Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 16, 1971
FortDirect CIassif ied Ad Service. Phone 764-557
[ Monday through Friday, 110 a.m.-4 p.m.
U NCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES' 2 BLOCKS from campu 1 brm apt JOLY-AUG -Ott bdrms apt Cl 63- HELP! FEMALE gad mut find husea-
~etchen.Frnishdnice sine 223 ater 5ptm. 74021 aptt shae FPitthis week.769
tr cupe 13 Mont. lease wsuhlet 7526, Judy. 571,1
WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days add. clauase $160 tto 66-9242 43i SUBLET Jly-Attg2 edrttomes, aid IMTRDOiRPOFRNS
0- 10 1 . 00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 hotue-$4.$I6261-6.665.64f I'M aTuaRED gRIPOFFiaETaa!A
1 1 - 15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3,90 4.80 5.60 .75 ROOMS Summer atnd/or all Ru cak- -' os.$57426 6-656U1,Imaml rdloigfraRA
16-20 1.30 2.60 360 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 lugno pets. 761-01353 6033 SUBLET-Jstly-Aslg. 2 mnsmodaero i S1.OrALYPRfICiEDcp.trtl.Ms
21 -25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 700 8.10 105 _ - -_- -_--_---( Furnishled~, alr cnd. $120as. eg-I hae pakng, prefer tnfturished. Call
26-30 1,.80 3.60 5.00 6.60 .10 9.40 1 .20 GREATEST APARTMENTS tiahie). Cat 76-7517. SU32I Dale, 761-3593, evs. L3
31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9.05 10.50 1.35 IN ANN ARBOR - --. -.
36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 1 1.60 1,50 till1 S. State, SPACIOUS 1 hdnta apt. Purittshed, 2 SUBLET NEEDED fr late Jne-Aug.
41 -45 2.55 5.10 695 9.00 10.95 1270 1,65 135 Wall St., 1506 Packard hWks. rons catmpusts10, all utilt {Lg. 2 drm., a apt, at saall huse
46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11 .90 13180 1 .80 1 & 2 Stiem. Arand., weal furntised paid. 761-631. 6U33 tr talily, Will pay $10m. 437-6664
INCHS Eatiltia arotaha CHARMING oar edrootm. 2 man, July-
1 2.80 5,60 7.60 9.80 1 1 .90 13.80 1.80 Call afiere5: 971-204 or 1-35-739 Auguat. Call 761-536 peritenly FALL-Gradsatearwoman wania to share
2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19.10 23.45 27.60 3.60 We hate sotme oe imted occspncy morn, and ees 0032 Hopial apartent. 761-4146. 8330
3 7,40 1.80 2.10 27630 43.00 4.20 5.40 ---Cit- -- - MOD. APT. All air-rood. 1, 2 man. QUIET reponil gradtate studnal
4 .40 1.80 3,2 26.53.30 4.55 1.60 .20 -$d5/ma.Nrta sidr at camput. Call kwith quitet nn-detrictcivctoises
5 1, 5.0 680 90 Next Fl is not for away. I 769-853 or 761-4235 433j quiet one bdm. r efficenecty staring
N.B. Each group of characers couns as one wrd to - -i Sept., olto far lrn campus.
Hyheatdwodsaer5 hrales ad s as ars The best campus apartments %3 GIRLS needed July-Aug. in laeg ap, Maimtm rent $140m. Call 663749
Hpeaewodovr5caatrconastowrs$40 m. Close to campis. 4744776. 54375
(this includes telephona numbers) are renting right now. 7032 .._
10 lines euals I inch 5 words per line Give us a call. t GIRL NEEDED asrJuly and Aug.; FOR SALE
________Sublet f large i-evr1 4-man. CallG -S3p "-ik - kt. e
FRRNFO RETC:HARTER 66-4431 et. 436 ater 0 p.m 9933 oILd. Coiled 449-4973. ets71532s
FOIEN O RENTT SUBLET--3 edroom mod. apt. fr GARAGE S-Ai rnlionr fur-
ROOMS._ AEAr uyAg.Arcnd al 6363,cndtoeFOR RENT-Summer only! 3 CAMPUS-FALL-MODERN R A T si-sI t ctd o ,6363.nture appllarce. 905 Parkwd.
