this week's Mayday
demonstrations which pro-
tested the war in Indochina.
A Grand Jury will investi-
gate two dozen demonstration
leaders including "Chicago
Seven" Conspirators Rennie
Davis, Abbie Hoffman and John
Froines, for possible prosecu-
tion on conspiracy charges.
Davis yesterday declared that
the last two weeks of anti-war
demonstration here, resulting in
the arrest of over 11,000 per-
sons, was "only a warm-up" and
that future protests would be
forthcoming, probably within
two months in Washington.
A series of demonstrations, be-
ginning in mid-April with anti-
war protests by Vietnam Vet-
erans, included what is gen-
erally considered the largest
protest march ever held in
Washington, on April 24, as well
as planned, non-violent civil
disobedience in an attempt to
shut down the federal govern-
ment by traffic stoppages a n d
building occupations.
The protests were to have
ended yesterday with a rally at
the South Vietnamese Embas-
sy. The rally failed to material-
ize, however, when some 200 per-
sons, a small remnant of the
week's protesters, were prevent-
ed from gathering yesterday
morning in Sheridan Circle by
a massive contingent of police.
Protesters were outnumbered
by at least five to one with Dis-
trict Police, Executive Protec-
tion Officers, FBI agents and
Military Police Units.
The strongest display of law
enforcements officers has domi-
nated the demonstration, espe-
cially this week, after protesters
published plans to "paralyze the
government" with non-violent
civil disobedience.
Hoffman was arrested Wednes-
day night on charges of inter-
state travel to incite a riot, and
Davis and Froines were appre-
hended earlier in the week on
charges of violation of Federal
Civil Rights Statutes. Davis was
released on $25,000 bond and
Froines on $10,000.
At a press conference called
yesterday by the Mayday Tribe,
sponsors of the disruptions, Davis
said he was being charged for
"things I have said," which he
claimed were protected by the
First Amendment.
"They are going to have to
jail every young person in
America before we are silenced,"
he said.
Several hundred demonstrators
jailed after mass police arrest
earlier this week were still in
custody in District jails yester-
day refusing to be processed for
what they termed illegal arrests.
Officials in the U.S. Attorneys
office yesterday indicated they
were considering asking Superior
See U.S., Page 8

T elevi.
Ann Arbor eye surgeon Dr. Bruce Co
sity Medical Center. A mile away in
giant screen by eye surgeons and stud
per left).

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