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June 11, 1971 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-06-11

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Friday, June 1 1, 1971


Page Eleven "

Fridy, Jne I, 171 TE MiHIGA DALY Pge Eeve

Ex-Brown, sues pro football,
Walter Beach clains anti-trust
violations stymied grid career

NEW YORK (W )- W a l t e r
Beach III, a former defensive
back for the Cleveland Browns,
is suing the National Football
League and the Browns, con-
tending they conspired in re-
cent years to deny him a posi-
tion "because of his race" and
political and racial views.
Beach, who is black, played
with the Browns from 1 9 6 2
through 1967, but he asserted
that after the 1965 season "a
series of racially oriented in-
cidents related to plaintiff's po-
litical preferences incurred the
displeasure of Arthur B. Mo-
dell, president of the Browns."
The law suit, filed by Beach
of New Haven, Conn., alleging
a conspiracy to restrain trade
in violation of the Sherman
Act, was filed in U.S. District
Court here May 28. After riots
in Hough section of Cleve-
land in 1966, The Cleveland
Plain Dealer published an inter-
view giving Beach's "views on
certain social and economic is-
sues," the papers said. "In the
wake of this interview, Modell

suggested that plaintiff c o n-
cern himself more with foot-
ball and less with commentary
on social problems," the suit al-
"During the course of plain-
tiff's football career, he and
others similarly situated black
players were subjected to a
variety of discriminatory prac-
tices, including . . . diminished
bonus agreements, lower salary
scales and 'stacking' practices
which unreasonably restrained
the market for their services
and their ability to freely com-
pete with white players w it h
similar skills," Beach said,
He asked for triple damages,
unspecified, to cover his poten-
tial pay, and pension benefits,
as well as costs of the law suit.
"I welcome the opportunity
to have a full public airing of
this - welcome the opportun-
ity to go into court with this
man," the Browns' owner said.
"There was no discrimination
against Beach or any other
member of the Browns," Mo-
dell declared."

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Summer picnic
Try our German potato
Anything on our menu
Mon.-Sat. 11-8:30
Sunday 11 -8
Closed Thursday
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Who says they don't blow 'em
American League Umpire William Deegan takes a bubble break
during Wednesday's Indian-White Sox game in order to retrieve
a biggie that he had just blown.
Lady ump loses sex suit;
McDowell-Michael duel set
By The Associated Press
. ALBANY, N.Y. - Organized baseball has won a skirmish in
its battle against a New York City woman who wants to become
the first female umpire.
The Court of Appeals,_New York's highest court, granted the
New York-Penn League and the National Association of Baseball
Leagues a temporary stay against rule changes, ordered by the
State Human Rights Commission; pending final determination of
an appeal.
* CLEVELAND -- A Cleveland fight promoter has offered
Cleveland Indians southpaw Sam McDowell and Gene Michael
of the New York Yankees contracts for a four-round "return
match" at Cleveland Arena in October.
McDowell and Michael tangled on the diamond May 23
when McDowell slid hard into second base and allegedly was kicked
i by Michael.
vening of Peace
Friday, Junue II
F r sponsored by the
5:10 p.m. Folk Mass at St. Mary's
followed by a
Chicken Barbecue at 6:00 p.m. s
($1.00 charge)
followed by a
Discussion with
Fr. Bill Hutchinson, Jr.
a member of the delegation of U.S. Clergy and
. Laymen who met with a delegation of Vietna-
mese Catholics to learn their problems.
For more information Call 663-0557
Newman Center-331 Thompson


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