blacks from campus, refrigerator.6-Efcec n n eros t-33 91-392. 3730
78_ffcecyad1__ bdoms u-{23
853 eves. 65034 nished, air codiiionrd large. 66-1 665-025 Ctr SUBLET-2 bdrmt. mod. ap. July-Atg. DULEBD atr-,ba prns
ROOM FOR RENT in home near ram- 6..C.r ERVCE ,Inepensve. 761-716 crsisstently.! frame. $50. 663-950.33B31
pua with kiichenad ltvigroom acBUSINESS SRIE 73
orsai.le, sarting July iuniliwihen- Camp us & Hospital Area
eve. $55 so. And otherice people mnaotmti,5lcneAWOMAN eprtened wih leahr and JULY -AUGUST -Spaciausta2 ean pt. T'
mii6te.7P33 13 akngalautmnryfcltes,caein, cloth will sawoa rpair toost.Goat) 40 Hli. 769-323. Neoti ble.23V033All picIe lalhed! Fine 'IVs prcd
livng_ her.p7ric13a6105Callig,769-3809ciitisJarptit, aom $1995. Call 62-545. 4433:
formca itchn, bat alragecad - -SUBLET - Jily-August,5nearcampis.
TOP FLOOR of large hoser Air rand., many oiher godtes. 66-9373, 665-IYIGinm-er iei, st.2z roots efficiettcy95 665-4044. 6-10 SECOND AND furnitire oe- sale -
shared kitchen, parking. $00 pusi0063 (weekeds) 769-479. CCic etc. PICall6654728. m-hei, 463eprtp m. 3033,Car n al,2 apcfe al
utilities. Weal Side AA. Cl 761-7071 bed, bookcase atd dresser. 761-8049.
afes5pm 5C3WILLING an do hsewosvrk. Call 76- - AATETta sbe -4pepe, hien2al,6ap, ofetbe,
ROOM FOR RENT. Call 79-1256 or 761- 3lA l 7473. 635 large bedrotms. July and Aufus. --- -- -
1431. 8032 FALL - ------ --- --- .--- Perisently call 665-90 anytime. LEAVING country, tustt sell Speed
___ TENNIS-Frmer CM playe, indiidual 183C Qteen prtable washer, spin dryer
- ED OO AP. near---_- ind- o--- -r group. 663-4767 97130! - - -- - ---- 20 m n old. $85. Call 769-3035. 411331
paBERM$135 near971-7209. d,3cr CHOICE CAMPUS (SUBLET-July-Aigut. 2 bedrom fur- -------
---- LOCATIONS FOR PEPE -PITR Wll pltay ihdmdr laisn. Call 769- 2 TICKETS, Ats-Detot Aug. 17, U-M
2 OR 3 GIRLS wanted an sitbet i-I thing god, chap. 769-309 Jhn. 4049 after 600 p.m. 130 group, Dodge Dart 1969, 6 automatic,
level, air rond, apt., Jtne 2 oas 11 2 3 OR 4 PEOPLE ARE 1J32-- 4 dr., atr cnditiner 58aw nTU. 662-
.I iswser tats 0 i;- ,---- 2 BEDROOMS ttn THE house at Packard 51 53
Au.2.Ds~se,3bts 0m. STILL AVAILABLE. EXP SEC. SEEKS work in Sianish or Ei at U. Cheap atid AC 769-374. --- ---- ---- -- >
fram oait98 ad.ositl.0al371-English part-titne, please -Tie.10U3 < BOOKS-Wetsech rae ard osttoa
2989.2503 Xerax, MTST 75 wpm . Clli 761-6942, - -- - print book. Border Bok Shop, 211
y furishe, 92Jele SUMMER SUBLET-1 or 2 masn ef I- S. Sate, 2nd rins. CBIs
ROME, fnlly titinarniced.thre rbedroamas /N I-Lf AAAKN ' Cathy." - iecy, air condiind, axcellt l- ---- --- ---
bora, 0 miles fteam campius enterN ,MUSICIANS, Grasps, blues, folk, az,.1catin, 2 bocksfrsotscsapis. Call TASOTTO
AvialIetI5 a.1 oli AD D K ~ T rock. Da you ned pblcity phtos, 769-0548. 1032
A.IsoJan..1 $300. Phsone [62-84766Ljpobana lyes etc,.? ClTat's Jaour ONRO nhue3 lc rm aRIDER 17wanted ts Calt.obbtt Jne 0
