Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAIL Saturday, June 12, 1971 Police lab: Checking out the dope By BILL DINNER and GERI SPRUNG Special to The Daily LANSING - Three friends are driving along the highway smoking a joint. All of a sud- den they spy two flashing lights in the rear-view mirror. As they pull over to wait for the state trooper to approach t h e car, someone quickly, in panic, throws the stash out the win- dow. It lands right in the hands of a second officer - approach- ing unexpectedly on the other side of the car. It was intended to be a rou- tine check, but the three find themselves booked for posses- sion of marijuana. "These kinds of incidents are not at all unusual," says Sgt. R. P. Rolandson, a lab special- the number has jumped to over 5000 annually. "We maintain that it is easy to tell marijuana," says Ro- landson, who has been with the lab since its inception, "b ut the lawyers seem to differ." The Lansing lab identifies marijuana using microscopic analysis - one of the few labs in the country which does not rely on chemical analysis of the weed's active ingredient, THC (tetrahydra cannabiol). According to Rolandson, who received a B.S. in botany at the University, marijuana has a unique morphology, easily iden- tifiable under the microscope from even its closest botanical relative - hops. By using biological analysis, it is possible to identify t h e plants as marijuana even if the THC is chemically inert. In police work, this is especially important because Michigan law does not specifically p r o- hibit THC, but possession of the marijuana weed itself. In 1964, Rolandson notes, in excess of 25 per cent of all ma- terial confiscated was not mari- juana. Now this figure has dropped considerably to less than ten per cent. Rolandson attributes this drop to a more knowledgeable police force and a huge increase in the amount of marijuana around. In addition, the six officers who work solely with marijuana have refined the identification process, having dealt with over 7000 samples over the last seven years. THE MARIJUANA, as well as other evidence, arrives at the lab through sealed envelopes or is brought there personally by the arresting officer. Once examined, the evidence is resealed and held until it is needed in court. "When deal- ing with evidence," says Ro- landson, "We must be careful to keep the chain of custody short." Although the rules and pro- cedures for handling the evi- dence are stringent, there is nothing to prevent an officer, if he wishes, to substitute o t h e r materials - except for his per- sonal integrity or fear of re- prisal. At one time the technicians spent nearly as much time in court as in the lab. "In 1966, I used to schedule every Wed- nesday to be in court in Ann Arbor for marijana cases," says Rolandson. "One time I testified nine times in one day." Recently, however, the court Officers discuss their work in the lab Sgt. Rolandson ish in the Lansing state police marijuana analysis laboratory. Hundreds of samples of mari- juana, confiscated after an ar- rest are sent to the laboratories annually to be analyzed, iden- tified and later used in court, But marijuana does not oc- cupy all the time of the 18 Lansing officers who are invol-, ved in the crime lab. There are also facilities to deal with fire- arms and ammunition identifi- cation, microchemical analysis of narcotics and hallucinogenic drugs. Besides the crime lab in Lan- sing, the state police maintain two others - in Warren and in Plymouth - and there is a fourth being built in Holland. The lab in Lansing alone is appropriated $1,200,000 to cov- er wages and equipment. The operations of the labs have skyrocketed over the past seven years. In 1964, when the marijuana division of the Lan- sing lab was first opened, less than 40 cases were identified as marijuana. Since then, however, has permitted Rolandson and other officers to submit a writ- ten report of their analysis for purposes of pre-trial examina- tions, though they are still re- quired to appear for the actual trial. Though marijuana arrests us- ually occur while police are in- specting for other reasons, Ro- landson gave one not so com- mon example. "One day an officer heard that a local gas station owner was dealing grass. Consequent- ly, he drove to the station in uniform and in his police car and asked the owner for some grass. "The owner rushed to stash and appeared with a small, bag of grass which he sold to the officer for $10. After his arrest the only excuse he used was that he thought the cop wanted to smoke." Though Rolandson says that "blowing grass" goes against his own set of values, he says that most users he has met are basi- cally "not bad people." "I think their set