mtr ziltian Buth 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. Wednesday, June 16, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR: GERI SPRUNG Trying to stifle truth A FEDERAL JUDGE has ordered the New York Times temporarily to halt publication of a voluminous classified study that reveals to the American public for the first time the origins -of our tragically foolish in- volvement in Indochina. While abiding by the court's injunction, the Times has decried the government's attempts at "classic cen- sorship" and has argued the articles are "in the interest of the people of this country." The three installments already published by the Times "seriously interfered with the conduct of our foreign relations," the government's attorney claimed yesterday. In the event of further publication, he insist- ed, "the national defense interests of the United States and the nation's security will suffer immediate and ir- reparable harm." But these arguments ring hollow. The foreign rela- tions of a world power that has for years pursued an un- just war are already on shaky ground, and our defense and security are endangered far less than our pride. IT IS CLEAR that the Times has operated in the people's interest. The controversy revolves around one basic concept: truth - a newspaper's effort to present the truth to the public and the government's effort to sup- press it. The documents offer final proof of the existence of a credibility gap. The American people have never been told the truth about Vietnam. Instead, their elected of- ficials, including the President, have lied to them con- sciously and carefully for years. The study reveals that the Johnson Administration "intensified the covert warfare against North Vietnam and began planning in the spring of 1964 to wage overt war, a full year before it publicly revealed the depth of its involvement and its fear of defeat." Plans for escalation were made in the spring of 1964, the study says, months before the Gulf of Tonkin inci dent, the supposed justification for increased U.S. in- volvement. PRESIDENT Johnson's credibility is shaken still fur- ther. The administration had decided in September, 1964, that extensive bombing of North Vietnam would be necessary. But the consensus was kept quiet, while the nation reacted adversely to campaigning Senator Barry Goldwater's advocacy of full-scale air attacks on the north. The administration soon realized its bombing was going to be ineffective, and in April, 1965, Johnson de- cided to use U.S. ground troops for offensive action. The decision, however, was kept secret, and orders were given "to minimize any appearance of sudden changes in pol- icy." In its entirety, the study represents a frightening pattern of thought. "It suggests," as the Times says, "that the predominant American interest was at first containment of Communism and later the defense of the power, influence and prestige of the United States, in both stages irrespective of conditions in Vietnam." With its 7,000 pages of details, the study exposed by the Times is vital information and should certainly be public information. Yet the government is seeking, as it has sought throughout the Vietnam war, to keep this information secret. THE ATTEMPTS at censorshi, particularly in this case, serve as an ominous warning. A government that has fought a war to maintain apoearances is willing'to stifle the press to keep up those same appearances. Meanwhile, the Times faces an FBI investigation and possible prosecution for' printing the- truth. How- ever, with a vote to cut off funds for the Indochina war scheduled today in the Senate, the articles have made an impact that government persecution can only deep- en. --LARRY LEMPERT Summer Co-Editor Stie r Edi/orial Staff STEvE KOPPMAN LARRY LEMPERT Ce-PditterCo-Editor ROB.RTCONROW............................... ...eBooks Editor JIM JUDKIS.......................... ..,Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark Dillen, Jonathan Miller, Robert Pehreeiner, GeriSperuang ASSISTANT NIGRT EDITORS: Patricia E..Bauer,. Anita Crone, Jim Irwin Alan Lenhoff, Chris Parks Snummer Busiaess Staff JIM STOREY .................. .. ........... Business Manager JANET ENGL.......................... .. Display Advertising FRAN HYMAN. ...................._.... .....OClassified Advertining BECKY VAN DYKE ..... ....................... Circulation Department BILL ABBOTT ..................................General Office Assistant Seminars on homosexuality: Searching for understanding v By LYNN WHITNALL DESPITE the growing trend to- ward sexual liberation in the United States, homosexuality re- mains a shunned and misunder- stood concept. "Homosexuality is often viewed with either disgust or anxiety, emo- tions which interfere with an ob- jective understanding," reported the Task Force on Homosexuality of the National Institute of Men- tal Health. The task force's work indicates/ the ingrained prejudices confront- ing the homophile community. Their comprehensive r e p ao t, which recommends establishment of a Center for the Study of Sex- ual Behavior and the enactment of major reform in social policy. has been ignored by the Nixon ad- ministration since its submission in October, 1969. At the University, for almost the first time, someone is making a concentrated effort to understand the problems of America's homo- sexual minority. During May and June, a four-week series of semi- nars was sponsored by the Office of