Aug. .35032 lajbndwdoiwiiC'iJakoOWROMihtt7hlcs Ci6105503
545 CHURCH ST Batb afte 5 p.m. 665-691. CJrcIcampst. 665-6263 1530 RID WANTED in Pittsb urgh. Will
in amarried studeni hosisng ram CRISIS TYPINGOlRL wnntddyftservtcn,2share drivng andexpenes.Ale to
30i et .$2 a ihui~IThses, tYPNGrm s dyseviebdm apt. Available timmtedatly, $50 leave atytime oier Sunday. Cl
June Throes1, temppes 3ecJ4i3pm Catheiten at Division. 6656260. 6932 Ats rLrya 6-53a ev
Stiea paid. 761-4165. 5G0Ania 434-2417.74-052 ndJea4
C~a1----- M $ msae D31
LAGEETO tctii pr-_-EXPERIENCED Theses and Technical I-OR- BEDROM.-$10.-32-5.-D-i---t
metnusavail. tr fall rentals. Typist URNSHEsAPRTMNTStypitgi n herism.Cl62-4. 10 USED CARS
Assc. Hamilton Management. 737 SME RTSaIMSelgeraccdurallaneate
Packard, 761-8055. Ctc seviecateedacrae anttefat CMU-OSIA RA 162 BUICK Speisl, 8,0tils, $15.
-- - --i Air conditioning I 9712463. CJtc JuyadAgs.51Wlu G all Bob, 62-29053N22
CO-EDS: Grad & UtdegradCllegiate Swimming pool Mdrn, air, dshwasher, 2 bdmt
Srosis htt astsnfr women 0for fall I .- WATERBED WHOLESALERS-Dn's py 66-6906 tc62 FORD Failanegeat sape, best .
and wnter semesers. God fond antdi Univers ity Towers ditibutor prices. Get your beds CGtsoffer. PB. 769-6747. 47N32
livng cstndtiotns.Call 662-7632 or 536 S. Forest - whlesale from Tots and Harry dews SMALL HOUcaity sub,__ -- COE,1964, -3 ds-uo..or,h-adtnp,auto-
66-4324 tr informsatioti. 51031 761-3600 at Wave f the Future who an offer SMALJLy-ss., faut u-CMToat
__-.___._CC__. you factory prices - immediate d- let. $15om. Henry t.Pefer 2 ;rdn ai tranmtisstaon, ecelen me-
BARGAIN CORNER C44 livery-and friendly faces. Jtc studsents or faulty without chlden chanil coditton. Will take the bess
___-__-_---__--______-- - ___ r pts. Boo 17, Mchigaae Daiy, 9403 offer. Call 761-3882 or 761-173 (eve-
CLUE-An earth pig is an AARDVARK Campus-Hospital Area ROMTE-ATE VILABE ismdiael-Cr- ins). D3
Rutd etnd Jumbo WATERBEDS $25 iincuany- e. Need girl, awn bedrom in lare '69 DODGE D'rt, 2 dosr Badtop, isw
Ktngqusten, $18. Twin 16 FallOcuay FEMALE ROOMMATE needd, sime 3 bdm. ap. $50. C'll 761-2943. CUta mileg, 1 owncr 'ar, 6 cyl tandad
Pads5. EARTH PO, 663-9274. CWt( and fall tn old 3 bedomshBaster. 665- --- --- --- -- C11 663-244 ater5 p.m. OS
Purtnished 2-bedoom, 2-3 man apar- 6665 7642061. 63Y34 APARTMENTS AVAIL. tr sumnmer sui-I
Tom and areyatnounce THE COM- met, $215 per month inrludes Bat -.._.. let. 737 Packard. 761-055. Sitmouit- 160 PONTIAC Le Mtts. Ecellent co-
PLETE SYSTEM. What costld a honkie and water. air-snditioner opaittal A COUPLE sr twa gil s share apt Asciates, Uc1 dilon. Call 761-2985 24N31
like this ittclude? Onlya waterbed in a hao r.e July sube, fall. pinss -- - ---- --
pdae, lun r, rhel o frtnea d wood, Campus Management, Inc. 663-7182. 31Y32, MUSICAL MDSE 1961 RAMBLER Stin Wagn.RuH
o aie ndu-___' but uensi, 975.769-121 a.m.
