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June 17, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-06-17

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Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 17, 1971

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Senate foils
'end the war'
- WASHINGTON A-The Senate yesterday defeated the
controversial Hatfield-McGovern amendment to the draft
extension bill by a 55 to 42 vote.
The Senate also rejected a last-minute substitute pro-
posal by Sen. Lawton Chiles, Jr. (D-Fla.) which would have
cut off funds for the Vietnam war by June, 1972 provided
that U.S. prisoners were released 60 days before that time.
That proposal was defeated 55 to 44.
The Hatfield-McGovern amendment, authored by Sens.
Mark Hatfield (D-Ore.) and George McGovern (D-S.D.)
had set a Dec. 31 cut-off - - - - - -

SEN. JOHN STENNIS (D-Miss.), center, goes over a checklist of senators yesterday with Sens. George
McGovern (D-S.D.) and Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.) just before the Senate voted to reject the McGovern
Hatfield amendment to the draft bill.
wo men s group hits
sex,** bias case handlingv

date for f u n d s supporting
U.S. operations in Indo-
After the vote, Hatfield said
that he was not surprised as
much as disappointed at the
"Fifty-one senators have at
one time or another indicated
their support for withdrawal at
a specific time. The problem is
we haven't found a date on
which the 51 will agree," he
Hatfield also said there is a
"very good likelihood" that
there will be a filibuster on the
bill to extend the draft law
which expires June 30.
Michigan Democratic Sen.
Philip Hart was one of the 34
Democrats supporting the bill,
w h i 1 e Michigan's Republican
Sen. Robert Gr if f in voted
against it.
The Chiles amendment was
worked out in a series of con-
ferences during the afternoon
while debate on the floor was in
progress. The debate was inter-
spersed w it h time - delaying
quorum calls.
Hatfield and McGovern sup-
ported the Chiles amendment
after the Florida Democrat re-
vised an earlier proposal that
carried a June 30, 1972 date for
cutoff of funds and provided
for the suspension of the dead-
line if the President said he
was unable to gain freedom for
American prisoners of war.
See DRAFT, Page 6

Regents to
meet over
'U' budget
Budgetary considerations high-
light the relatively meager agen-
da for the Regent's June meet-
ings today and tomorrow.
Before the public meeting at
11 a.m. tomorrow, the Regents
will hear a report regarding the
budget from Vice President for
State Relations and Planning
Fedele Fauri-recently returned
from financial fact - finding in
With the state's financial ap-
propriation to the University still
uncertain despite the fast - ap-
proach of the new fiscal year, the
Regents are expected to order a
temporary continuation of the
present budget through July and
possibly August.
Other Regent's business is
rather routine, according to Ri-
chard Kennedy, secretary of the
"The fact that the Regents
closed meeting today is not be-
ginning until 3 p.m. is indicative
that there is less than a full agen-
da for the meetings this month,"
Kennedy explained.

The University's Commission
on Women has criticized the
Executive Officers for the Uni-
versity's handling of a recent
grievance involving alleged sex
In a letter sent Monday to the
officers and made public yester-
day, the commission requested a
review of the case of Research
Associate Cheryl Clark Grad., of

the Highway Safety Research In-
stitute (HSRI) whose request for
pay adjustment to compensate
for alleged sex bias was denied
last month by the University.
Clark filed a complaint last
January, alleging that a salary
gap of $3,400 between her and a
male worker, in the same job
classification at essentialy the
same work constituted sex dis-

Clark's case went through the
usual University employment
grievance procedure, which in-
cludes a hearing before a com-
plaint Review Committee. Hear-
ing Clark's case were Manager of
Employe and Union Relations
James. Thiry, Jay Katz, assist-
ant to the director of the snatitute
for Science and Technology, of
which HSRI is a branch, and
Jean Campbell of, the Women's
When the University gave its
opinion - written by Thry - on
May 28, Campbell issued a dis-
senting opinion.
The Commission supported
Campbell's statement, contending
that Thiry's decision "philosoph-
ically violated the University's
over-all commitment t o w a r d
' . . . achieving salary equity be-
tween men and women having
equivalent responsibilities, per-
formance and qualifications.' "
Specifically the Commission
objected to the following. proce-
dures used in Clark's case:
-Clark allegedly did not Know
what information wp's to be used
at her hearing until the Thiry de-
cision was rendered;
-The Commission's represen-
tative although included in the
hearing, played an "ambiguoua"
role in the decision-making pro-
cess; and
-Tlse parties who determine
the disposition of the complaint
are those whose "original deci-
sions are the basis for the conĀ±-
The Commission further criti-
cized the review .committee for
considering "only job - related
qualifications", in determining
the validity of salary differential.
In addition it charged the Uni-
versity with the burden to prove
"the relevance of those criteria
used to justify salary differen-
tials." Also questionedwas
Thiry's use of the term "market
value" in referring to Clark's

Activist released
Anti-war activist Leslie Bacon walks to freedom yesterday with her
attorney Jan Peterson after spending more than one month in a
Seattle jail on a contempt of court charge. Bacon, released on $1,000
bond, has refused to answer a grand jury's questions concerning
the March 1 bombing of the U.S. Capitol.

Terrorist target
Police and detectives with submachine guns mass outside de-
tective headquarters in Santiago, Chile, yesterday following a
one-man attack on the building by a man described as a leftist

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