Saturday, June 12, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page. Five booksbooksbooks Bardwi'ck s Psychology Shores of Lig~ht Judith Rardwick, PSYCHOLO- GY OF WOMEN, Harper & Row, By JUIA SHERMAN Judith Bardwick, a University psychology professor, is in no way a polemicist for the Wom- an's Movement, though she be- 4 lieves that traditional sex roles have been too narrowly defined for contemporary needs. While emerging from a milieu of. scien- tific psychology, Dr. Bardwick is not intimidated by its weighty tradition. The book is written in the first person, abounds in per- - sonal references, and much of it, as she says in the Introduction, "represents only my )pinions." Bardwick makes several im- portant points which are not com- monly understood and which, nonetheless, appear to be well supported by available evidence. 1) Sex is a stronger motivation for males than for females, and this difference may be present in children as well. 2) Psychological differences between the sexes are the result of the interpenetration of innate and environmental fac- tors. 3) There are discernible emotional changes accompanying the menstrual cycle. 4) Both sexes identify with parents of both sexes, though Bardwick does not develop important implica- tions of this fact. The book, however, does not 4. present sufficient evidence to con- vince a skeptical reader of the validity of these points. Bard- wick's credibility is also di- minished by the fact that at times she writes in a loose and exag- gerated fashion. For example, she refers to cyclic personality changes as "enormous." Overall evidence does not indicate "enor- mous" cyclic changes in the av- erage woman. In another chap- ter she summarizes her opinion by saying . . . "far more than for men, the mature woman is Birth of K. Ross Toole, THE TIME HAS COME, Wm. Morrow, $5.95. By JEANNE W. HALPERN How do you review a book inspired by the author's previous success in the Reader's Digest? K. Ross Toole, a professor at the University of Montana, never dreamed that a letter he wrote his brother concerning "the things that need to be said. about c a m p u s violence, the tyranny of the minority, and the crusade of the spoiled children" Would be Xeroxed, picked up by the Boston Globe, Omaha Her-. ald, and San Francisco Chron- icle, and finally reach 50 million Americans through the Reader's Digest. How this success spoiled Professor Toole is exposed by The Time Has Come. The reprinted letter rained a deluge of mail on Dr. Toole and, as he puts it, "smething began. to jell .. . in mt viscera," From this something, his book was born. The introductory chapter, 'To Whom It Ought To Concern," states that the book is about th "plder generation (0 to 70, n-. tagonizing me immediately), the, younger generation (15 to 24), and about hippies, yippies, vio- lent campus rebel .' . . gurus, right - wingers, and silent ma- orities. His subject is everyone from his brother the insurance lean to selfish full-professors to bearded, firebrand, untenured faculty to the whole 120 million voters in the UR.A. His under- her body . . ." This statement is simplistic and easily lends itself to interpretations for which there are no evidence. For example, is there any evidence that men are less influenced by their bodies and bodily needs than are wom- en? Do they not have hormones in their blood and brain even as do women? At a point in time when thousands of American women are attempting to free themselves from prescriptions of their sexual role which they per- ceive as confining, such a state- ment is peculiarly insensitive. Moreover, the "woman is body" theme betrays a lack of acquaintance with recent theo- retical developments in psycholo- gy which increasingly recognize that bodily needs are only part of hcman motivation. The moti- vation to competence, which ap- pears to be precisely what is frustrated in the educated wom- an at home, is ignored by Bard- wick. Instead she hypothesizes a biological maternal need. There is virtually no evidence for such a need among human females. It may be that biological facilitat- ing factors for some nurturant and maternal behavior may eventually be found in human fe- males, but the evidence from ani- mal and human studies strongly Today's Writers ... Julia Sherman, a Wisconsin psychologist, wrote the recent book On The Psychology of Women: A Survey of Empirical Studies (1971). Martha Mehta received her degree in journalism from the University and now lives in Oberlin, Ohio. Jeanne Halpern is a staff member of Research News at the University and an occasional book reviewer for the Detroit News. suggests that if such factors are found, they will be facilitating and not determining. Other examples of inaccuracies appear in