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June 15, 1971 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1971-06-15

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C fiitrchianmelt
420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author, This must be noted in all reprints.
Tuesday, June 15, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552
Little murders
TWENTY PERSONS were murdered in the city of De-
troit between Friday evening and dawn yesterday.
That yields the incredible average of five a day.
So far this year, 314 murders have taken place in
the motor city, and 1971 is not even half over. The
number of murders is up by over a hundred from last
How has the administration of Mayor Roman Gribbs
responded to these unbelievable statistics? Mayor and
police claim they are trying to do something, and point
to their destruction of confiscated handguns. But they
have produced no real results - just more murders.
Meanwhile, city and police are claiming praise for
their major battle against the major crimes of "smoking
marijuana, drinking wine, and making love in a public
park," according to an enthusiastic local television sta-
Balduck Park was the scene of violent clashes be-
tween police and members of the city's youth com-
munity last summer. And this summer the young people,
many without jobs, have come back to the park. Over
1,000 people gathered there every night last week.
The city reacted with a tough 8:30-p.m. closing time
for the park in an attempt to stop these dangerous crim-
inals armed with cigarette papers, guitars, contraceptives
and other deadly weapons.
During the weekend, police warned parkgoers of the
new closing time. Last night, extra police were there to
enforce it.
DETROIT should take a lesson not only from last year's
battle of Balduck Park but also from what is hap-
pening in Albuquerque, where the National Guard has
been mobilized to protect the parks from the people.
Albuquerque already has suffered two million dol-
lars damage in a night of fighting, looting, and burning
on Sunday, and there was more trouble yesterday. Four-
teen people have been shot.
The potential danger of riot, however, is only part
of the problem. And so is the persecution of youth, bad
as it is. The city must stop glorying over police chasing
freaks and start thinking about the heavy locks on every
door and the guns kept to protect increasing numbers
of homes. The grim world of Jules Feiffer's Little Murders
is not very far away from Detroit, and will keep coming
closer unless the city restores sanity to its law enforce-
ment priorities.
Summer Editorial Staff
Cox-Editor Ca-Editor
ROBERT CONROW ........................... . .......... Books Editor
JIM JUDKIS ..... .... .... . ... ......... .... . . .... Photography Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark DOilen, Jonathan Miller, Robert
Schreiner, Geri Sprung
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer, Anita Crone, Jim Irwin,
Alan Lenhoff, Chris Parks
Summer Sports Staff
RICK CORNFELD .................Sports Editor

Letters to The Daily

Clark case
To The Daily:
June 8, comment on the Cheryl
Clark case contained some inac-
curacies. The review procedure
used in the Clark case is the stand-
ard internal complaint procedure.
A woman member was present to
hear the Clark complaint follow-
ing the model used for cases in-
volving race discrimination. The
review procedure . is a third-step
administrative (Personnel Office)
review of a management (operat-
ing unit) decision, and there is no
decision-making responsibility as-
sogned to the review committee as
such. No vote of the members was
sought or taken. The Women's
Commission representative stated
her criticism of the answer to the
complaint in writing for the re-
Because this procedure does not
provide a hearing by an impartial
body nor for the complainant to
know the entire range of facts reld-
vant to the review and to argue
her case in- the light of all infor-
mation, the Women's Commission
has worked hard to design and
recommend objective grievance
procedures for the cases of po-
tential salary inequity which may
be turned up in the forthcoming
review of job classifications em-
ploying both men and women.
These procedures have not yet
been adopted by the Executive
Officers. Thoughethey have been
developed for the file review un-
dertaken by the University in com-
pliance with its affirmative ac-
tion agreement with HEW, it is
presumed that in their final form
they will be available for the use
of complaints, like Miss Clark's,
initiated independently of the file
-Commission on Women
June 10
just an orgy
To The Daily:
THANK YOU for the amusing
letter of Friday, June 11 concern-
ing the supposedly objectionable
Bach Club poster. It is not every
morning that one might sit down to
read the paper at breakfast and
find one's self denounced as a "re-
actionary sexploiter". We found it
quite astounding that such a hack-
neyed Roman orgy depiction could
be construed as appressive to-
wards womankind. Actually the
girls in said "affaires joyeuses"
appeared to be rather enjoying
themselves. To be frank, our last
"Hulk" poster was far more ques-
tionable-observe the erotic trous-
ers, suggestively torn at the knee-
note carefully the lack of equal
female representation, perinitting
but one interpretation: Sexist Male
Dominance ! In short, your conclu-

