TALK OF THE 'U' sex information Behind the news 1 rhe Pill Police officers are finding Pappas' Coney Island on East Liberty a good place to eat - and a cheap place, too. In the interest of maintaining "good relations" with the police, patrolmen are given a 50 per cent discount on food at the restaurant if they are in uniform. Lt. Eugene Staudenmeir of the Ann Arbor Police Depart- ment says the practice is not against departmental regulations, but admits that it isn't "good police practice." And City Attorney Jerald Lax says that while there is no city ordinance prohibiting gifts to city workers, a seldom en- forced state law prohibits gifts to civil employes. Despite continuing doubts as to the legality of restaura- teurs discounting food for public servants on duty, there is little doubt that lots of police officers eat at Pappa's. "They come in here all the time, they drive me crazy," says one waitress. But, as Pappas himself points out, "There's no trouble in the restaurant when they're eating here." Students, faculty, and administrators will all have a new kind of identifiaction card complete with photograph within a year. Although students have long complained that present cards are easy for thieves to use, the impetus for the change apparently has come from University safety director Col. Fred- erick Davids' annoyance at the lack of security in University buildings, especially the Administration Building. "These little kids come in here and you ask them 'Can I help you?' and tsey say they're looking ror the bathroom - you know damn well what they're after," said Davids recently. Longhaired students out for a stroll recently found a less than cordial welcome at fNorth Hall, home of the Univeristy's ROTC program. Although a sign on the front entrance indicated the building was open for another 30 minutes, until 5 p.m., they were soon informed of the building's "imminent closing" by a Sanford Security guard who ushered the quartet out. The four had just begun reading a Navy poster warning that marijuana leads to "grass." Monday, five AFSCME local 1583 stewards and officers from the University went to Gull Lake, near Battle Creek, for a week- long labor institute program. On Wednesday, James Thiry, man- ager of University employe and union relations, received the following postcard from an anonymous source: "Dear Jim, Wish you were here; somebody drowned today." Barbara Newell, former acting Vice President for Student Services, will probably be leaving the University soon. Newell, now an assistant to President Robben Fleming, has reportedly been job hunting for about a year and among the positions she has interviewed for are presidencies of several institutions. Col. F red e r i c k Davids, the ex-commander of The Michigan State police now resident at the University as "Safety Director" is reportedly unhappy with the efficiency of Sanford Security - the private security service hired by the University at a cost of about $600,000 annually. Davids thinks they are inefficient, lazy and badly trained, and he says their tendency to "sleep on the job" makes them of little value in protecting University facilities. An example of Davids' worst fears being realized is the efficiency of the patrol in the office building where Davids him- self is headquartered. Two sleuths, hoping to find interesting material on Ad- ministration building desk-tops, had hidden in the third floor men's room of the building at closing time recently and waited for secretaries and administrators to leave for home. They were interrupted at about 6 p.m. by a Sanford guard - equipped with a shaving kit - who entered the bath room to the giggles of the two amateur 007's. The guard was obviously taken-aback and said nothing, The sleuths escaped through a fire door. An obscene phone caller is currently harrassing women in the campus area. The caller identifies himself as a survey work- er for Saks Fifth Avenue, but his questions are something else altogether. Saks reports several women have questioned them about the calls. If the caller gets your number, you should hang up im- mediately and report him to the phone company, which is undertaking an investigation. Keep a record of the time and date of the call. There's not much the phone company can do, but they try to establish a pattern and find the caller. If he persists, the best you can do is change your telephone number, but it costs eight dollars. '4r1 d$ in ate 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. Friday, June 11, 1971 MewsPhone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHREINER IS I Il l l l llp (EDITOR'S NOTE: This regular questioo-and-answer calumn on mattesof sexual concern isbing published ia eo-operatio'n with Counseling Services, a division of the Office oft Student Services Questions moay be sest to Box 25, The Daily, 42tMaynard, or phoo- ed into 76-GUIDE, the Counsel- ing Services' 24-hour counseling and referral service.) By ROBERT KOOP Q. What about the Pill? How does it work? How effective is it? A. Oral contraceptive p Ills contain chemical hormones sim- ilar to the estrogen and proges- terone normally produced by a woman's ovaries. Their principal mode of action is to stop ovula- tion from occurring. They do this by creating a sort of pseudo- pregnancy which lasts as long as the woman keeps taking the pills. The ovaries respond to t h i s pseudo-pregnancy by refusing to release an egg (ovum), just as they do during a real pregnancy, And no egg means no fertiliza- tion means no pregnancy. The few pregnancies which have occurred while women were taking the Pill are thought to be due to: 1. Forgetting to taketone or more pills and failing to use a backup method of contraception for the rest of the cycle; 2. Having sexual intercourse during the first two weeks after beginning the Pill without using an additional contraceptive meth- od; 