statements that during prepuberty girls "rarely" mas- turbate and it is doubtful that they experience vaginal sensa- tions. Bardwick also states that, "Although the experimental lit- erature in psychology avers that the female is very passive and nonaggressive, I know in my soul that it isn't true." The evi- dence, however, does not indicate that females are "very passive and nonaggressive," but only that they are more passive and not so aggressive as males. In fact, the experimental evidence suggests that under proper con- ditions females are just as ag- gressive as males particularly when the aggression is more in- direct and/or less dependent on actions involving large muscle movements. In discussing intel- lectual development, Bardwick neglects the vital question of sex difference in maturational rate. She characterizes girls as achiev- ing for affiliative reasons while boys do not. In a recent empiri- cal study, however, achievement in boys was just as dependent on external praise as for girls. Bardwick's view of the normal female is too narrow. Thus she states, "I regard women who are not motivated to achieve the af- filiative role with husband and children as not normal." With- out objective evidence of abnor- mality, it seems both unscientific and unfair to stigmatize large groups of women in this manner. Bardwick's book can be rec- mended for anyone deeply in- terested in the psychology of women. It has a tendency, how- ever, to fall between two stools. It is too personalistic to recom- mend as a scholarly treatment and it is too dull and technical to recommend as a popular account. L./ PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCA- TION, RELIGION AND THE ARTS, State University of New York Press, $10.00. By MARTHA MEHTA This book serves as the official record of a conference at the S t a t e University College in Brockport, New York in 1967-61. The "landmark" to which philosopher Sidney Hook refers on the dust jacket is certainly not the printing of these essays, but more probably the Interna- tional Philosophy Year itself (to which the conference was dedi- cated) and the spirited discussion which surrounded the presenta- tion of these ideas. The essays discussed below are not superior to the nineteen other essays in the volume but rather they are discussed because they seem to offer the most cogent reasoning and speculation com- bined with incisive language and clear inferences. It becomes a distinct boon when the average reader finds himself on the shore of a good essay where he can ex- pect some partial resusitation of spirit from the surrounding mur- ky waters. William K. Frankena, in his essay "Educating for the Good Life" argues that the good life requires "two overlapping ele- ments: activities and experi- ences that are enjoyable (plea- sure, beatitudes, and content- ment) and activities and experi- ences that involve the achieve- ment of excellence (as judged by standards intrinsic to the ac- tivity.) I happen to agree with this point of view, since excel- lence is currently under attack as "irrelevant." Another very cohesive essay is by Winfield Nagley, entitled "K i e r k e g a a r d ' s Archi- medean Point." Viewed as the seed of a consistent intellectual growth and flowering, Nagley traces Kierkegaard's involvement with the Archimedean point from his earliest notebooks through his mature works to a three-fold concept of reason. At a somewhat later point in his essay, Nagley comments that "the intuitive reason of Ion pro- vides the framework with which one gets to the core of Kierke- gaard's account of the Archime- dean point" and "that both Pla- to and Ulysses need Ion to for- ever remind them that their clear, light - filled intellectual cities are surrounded by a jungle that on one hand is a constant threat, and yet, on the other hand, that the jungle surround- ing their intellectual cities is the locus of ultimate meaning." Mr. Nagley then continues beyond Kierkegaard to his own structur- ing of the cult of Ion. Another excellent essay, which suffers nevertheless frem the philosopher - speaking - to philos- opher - disease, is Monroe Beard- sey's "The Aesthetic Point of View". After reading that "to adopt the aesthetic point of view with-regard to X is to take an in- terest in whatever aesthetic value X may have", and on the next page "to adopt an aesthetic point of view with regard to X is to take an interest in whatever aesthetic value X may possess or that is obtainable by means of X." I began to worry about read- ing further. With X foremost in the reader's mind, Beardsley continues on the next eight pages to unload seven further qualifica- tions by which one can under- stand X. Presuming that the reader has got his X's straight, which in my case