gestively extir tapesry of your 335 E Huron 663-4101 1-2 GIRLS NEEDED t cmp1ete 4 RADIOS, REPAIRS 662-353 pm 3N32
choice ai aabsutrdprice.Cn't be Ctc a. Sumtnrhalf. Park PlaaApts- --- ---- - ---- --- ...
-- --be atir, it! 214 E. Washinigton. 769- _-__ Rent negttable. 76-9270, 4Y35 FOR SALE-BAND euupment.. 76-9291. 1962 CADILLAC 1le5twod, bet ofe
9020, CWtr S DRM. APT. ner Pakrd e& Stte, --2--WOMEN.-. .'60X3: ovat 160. C11 665-0925. 2N1
AC $120/mo.,tsummer; $200m /ill'- O E NEEDED for 4-man. apt. ----- - --- --- ---- - -- ---- A
1 761-43 9630 ;Jtuly-Au. centra1atspus. Own raom. GUITARS, aps, orgats. enebat- MUST SELL NOW! '60Mstngo
Con-I - AC. 50ms.76-1726. Negtiabl. tots 10. Marsh'11 ad BSnnamp v etibi - atomi, 390 i. 34,00 ml.
IEFFICIENCY APT. Sutmersonly. $10016Y35 I in ok, Mrin gutrs all odels AM P Stee. $1306 ar bt offer
ma7163F63 aft a oran$27 ,epo Fetde Bass- ICll Marc 769-7940 (bok 6ept. days,
I___ROOMMATES is fill large house man $295. APOLLO MUSIC CENTER,( or 769-1389 at night. 39N31
LEVI DENIMS PALL-Modern, 2 bdm. 3 and 4 man Cheap. 668-8667, 40Y33 322 S. Main, Ann Arbor, 769-1406. 1963 -- ----....._-
apto, -"-i-rn -c-tps"--locaions196ts VW BUS-Red tp, gas eater, re-
Bell Bottomos $8.00 60-9.OC IF YOU NEED a rommate for your apt. - built engine, and other nice things.
or house, al Doug 1-422-5558. 500Y30 ANN ARBOR FOLKLORE CENTER all Bob at 663-6436 7-16 dN3
Trdtaas $.0APARTMVENTS now aailablte for sum- ,,,,,1ANED 516 E. Willam-668-9836 (Continued on Page 91
Button Flys... $6.98 - a ntt ill el uns-SprSis $.0 me, and fal rentals. Please -callWATDimntfllewyursh Guitar, Banos, Fiddles Old & New
SprSis $.0 PM 1A . 769-4227 708 ed haus. 0wn bdrm. Immediate 0e- Bouht andI Sold. Prompt Rpara -
____ -__ upancy. $40. 76-7421. 6Y31 Instruction Xtc
3-man. 2-bdrm. July ad Aug. Cheap. Acousi, elctric instumenta, acces-I ADVERTISING
Bells......$8.:50 APA T E T /C. 761-4344._ ___ 881Y32 ore, Daid leasns-epar. Gibaon
several colors) -I-- armny. 209 5, tate, 65-801, 10-7 POLICY
Slim Fits .... ..$6.98 South Forest Between HELPW NTEDpm._Ct
---_-_- ----_-_----- Aderisements may be removed
LEISAPESS. Univ. & Hill UNDERGRADS! Earn money for par- LOST AND FOUND from publication, but will be billed
LEI TAPRS EecroicScuit Sstm ticipating in psychlgical reearch. --____ __ acordng to original number of
ElctsncSeurtyStt'ti Call Judy Cohen at 764-9300. 9-2 FOUND - Wan' white old wtst days orders. This plcy is applcable
IOS ... 7.0ARBOR FOREST weekdays. 662-5129 after 500. 73H35 watch with Inscription. 761-6752.,DA22asw int ad requiring prepayment.