of values is wrong, but that is only because I mea- sure it against mine," he adds. AROUND THE corner from the marijuana lab, six other of- ficers work with identifying firearms' and ammunition rang- ing from cufflink-size pistols to machine guns. Decorating the walls is an exhaustive hand gun collection which Rolandson claims is the finest in the country - possi- bly excepting the FBI. "We have over 1200 hand guns in our collection, which is worth somewhere between $50,000 and $75,000. The most common use of the collections is to facilitate t h e location of erased, serial num- bers on confiscated g u n s. However, the most important use of the lab centers around identifying bullets and the guns from which they were fired. Without such identification, many cases could not be proven in court. One of the -officers in the lab unexpectedly pulls an un- loaded gun: "Now suppost I were to pull the trigger, and as a re- sult you are killed," he says. "There are four witnesses here who saw me pull the trigger and saw you fall, but could any of theim prove I shot you?" he said. "Of course not," he continues, "since someone else could have fired a gun at exactly the same time from the hall and that could have been the deadly shot.". "However, with the bullet analysis, we can conclusively prove that it was a particular bullet which killed a person and that it came from a particular gun, Rolandson says. "The only problem is," he adds, "we often have the bullet and the gun, but we can't find the guy who did it." A typical analysis begins when an officer comes in with a single bullet and says "tell me all you can about it." By examining the bullet, the lab technician can determine the caliber of the gun, the twist and number of-groves of the barrel. This information is usually sufficient to determine the manufacture and quite often the particular model. Approximately 200 cases like this are examined every year al- though technicians, in the ma- jority of cases-over 1000 a year -have both the gun and the bul- let to examine. These examinations are per- formed using a comparison meth- od-firing a bullet out of the questioned gun and comparing the markings of the bullet with that of the confiscated bullet un- der a stereoscopic microscope. If the patterns match, the offic- ers are able to conclude that the work. The thought never enters your mind since you are shaking so much. You just hope to hit something." Rolandson gives an example of a trooper who had won top prize in a national shooting contest. Soon afterwards he was involved in a gun battle over the hood of his car where he failed to land a single shot because he was "so scared." It was not until his op- ponent fled from the car that he was able to hit him. Rolandson adds that it is com- mon for two people in a gun fight within 21 feet of each other to end up with both guns empty and neither side scoring a hit. Adjacent to the gun library is the narcotics section, where analyses are run on heroin, co- caine, other opiates, barbituates and some hallucogens. The narcotics and hallucino- 4 bullet was indeed fired from that gun. THE POLICEMEN working in the lad have experience with guns that goes beyond analyzing them. All have been "cops on the beat" for one to four years before work- ing in the lab. On the beat, a policeman may have occasion to shoot his gun, and it has often been noted that police are instructed to "shoot to wound," rather than "shoot to kill." But according to Rolandson, police shoot "to hit." "A gun fight is a terrifying experience," he says. "When chasing or shoot- ing it out with someone you pull the trigger and hope to christ ysu hit something. "Theoretically you try to wound, not kill, but it doesn't Photography / by Jim Judkis gens are identified both by exam- inisg crystal structure and by chemical analysis. The most startling finding is that they have not found one case of real mesca- line, THC or psilocybin during the existence of the lab. The of- ficers said the most common drug labeled as mescaline actually is LSD or phencycladine (PCP), a horse tranquilizer. After deposition of the cases all drugs are returned to the- labs where they are destroyed. Nar- cotics and hallucinogens are washed down the sink while .grass is burned in an incinerator. Originally, when large hauls of grass were confiscated the entire amount was held until the case was settled. This, however, cre- ated a problem. "One of our largest hauls was 250 lbs. of grass," notes officer Don Collins. "It was wet through so we decided to dry it out. We spread paper all over the floor of the lab and left it over night. When we returned the next morn- ing the lab was infested with little orange worms hatched from the Continued on Page 7