Religious Affairs. ONE MAJOR problem facing the gay population is the illegality of homosexuality, a subject discus- sed at length in the seminars. Para- doxically, although it is quite legal to be a homosexual, it is illegal to engage in homosexual activity. Such activity is punishable as a felony with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment in five states, and, in Michigan, 15 years. Homo- sexuality usually is not enforced as a felony, however; homosex- uals are usbally charged under mis- demeanors such as solicitation, dis- orderly conduct, loitering, or being a "lewd and wanton person." There is a small but growing trend to repeal laws against homo- sexuality. Illinois and Connecticut have dropped their statutes against sodomy, and several other states are considering similar action to legalize any form of sexual be- havior in private between consent- ing adults. . A BILL to reform Michigan's sodomy laws was proposed in 1967 but has laqguished in legislative committees since then. Fiery ob- jections were raised at its initial presentation, and many consider passage or even debate of the bill in the near future unlikely. Lloyd Putnam, ORA director ,and seminar leader, optimistic- ally points out that at least the bill has been introduced. Some states have not gone that far. The difficulty in apprehending offenders of the sodomy laws and the large number of homosexuals make enforcement almost impos- sible. OBVIOUSLY, the millions of homosexuals in the U.S. are not in great danger of receiving the stiff felony penalties. But the very ex- istence of the laws contributes to damaging discrimination against homosexuals. The NIMH task force argues that reform is vital to the mental health of homosexuals who are con- fronted with the emotional stresses arising from the need for conceal- ment from being in violation of the accepted law. Another equally serious threat to the male homosexual is the draft. One way out is to apply ior medi- cal exemption on grounds of homo- sexuality, but this is recorded in the applicant's file to permanently establish his status. These medical files are subject to inspection for government secur- ity clearances and in applying for most civil service jobs. Some pri- vate employers also make use of the files. THE OTHER alternative, to serve in secrecy, cairies the risk of discovery resulting in a less- than-honorable discharge. If a member of the armed forces com- mits a homosexual act or is caught soliciting, he is dismissel as an undesirable. Even any soldier who "exhibits, professes or admits to homosexual tendencies or associates with per- sons 'known to him to be homosex- uals or who acknowledges previous homosexual experiences before en- listment" receives an equally dam- aging general discharge. The laws against homosexuality create a tremendous uncertainty in the lives of homosexuals. Be- cause the laws are so "diverse and selective," explained one seminary participant, "you never know what's going to happen." The general tolerance of lesbian- ism was also discussed in the semi- nar. Anti-homosexuality laws are rarely enforced against women. A theory was proposed that in a male- dominated society, man is "sex- ually aroused by lesbianism, but threatened by male homosexual- ity." Many professional psychologists and socialists are nlow studying homosexuality and vehemently ad- vocating reforms. But their studies continue to pass largely unnoticed. ALTHOUGH she does not spe- cifically blame President Nixon, Dr. Evelyn Hooker, the chairman of the NIMH task force, attributes the fate of the report to the general disapproval of his administration of sexual reform. As an example of this disapprov- al, she cited the rejection of the report of the Commission on Ob- scenity and Pornography, a report which has been highly praised by experts in the field. The University similarly has by- passedethe issue. In April, 1970 President Robben Fleming denied a request for a Gay Liberation Front (GLF) Midwest Conference here on the grounds that it was not 'clearly educational in nature and directed at people who have pro- fessional interest in the field." GLF and supporters pointed out that these criteria are not used to evaluate other events held at the University. But a confrontation was averted when GLF dropped plans for a conference to avoid conflict with a similar event held in Austin, Texas. A promising step to improve counseling has been suggested in a proposal now being considered by the Office of Student Services. Two advocates, a man and woman, will be hired to speak for the homosexual community if the pro- posal is approved. This plan offers great potential to enable the Uni- versity to respond to the needs of the homosexual community on carim- pus. THE ISSUE of homosexuality has not yet become a cause cele- bre of the liberal movement, like the 'Vietnam war, black power, or women's liberation. In many groups, even of radicals discrimi- nation against homosexuals is still a socially-accepted practice. This hardly excuses major so- cial institutions,-including the Uni- versity, from ignoring modern re- search on homosexuality and re- commendations of respected scien- tists, including those of the NIMH task force. Quite possibly, however, sexual oppression will follow the course of other forms of oppression in trait country, and social institutions will not move to eradicate unjust con- ditions until forced to do so by the militant actions of a harrassed minority.