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June 18, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-06-18

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State House to debate wiretapping

Amid controversy over whether the
federal government has the right to
place "domestic subversive" groups un-
der electronic surveillence without a
warrant, records of the Administra-
tive Service of United States C o u r t s
show that federal agents tapped about
400,000 conversations with warrants
last year.
Further, the records show that more
federal surveillance activity - 22,526
monitored conversations - has occur-
red in Michigan than any other state.
Now, in addition to federal wiretap-
ping, Michigan citizens may be sub-
jected to wiretapping by state and lo-
cal law enforcement agenices as a bill

legalizing such activity is ready for de-
bate on the floor of the state House.
While state and local agenices do
currently wiretap, they can only do so
legally in cooperation with federal
agencies under federal laws.
Rep. Quincy Hoffman (R-Apple-
gate), a member of the House Public
Safety Committee which approved the
bill early this month 6 to 1, says he
believes the bill is necessary to com-
bat organized crime.
"Police officials have to have sn-'
ticated tools to work against -
ed crime," he adds.
Under the proposal, the state a t -
torney general's office and c o u n t y
prosecuting attorneys could apply -to a

court for a special "eavesdropping war-
rant", if they feel a wiretap would
yield vital information concerning ma-
jor crimes.
To apply for a warrant, the agents
must name the individual they wish
to subject to wiretapping and s h o w
"probable cause" that the person has
committed or is planning to commit
a crime.
The crimes for which authorization
could be obtained include murder, kid-
napping, gambling, robbery, bribery, ex-
tortion, crimes dangerous to life, limb
or property, and illegal sale or posses-
sion of narcotics, dangerous d r u g s,
or marijuana.
See MICHIGAN, Page 10

Is it, or isn't it?

~i~ Sr4 an4ni3
Vol. LXXXI, No. 32-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 18, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
.J House defeats
bill setting date
for war's end
WASHINGTON ' - Continuing Congress' refusal to
interfere with President Nixon's handling of the Indochina
war, the House rejected yesterday a Dec. 31 deadline on
continued U.S. involvement in the conflict.
The House also refused to urge an April 30 U.S. pull-
out in rapidly voting down one after another five different
proposals for putting on record a date for certain' with-
drawal of U.S. forces.
The votes came just one day after the Senate voted
55 to 42 not to cut off funds for the war effective Dec. 31.

When the summer's here .
YOUTHS GATHER outside P.3.'s restaurant on State St. last night following an incident during
which objects were thrown at police officers. See story, Page 3.

Daily News Analysis
The release of American priso-
ners of war held by North Viet-
nam has emerged as a major
bargaining issue in the Paris
Peace Talks.
Widespread controversy over
the matter has led to charges
that both the Nixon administra-
tion and North Vietnam have am-
plified and exploited it for their
own advantage.
The result, according to one
Washington observer, has been
a confused American public and
the "paradox of a war prolonged
to release men from war."
Many observers feel Presider t
Nixon was largely responsible for
the dramatization of the POW is-
sue in trying to rally public sym-
pathy against Hanoi by such
moves as his plea to the Pope
and a new advertising campaign.
Nixon's efforts, however, seem
to have backfired with POW fami-

lies and anti-war sympathizers
using the issue to press 'the gov-
ernment for the full withdrawal
of all American forces - North
Vietnam's chief stipulation for
the release of American POW's.
Nixon administration policy
has been that troops will remain
in Indochina as long as North
Vietnam continues to hold Ameri-
can POW's.
This policy has led to wide-
spread criticism that Nixon is.
using an easily-grasped, emotion-
packed goal of gainiog the re-
lease of the approximately 330
American POW's held in North
Vietnam to "buy time" to help
maintain troops in South Viet-
This policy has been particular-
ly attacked by a group of fami-
lies of captured American serv-
icemen who have charged that it
creates a situation in which the
prisoners have become "political

hostages." They are pressing the
U.S. to reach agreement with the
Communists that prisoners be
released when a withdrawal date
is set.
Secretary of State William Rog-
ers in addressing the POW ques-
tion Tuesday gave no indica-
tion that a deal for release of
the U.S. servicemen held by Ha-
noi will be worked out any time
He accused Hanoi of trying to
use U.S. POW's to achieve its
war goals and said the U.S. can-
not abandon its "national ob-
jectives to pay ransom."
There r e m a i n s a certain
amount of ambiguity and doubt
as to exactly what North Viet-
nam's conditions for POW re-
lease are at this point.
In a recent interview with the
Washington Post, Hanoi's, chief
negotiator, Xuan Thuy reiter-
ated North Vietnam's position
See POW's, Page 10

The 158 total for the amend-
ment is the largest antiwar vote
to date in the House. Generally
it has been 130 but reached 153
last year on a procedural motion
supporting a Senate proposal to
prohibit use of U.S. troops in
The House shouted down by
voice vote a move by Rep. Paul
Findley (R-Ill.) to urge the
President to withdraw all U.S.
forces "by the earliest practi-
cable date" from Indochina.
The crucial House vote came
on the Nedzi-Whalen amend-
ment urging a Dec. 31 deadline
on the war unless this would
jeopardize release of American
prisoners and safe withdrawal
of U.S. troops.
The amendment was proposed
by Reps. Lucien Nedzi (D-Mich.)
and Charles Whalen (R-Ohio).
Secretary of Defense Melvin
R. Laird informed the House he
believes the measure would order
all U.S. air support and U.S.
activity in Indochina halted as
of Dec. 31. But, he said, it is
so ambiguous that it would em-
broil the administration and
Congress in conflict over the
actual intent.
"Continuing U.S. air support
is critical," Laird told the House
in a letter read by House Armed
Services Committee Chairman F.
Edward Hebert (D-La.).
Nedzi and Whalen stressed
their amendment to a $21 bil-
lion long - range w e a p o n s
procurement authorization bill
could not actually start cutting
off weapons and troops for the,
war before 1973 or 1974.
Nedzi said the amendment
would register Congress' view,
however, "that we must with-
draw completely and within a
relatively early time."
He said he could not under-
stand the President's opposition
when the amendment would not
cut off funds for at least two

NUC holds
bars press
The New University Conference
(NUC), a radical organization
seeking change in education, is
holding a national convention in
Ann Arbor this week amidst criti-
cism of the groups security mea-
The convention, being held in
the Natural Science Auditorium
on campus, is closed to the public
and members of the press Dave
been barred from attending meet-
Executive Chairman Tom
Hecht explained yesterday that

Open schools ...
... closed convention
the national committee of the
NUC had decided on the "no
press" rule. No further expla-
nation was given for the aura of
secrecy which is surrounding the
five day conference.
Yesterday afternoon's session
of the convention dealt mainly
with radical organizing in col-
See NUC, Page 10

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