sion towards our poster verges on
the ridiculous.
Turning aside from the obvious
levity indigenous to Miss Kleiner's
proposition, we can not help but
take exception to the methods em-
ployed by her shallow-minded sym-
pathizers; the malicious removal
or defacement of our publicity. In
an open-minded community with
free exchange/statement of speech
and ideas, such impropriety will
serve only to misrepresent your
cause. Be you right or wrong, you
do NOT tear down the other per-
son's right to speak. So, Miss
Kleiner, while employing a pseudo-
platform as a desperate vehicle to
console your personal sexual mal-
adjustments, please concentrate on
other, more suitable targets.
Poor old Joe Marcus ... In one
hundred and -fifty posters for the
Bach Club in which he deliberately
attempted to rally politically
against national and university
evils, he surely didn't receive the
controversy attracted by our fifth
harmless poster.
-Allan Hendry, '72
Elaine Gugula, '72
Poster Artists'of the
Bach Club
June 14
Pedit reply
To The Daily:
I THINK that the Daily has done
a fairly good job of misrepresent-
ing the facts involved in my efforts
to gain a fair wage and decent
working environment fromthe
Board for Student Publications. A
number of statements made by the
Daily either need clarificatiOn or
correction; others have been tak-
en out of context.
Two weeks ago I faced a dilem-
ma. A special conference (attended
by various representatives of the
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes, as
well as the University) was held
May 10 to air the issues involved
in my case. Two weeks after this
special conference AFSCME was to
have received a response from the
University stating its position con-
cerning the issues raised. No reply
had been given, nor was there any
indication that it would be in the
near future. (A later statement
made by James Thiry, manager of
employe and University relations,
was that "there is no way to tell
how long it might take.") As I saw
it, the only way to stop the Univer-
sity's foot-dragging was to pres-
-sure it into acting.
There were several sources
from which this pressure could
come-the board, the community,
or the staff of the Daily. Thus I be-
gan my 3-day hunger strike and
protest in front of the Student Pub-
lications Building. If it hadn't
worked, I would have had to re-
sort to other tactics, such as plac-

ing an ad in the Daily to explain
my situation and ask for support.
The University, however, gave its
response to AFSCME one week ago
-a response containing a number
of inaccuracies.
A MORE important goal was to
overcome the three months of self-
censorship by the "radical" Daily.
Since the editors work for the same
employer, they are afraid of
jeopardizing their position with
Archard Gamm, superintendent of
the printing shop. Their stories
have contained a growing number
of errors, such as the statement
that I am seeking full-time employ-
ment-a claim which is totally
false. It is my hope that the edi-
tors will overcome their fears, ana-
lyze the issues as presented by
both sides, and take a stand on
those issues.
Part of this analysis should in-
clude the intervention of Prof. L.
Hart Wright, chairman of the
board. Although he claims that he
"is hemmed in by law" as to what
he can say and do, his actions
make a far different statement. He
has given a 45-minute "of the re-
cord" talk to the staff on my case.
He has threatened to run a full
page ad in the Daily if he finds
that my statements are not "fac-
tual" as he see it. He has also
made statements which appeared
to me to threaten the loss of my
In a meeting last week with
Wright, Gamm, Daily summer edi-
ter Larry Lempert and business
manager Jim Storey, I was bad-
gered, intiminated, and, in general,
subjected to almost three hours of
bullshit. At the end I was given 30
minutes to speak. During this time
I was unable to present my side of
the story, due to Wright's con-
tinual interruptions, wild extrapo-
lations made from my comments,
and the implied threat of the loss
of my job.
Since the only positive response
was that a job description would
be forthcoming, it is evident that
the only course of action available
to me is an unfair labor practices
-Bern Pedit
June 14
She's a halo
To The Daily:
THE LIGHT show courtesy of
God or the Ozone House which you
reported Thursday in the caption
of the picture on the front page
was not a rainbow. It was a halo,
caused by refraction through hexa-
gonal ice crystals in the cirrus
clouds in front of the sun. Rain-
bows are caused by internal reflec-
tion in spherical water droplets,
and are seen in a direction opposite
the sun.
-David R. Lyzenga, Grad
June 10