FvCoos....$.0APARTMENTS S~PN rs prtca ultm OTSy.odbakadw~emLe.,no refunds. AD SUBMISIONS,
LEVI SLIM F ITS 4/ f Man for Foil pasitona avail on 1st and 2nd shift dog near Pmckard and Sate 65-4407 MUST BE MADE BY 11:36 AM, OP
fr thse experienced or -wiing ioll4'26 THE DAY PRIOR TO THE DAY
Five Colors ...$5.98 aasaas59 learn. Vterana preferred. Plant l- -____________ THEY APPEAR IN THE PAPER. rtdJa 0mnfo n ro
LEVI FLARES Itsqstte Apt. 102, 721 S. Psrest via 0.5. 23 expressaa. BRIGHTON BKSADSCOES 'ep Wne'aocno lgil
03C TOOL & DYE CO., 735 N. 2nd St. nate on the basis of sea, aolor,
In many solidb and -- Brighton, Mi. 72H30 YELLOW 1971 Nrttan Commando Road- greed, or natianal origin in any ex-
stries--ater, 3 mas. old, 2,206 milea, $1500. 1 tent (i.e., "preferably" is atill dis-
CIkkp HOUSEWIVES earn estra income aell- case CCtrol & Bell Star incl. 405.- criminatory).
Casual and Dress Fabrics SU M R Ing cosmetics, naBr fashiona, mink 0098. 55233
-saw suaII IV LR accessores.a Far furter information, - "Pound" ads are run free-of-charge
$8.00-$4'.00 contact Mr. Chapman, 403-4675. 22H38 FOR SALE-Girl's Schwinn bike, very to a maaimum of 3 lines for 3 days.
SU L Tgoad condition. 663-0246. 50231 Information regarding content of
LEVI DENIM JACKETS S B E COOK tar University of Michigan Camp clamsified ada cannot be discloed
Davis, Jackson, Michigan. Immediate- 1006 DUCATI, 250 Scrambler. New top per lotr to publication. Advertisera
Unlined........ $9.00 ly thru Aug. 13. Daya 764-1435 after end, aome parts and tools. Call Bill, namea may NEVER be revealed.
Blanket lined. . "; $1 3.00 665-8825, 7 p.m. 701-4020.. 75H3a 769-1230, 19Z33 Nme f1a navrlretI
WAITRESS-Apply between 9 and 11. CROPPER 1961 'SA 650 cc. Great con- determined by total number of
BLUE CHAMBRAY Libetty Inn, 112 W. Liberty, 82531 dition, great looking. $506. Call John, words-5 words/line,
WORK SHIRTS ._.$2.49 RO N BAD .769-0247,.66E21 A
CH R E ___________ MISCELLANEOUS Hyphenated words under 5chr-
207 E. Liberty REALTY1 BABYSIT23IIG in exchange for room ___________ t ets. Hyphenated words over 5chr
Ftc and board; starting fall term in pro- LEARN TO FLY, Rent planes, unbe- agters, i.e., phone numbers--2 words,
__________________________ectg lessor's family, 669-6886. 42E33 lievable Inexpensive. 662-6245, 21M35 ______________