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June 15, 1971 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-06-15

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NEW YORK tP)-The New York
said last night the Justice Depar
asked it to halt publication of a
Pentagon study of the Vietnam wa
threatened to seek an injunction
if the paper did not comply. The
said it "must respectfully decline tI
The 3,000 page study, to which
pages of official documents are appe
was commissioned by former Secret
Defense Robert McNamara andc
the American involvement in Indo
from World War II to May, 1968
start of the peace talks in Paris
President Lyndon Johnson had;
limit on further military action an
vealed his intention to retire.

fights ba
Times The Times published page after page
tment of excerpts and paraphrases of the study
secret saying the Johnson administration in-
r and tensified secret s ab o tag e operations
today against North Vietnam and began plan-
Times ning for direct air strikes on the North
he re- five months before attacks-by enemy tor-
pedo boats on a U.S. destroyer in the
4,000 Gulf of Tonkin Aug. 2, 1964.
nded, The report also says top Johnson ad-
ary of visers were urging him to order sustained
covers bombing of North Vietnam during the
china 1964 election campaign against Sen. Barry
I-the Goldwater {R-Ariz.), who was urging the
after same thing.
set a Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird com-
d re- plained of the Times articles in both a
Pentagon statement and in testimony

n on govt. study

before the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee about a military aid bill.
"The publication of the papers vio-
lates the security regulations of the
United States," Laird said.
He said as far as he is concerned the
report still is secret, despite publication
of lengthy excerpts from it in the Times.
"It seems to me it falls on us to call
these matters of disclosure of highly
classified matter to the attention of the
Justice Department," he said. "This I
have done."
Laird said he had asked the Justice
Department to investigate how the Times
got the material.
See N.Y. TIMES, Page 2

Melvin Laird

4b 4 fr t&au:3 !IU
Vol. LXXXI, No. 29-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 15, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages

B riarwood
approved by
City Council
Ann Arbor's City Council capped months of heated
debate last night in approving plans for the construction
of a multi-million dollar shopping center near the city
By a 6-4 vote with one abstention, the massive com-
plex was given final approval before an apparently evenly
divided group of nearly 300 people.
The council vote changes the zoning of over 100 acres
of vacant land near the junction of State St. and I-94. It
thus allows construction of the 800,000 sq. ft. center, to be
called Briarwood, to begin.
The center will include at T
least three large depart- l [e rafion
ment stores, and is ex-
pected to be one of the d]u h
largest centers of its kind dodge u h l
in the area.
Although the city Planning by high court
Commission recommended the
zoning reclassification to council
several months ago, ecological, WASHINGTON (AP)-The Su-
economic and planning criticisms preme Court yesterday ruled 5
of the project led to long coun- to 4 that officials may close
cil debates and reviews of the swimming pools and other pub-
proposed construction. Several lic facilities to avoid integrat-
citizens' groups, most notably the ing them.
Ecology center, initiated inten- The ruling was a rare defeat
sive campaigns aimed at convinc- for civil rights forces after
ing councilmen of what they saw years of almost uninterrupted
as the community threat the cen- victory in the high court.
ter posed. After negotiations with
the Taubman Co., chief contrac- The closingsarebnotkuncon-
for for Briarwood, several minor stitutlonal since blacks and
changes were made in construe- whites are treated equally," Jus-
tion plans, aimed at lessening the tice Hugo Black reasoned in the
opposition. court's decision.
Last night, only councilmen "It is not a case," Black said,
Jack Kirschi (D-1st Ward), Nor- "where a city is maintaining
ris Thomas (D-1st Ward) and different sets of facilities for
Nelson Meade (D-3rd Ward) vot- blacks and whites and forcing
ed against the rezoning. Mayor the races to remain separate in
Robert Harris, emphasizing his recreational or educational ac-
disagreemnt only on the lack of
.n iThe ruling went against blacks
complete concurrence with build- in Jackson, Miss., who tried to
ers on minority employment, also force the city to reopen public
voted no. Harris had earlier indi- swimming pools. They were
cated he might veto the rezoning closed after a district court
.f a "f .i aruled they could not remain seg-
if an 'affirmative action" pro- regated.
gram had not been agreed upon Besides the two Nixon ad-
between builders and council be- ministration appointees,_Jus-
fore the vote. tices Warren Burger and Harry
These agreements, reached Blackmun, Justices John
with Taubman and all scheduled Harlan and Potter Stewart con-
curred with Black. Justices Wil-
businesses except J. C. Penny liam Douglas, William Brennan
Co. aim to insure an emphasis on Jr., Byron White and Thurgood
minority employment in the con- Marshall dissented. They wrote
struction and hiring at Briarwood. three dissenting opinions.

-Daily-im Judkis
A GROUP OF INCOMING FRESHMEN here for summer orientation yesterday march to central cam-
pus for a guided tour (above). Later, they proceed towards Mason Hall for counseling and placement
tests (below).
Freshmen flock to 'U'
for summer orientation

The sound of 120 sleepy groans
greeted orientation leaders yes-
terday morning at Alice Lloyd
Hall as they attempted to arouse
groups of visiting freshmen at
6:30 a.m.
The freshmen, the first of an
estimated 480 new students
scheduled to visit the campus
each week during the summer,
will be getting their first view of
University life the hard way-
standing in lines, wearing name
tags and filling out about eight
forms a day.
In an attempt to test, counsel
and register the entire freshman
class, the University maintains
the summer orientation pro-
gram, which also seeks to accli-
mate the students to the cam-
pus in just three days.
Because they have much to
learn in a short time, the new

freshmen, living in Alice Lloyd
during their three day stay, are
purposely kept busy.
"The first day there's a meet-
ing, and a lot of forms to fill,
out, a tour of campus, and a
micro-lab. The next day there's
a lot of tests-reading speed and
accuracy, the OASIS test and
all the language tests and the
chemistry test. The day after
that they have to do the usual
registration routine - appoint-
ments with their counselors,
classification, scheduling and
registration," says Jeff Kaplan,
'73, an orientation leader.
In between all of these activi-
ties, the freshmen take time out
for a tour of the Undergraduate
Library, a discussion of contra-
ceptives at University Health
Service, and a meeting with Re-
serve Officer Training Corps

(ROTC) instructors at North
They can also receive infor-
mation about various campus
activities by going to the Union
ballroom, where booths are set
up to dispense information about
campus organizations.
Despite all of the hurry and
bustle, many freshmen seem to
be enjoying their first real ex-
perience as students at the Uni-
"Even though the program is
so structured-most of our time
during the day is spent accord-
ing to a schedule-I don't really
mind," comments one freshman
Says one freshman, "Every-
one warned me about dorm food,
so I went in expecting the worst.
You know, it really isn't that

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