.Assoit SprsEio

How did we do without Howdy?


Summer Business Staff
. BusinessManal
.... ............................,Display Advertisi
. .Classified Advertist
Circulation Departme
.....O..Gnerol Otfie Assists.

- -f
j *
Withdrawal date

ng Summer Sports Editor
B UFFALOBOB sat down at the
piano. "Who's our favorite
clown in town?" he sang. As if by
instinct, we all sang back: "Clari-
It was Howdy Doody time at
Orchestra Hall in Detroit last
weekend, but the big news was that
the Howdy Doody show may be
coming back on Saturday morn-
ing again. "Boy, oh boy, wouldn't
that be great!" Howdy might say.
Buffalo Bob excited the crowd in
his cowboy costume, but he was
missing the one thing that Mould
have made his show the greatest
event since 1960-Howdy Doody.
He did at least bring along a
film of Howdy Doody's 10th anni-
versary show in 1957. Boy, oh boy,
was that a show. I missed the pea-
nut gallery. All they had was a
Johnny Carson-like audience, but
I guess that was because of the
special nature of the anniversary
ANYWAY, Claribell appeared on
screen at least, and so did Dilly
Dally and Cornelius J. Cobb and
Mister Bluster, who as Howdy
said, was up to his old tricks
again, and when Flubadub came
on, it brought the house down. Un-
fortunately, he did not sing, "I

love my meatballs, meatballs,
meatballs and spaghetti."
There were also commercials
for Wonder Bread and Hostess
Cupcakes. Howdy told us all that
Wonder Bread helps build strcng
bodies 12 ways and that there were
red, yellow and blue balloons
printed on the wrapper, but I
missed one thing.
I was waiting for Buffalo Bob
to tell us to go out and eat a whole
loaf that day I have a friend who
once did that because Buffalo Bob
told him to.
After the film was over, there
came the time we were all waiting
for. Bubbalo Bob ran down the aisle
shaking hands and throwing candy
at people, then ran on the stage
and jumped around blowing kisses.
It could have been the most thril-
ling moment in all of recorded
THAT WAS HIM, Buffalo Bob !
The next time Joe Falls tries to
impress you with all the cool peo-
ple he gets to meet, you just for-
get it. He ain't seen nobody in
person till he's seen Buffalo Bob
It can safely be said that Buffalo
Bob is one of the most charismatic
people in America today. Just
think about it. He acts like a com-
plete fool, yet he is making a tour

around the country sending college
students into fits of delirium every
time they see him.
How could an intelligent middle
aged man take serious a silly kid-
die show, especially 11 years after
it went off the air? Well, why uot?
It didn't seem strange to the
packed crowd at Orchestra Hall.
The only thing that seemed
strange was the realization that for
a decade kids have been growing
up without Howdy Doody.
But perhaps no more. Those
barons at NBC seem to have seen
the light and are considering put-
ting Howdy Doody back on. It
would be in a year probably, as
soon as Buffalo Bob finishes his
college tour.
BUFFALO BOB said he has not
decided how to make the show
more relevant 'Don't!" screamed
the crowd). I'm not sure how he
could, without admitting that Won-
der Bread doesn't build your body
stronger in any more ways than
any other loaf of bread, balloons
or no balloons.
Actually, who cares? Why do we
always need something relevant?
Especially, Howdy Doody of all
Claribell squirting his seltzer
bottle should be relevant enough
for anybody.


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