i t t s 1 E t t t School election: Searching or progress By P.E. BAUER maneness in EducatioA" report; lem. It will serve largely to ag- The proposals by the Election Most inportantly, Hefner and THE FOCUS OF attention on Marcia Federbush, former teach- gravate it, giving students anl- Proposals Committee for the RIP supportjoint community- American education has in- er and head of the Committee to other reason to rail against un- bonding issue include plans to student-staff control of the schools ereasingly broadened beyond the Eliminate Sexual Discrimination listening administrators. help alleviate heavy overcrowd- in place of the ottn remote, un- university campuses to include in the Public Schools; Robert Ref- Racism has been an important ing in schools in the southeast and realistic and inequitable system younger students - those of high ner, University psychology pro- issue in this campaign, sparked northeast sections of the city. The now in effect. school and junior high level. fessor and director of the Center off by the "Humaneness in Ed- millage boost is intended to off- Students at secondary school for Research on Conflict Resolu- ucation" report submitted to the set the effect of inflation. MARCIA FEDERBUSH shows level have taken an increasingly tion; Ted Heusel, news director Board of Education on Jan. 13, Although all the candidates more sympathy than any other active concern in problems of of radio station WPAG; Norman 1971 by a group, including candi- support the millage, only two candidate toward those who are curriculum, disruption and disci- Keefer, school psychologist for date Brussolo. The report stress- recognize serious problems in- the objects of education: the stu- plinary methods, racial and sex- the Taylor public. schools; Kay ed the importance of combating herent in continued used of the dents. ual discrimination - problems McCargar, graduate student in racism in the school system, both property-based tax for support which University students have education at the University; Du- in situations involving students of schools. Hefner says he would This is demonstrated in her been vocal about for a ner ane Renken, local businessman and teachers, and in relations work toward sc ho o 1 funding stands on the student role in de- period of time. foand landlord; William Simpson, with other staff, through a steeply graduated cision - making, and the need to counselor at Washtenaw Com- Vanderhorst made racism the state income tax which would make education relevant to the High schools and even junior munity College; Rebecca Vander- keynote of her campaign, saying replace all property tax, while needs of students. highs today face now - familiar horst, suspended teacher from that "white supremacists and Keefer says he supports Gov. * * * problems with their "admnistra- the Ann Arbor public school sys- pseudo-liberals deliberately make Milliken's less sweeping plan for tions o m situations that often tem; Charles Votaw, University integration intolerable to frs- school tax reform, THERE ARE OTHER candi- bringt to mind earlier protests at professor of anatomy; and Ruth trate Blacks into accepting seg- dates who merit serious con- the nation universities. o Zweifler, volunteer tutor in the regation (in the Ann Arbor school Two of the candidates running counseWilliam Simpson,ma- At Scarlett Junior High School Ann Arbor schools. system.)" Throughout the cam- for election appear to be gape- theicer, has a very sypa- Sn Arbor, students conduct- The subject of student disrup- paign she has indicated her opin- cially outstanding, and would pro- student e emphasizes more ed a demonstration demanding tion is one which has been dis- ion that racism is the basis of all bably make the most worthwhile counenservies asincre the right to go outside during cussed by candidates many times problems in the Ann Arbor pub- additions to the school board. counseling services and increas- heir lunch hour, . during this campaign. Just as lic schools. ed ethnic material i the curricu- "The administration never lis University presidents have not Other candidates expressed ROBERT HEFNER, the candi- lum. ens to us," said one student, in been sure of what to do with stu- concern about racial discrimina- date of the Radical Independent Kay McCargar also seems to a comment that strikes a faini- dent agitators, high school prin- tion, but restricted and focused Party (RIP), is the only candi- understand students' problems, iar note, cipals are faced with a serious their comments sufficiently to date to be running with a party and as a University students, The 'administration' i respon- problem in deciding what to do make concrete suggestions. Most label, in what has traditionally would probably add a fresh per- ible to the Ann Arbor Board of with students who disrupt classes, candidates, with the exception of been a non-partisan election, spective to the board. However, Education - the elected body whether out of indignation against Heusel, backed the immediate However, although the elections her campaign has been dominat- which makes policy for the Ann the "system", boredom, or frus- implementation of the "Humane- have been labeled non-partisan, ed by her defensiveness about Arbor school system. tration. ness in Education" report, a candidates have frequently made her youth and student status, dThe function of the board of "Disruptive element must b move which would alter signifi- covert committments to political which have obscured her ideas on tduati anccorsydi he to' y removed from the school sys- cantly the complexion of racial parties in return for support and educatioon. tatement