is debatable, the following discourse touches on the Hud- son's scenic beauty, hearing Beethoven, using LSD, clarifying Meyer Shapiro, undermining Susan Sontag, putting Lenin and St. Bernard on the same moral pedestal, and casting a whiplash or two at Henry James and Hen- rik Ibsen. How this array of peo- ple and ideas leads to the "aes- thetic view as a source of value" is fascinating to discover. Standing out like a shark's fin in the surrounding sea is the es- say by Clifton Fadiman entitled "Communication and the Arts: A Practitioner's Notes." Dis- claiming any qualifications as a philosopher, and confessing his outlook to be that of a practi- tioner in the field of communica- tion, Fadiman ranges broadly and cleanly, without the use of X's and Y's or laborious defini- tions of terms, to discuss what happens to mass-messages in the Xerox age. His most important point is his theory of creative os- mosis. He argues that the total' value of a work of lit- erature (art) is perceived more precisely when the work has to pass with a certain difficulty through obstacles of time, place and misunderstanding. Multiplicity and diffusion (Xer- oxing) eliminate many of these obstacles in such a way that much of the perceived value of a work of art may be lost in the course of immediate, easy transmission." This essay alone sows the seed of future philosophic argu- ment. One can imagine, with no little consternation, the large va- riety of X, Y, and Z's being summoned to a future book. If there were any doubt left that most philosophers are not poets, seldom writers, and only occasionally communicators, the bulk of essays in Perspectives in Education, Religion and the Arts puts that doubt firmly to rest, i aBook taking boggles the imagination: he attempts to explain youth to their parents, the older gen- eration to the younger, and the universities, American history, and himself - "a conservative with a radical heart" - to all comers. This lack of focus dis- tressed me because when Dr. Toole writes about what he knows, he's good. In Chapter 7, for example, "The Historian and the Crystal Ball," his historical review and analysis of the gradual improve- .ment of the lot of the common American glitters with a clarity' and design otherwise lacking in the book. In a dozen pages, he summarizes opinions of respect- ed historians on crises in Ameri- can history, stressing that the present younger generation is myopic about its future because it knows so little about its past. He touches on longer, more di- visive wars in American history than Vietnam, more horrifying: threats from the Right than the present one, and times of deeper turmoil, despair, and fear.' This chapter as well as his autobio- graphical account-touching in. its naivete compared, for exam- ple, with Willie Morris' North Toward Home-makes the rest of the book seem especially dreadful. Part of the responsibility, for failure nust rest with the editors at William Morrow and Com- pany, who could have shrunk this poor $5.95 hardback to a good $2.50 paperback by clarify- ing the focus and cutting the verbiage by half. The book is riddled with "the fact that," at least ten sentences containing two "thats" next to each other; continual rhetorical repetitions and questions; introductory statements followed by unparal- lel constructions; repeated frag- ments about casting lamps in darkcorners; italics galore; and. cliches. I recommend Strunk and White's Elements of Style 'to the editors, and send my con- gratulations to the proofreaders ,who let no typo pass their en- viable eyes. Nitpiclking of this kind is 'really no fun, especially when reviewing a book as sincere and thoughtful as The Time Has Come. Dr. Toole has made the effdrt to think through the ex- ceedingly serious situation -of universities and y o u t h in America today. He has consider- ed the problems of government research contracts ("The worth- iness of the cause has no bear- ing on the necessity for pre- venting the institution itself from becoming instrumentalized in any c a u s e."); the violent death of Allison Krause at Kent State ("She was killed precisely by those who incited to riot and by those who participated in it"); the professional self-in- terest among tenured faculty ("Unless he comes. to see that the student stands first in the. order of things, there is very little chance that unrest on campuses will abate.");' and so- lutions for politically active students ("Compromise is an essential ingredient of the po- litical process."). Again and again, To ole encourages stu- dents to pick a star to steer by, to substitute hard work and tenacity for rhetoric and gener- ality. His publishe- would have done him, and his readers, a service by editing and shaping the book.