issued by the city pub- tem," Heusel has reiterated con- feeling in the school system, financial assistance. Nancy Bruasolo, a housewife fic schools, is to operate the Nac rsloahuewf chools "in the public interest.' sistently. "We must construct a STUDENT ROLE ind Hefner's stands on the various who became involved in the edu- The board of educationsa rep- building separate from the school k E R in ecision issues demonstrate clearly that cational system, has good ideas esentative body, chosen by the in which to keep disruptive youth, making is a question which has he has a good understanding of but doesn't seem to go far or csentatvecbordrchosenblthe thus giving them a goal for bet- been approached before but, at student problems. A professo: deep enough. She does advocate them for the "proper adminis- ter behavior-re-entry into the eas i e Ann Arbor school himself, Hefner has a positive at- curriculum change, and had a othem for the "poper ,, i school." This sentiment appears system, not been answered, Most titude toward educational inno- role in the "Humaneness in Edu- :ration of the schools," of the candidates favor increased - The primary responsibility of to be shared in varying degrees vation. cation" report. _. the cat ndttints avir ainreaed vtin.ctin"rpot '1M the Board, according to the statement, is to translate the educational ideals, values, and goals of the community into con- cepts of policy for the school sys- tem. It also has the responsibili- ty of interpreting the educational needs and problems of the school system to its constituency in or- der to gain public confidence and support for the school superin- tendent and his staff. FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD elections on Monday, voters will have to re-evaluate their own opinions of the issues involved in order to select the three can- didates who they believe would best represent them. This election offers voters a wide range of 12 candidates for the three open school board seats, and a group of five major issues which have long concerned the college population: student role in decision - making, student un- rest, including disruption and discipline; racism; sexism; and boredom, Candidates include Ralph Bol- house, local merchant and for- mer owner of Ralph's Market; Nancy Brussolo, member of the group which formulated the "Hu- by other candidates, most notably Renken and Keefer, More moderate stands on this issue are held by other candi- dates. Simpson advocates an in- vestigation into each case of dis- ruption, in, order to determine the problem causing the disrup- tion and thus attempt to remedy the cause, not merely the mani- festations of what many candi- dates suspect is widespread dis- illusionment with the school sys- tem by students. Federbush and Hefner go even farther, pointing out that such separate structures tend to make students into criminals-and, since many disrupters are mem- bers of dissatisfied minority groups, to discriminate, IT APPEARS THAT in order for disruption to be dealt with, administrators would be well-ad- vised to ascertain more carefully the causes for the disruption. If disruption is a legitimate out- growth of dissatisfaction with the school system, curriculum or boredom with the irrelevance of course offerings, or of frustration caused by lack of student influ- ence, then removal of disrupters will do little to solve the prob- s uaenu npu in varying degrees. Federbush says that students must be the first ones consulted sbout policies, programs and curriculum changes which affect them. Hefner favors student- parent - staff control of the en- tire system. Other candidates - McGregor, Simpson, Vander- horst, Brassolo - emphasize in- creased student in-put. Most of the candidates agree that curric- ulum is outdated and should be made more relevant, but they are generally more reserved about the student role in decision-mak- ing than Federbush and Hefner. Despite the controversy raised by the candidates over many different points, many of their goals depend on a variable over which they have little control; money, For along with the 12 candi- dates on the June 14 ballot will be a school bonding proposal ac- knowledged to be crucial to the maintenance of the local sys- tem's current services. Candidates agree unanimously that both the $12,847,000 bonding proposal and an increase in the school millage rate from 32:5 to 35.1 mills are currently necessary to maintain school services at their present level. 414t £fr4igan Rat~ 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. Saturday, June 12, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR: GERI SPRUNG Summer Editorial Staff STEVE KOPPMAN LARRY LEMPERT Co-Editor Co-Editor ROBERT CONROW ....... ..... . . . .SBooks Editor JIM JUDKIS... . . ....................... Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark Dillen, Jonathan Miller, Robert Schreiner, Geri Sprung ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer, Anita Crone, Jim Irwin, Alan Lenhoff, Chris Parks Suonoer Sports Staff RICK CORNFELD . . .. . ........................................ Sports Editor SANDI GENIS ...... ............... . .............. Associate Sports Editor Sunner Business Staf JIM STOREY ........................... . . ........... Business Manager 41 JANET ENGL ...... , FRAN HYMAN ...... BECKY VAN DYKE. BILL ABBOTT ..... ............................ . .Display Advertising ............................ ..... Classified Advertising ... ....... ............. .. ......... Circulation Department ... . . . .......... ... . ... ...... 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