3. Changing from a higher dos- age to a lower dosage pill without using a backup contraceptive me- shod until the system adjusts to the switch, Q. I recently stopped, taking the pill after three years. When can S exrect my first period? A. When a woman stops taking the Pill her normal cycle should resume within six or eight weeks. If eight weeks have passed with- out a period after stopping t h e Pill you should see a doctor (pre- ferably a gynecologist). The fertility of a woman after stopping the Pill depends a lot on the function of the pituitary gland. There are indications that 15% of all women will men- struate within one month after discontinuing the Pill and that 50% will have menstruated by the time two and a half months are past. ThFre may be a small number of women who experience lack of ovulation after stopping the Pill. Many of these women can be helped with medication. It is a myth that women are more fertile after using the Pill. This just ain't-so. The ova are not "saved up" while the P i l l is being used, but rather a r e absorbed by the woman's system. While we're on thesubject,I'd like to point out that there has been no demonstrated increase in spontaneous abortions or ab- normal births occurring to ex- Pill users. Another myth. Q. What re the long-term ef- fects of using the Pill? Who shouldn't take it? A. There are a lot of wonmen who shouldn't take the Pill, which is why a doctor's prescription is required before youcan get them, The major concern in taking oral contraceptives is that of blood-clotting (thrombosis) in the heart or a blood vessel, stop- ping circulation. A doctor w ill usually not recommend that a woman take the Pill if she has a history of vein inflammation or clotting. As far as is known, thrombosis is potentially the most dangerous complication of oral contraception. The Pill is also not recom- mended for women who are dia- betic, chronically alcoholic, sub- ject to frequent or severe migrane headaches, or hypertension, or to women who have hepatitis. Another problem, or potential problem, with the use of the Pill oven an extended period of time- may be cancer. However, there is no evidence that there is a cor- relation between Pill-taking and cancer. No woman has been shown to have cancer because she used the Pill. There are all sorts of different ideas about this among experts. Some feel that the routine exam- ination - including a Pap smear (cancer test) - obtained w hen women go on the Pill permits ear- ly detection of cervical cancer and allows for a cure. So me experts believe that using t h e Pill actually reduces the possibil- ity of cervical cancer. Very little is known about any potential0, danger of breast cancer after long-term use of the Pill. I will have more on the P iIl in my next column. r- Letters to The Dail Bach Club To The Daily: A COPY of this letter has been sent to the president and officers in charge of publicity, Bach Club: The Bach Club has gained ex- posure and attracted members pri- marily through the use of cleverly drawn posters. This week's poster, however, is grossly insulting to women (and conscious men) and demonstrates blatant' sexploita- tion. Women's bodies have been used as bait for cars and deodorants and trips to Bermuda. Our bodies have adorned every salable prduct ever conceived by ousines'm n.~ The expectations of the advertis- ers/businessmen are that the sex- ual fantasies of the male consum.r will overwhelm his wallet control.- The Bach Club's poster follows in this tradition. Caricat're of provocatively dressed women of- fering their services to men is not amusing in a society whose womnn are commonly degraded and denied full rights as human beings. To perpetuate such conceptions of women as objectified om modties "h !i* and men as lusting buyers is tea tionary and inexcusable., 5' -Lydia Kleiner, G June 10 To The Daily: I READ WITH regret Prof D. J. Plessas of the Public Health in the I Times last month. As a the University, I feel to reply. - Plessas attacks the p circles who lost their d the changes that Greec dergoing when the junta "instant" revolutionaries those unfortunate Unive fessors who lost their po were forced to leave tI and the young Greeks m abroad rather than, fat tration camps "playboy imposed exile . . . biz trical types." The Gre putting aside all their4 bles, are joining force effort to achieve free tice, and democracy - which were conceived tured in Greece. Plessas asserts "the; significant ideological, irid nomic or political differences be- tween the junta and its more legi- timate predecessors." Greece A number of measures taken by the junta such as the control of trade unions, syndicates and col- a letter by lective bodies, the role of the re- School of ligious authorities as makers of New York the ideology, the appointment of Greek at government "commissioners" in compelled public organizations and private corporations alike, and the erec- rogressive ion of a new structure of Privi- rersie leges, remind me of the corporate reamsfor state of Mussolini and Salazar. The struck as new constitution is a charter that s-lie calls reserves ultimate power to the armed forces and to selected seg- ersity pro- ments of the top echelons of Greek. sitions and bureaucracy. Under this constitu- he country tion the armed forces are formal- eho a ed ly as well as in substance beyond .s in self- the reach of the elected govern- ,ar thsea- ment. This, of course, has deeper sine thea- consequences for the socio-politi-, ek peo ple. cal life of the country. s in their Mr. Plessas raises a fundamental dom, jus- question: what are the Greeks - qualities fighting for? and nur- Since ancient times, Greece has" been in an eternal motion upward re are no and downward, backward and for- socio-eco- ward, between heaven and hell. For the past several years this has also been the story, of the political and cultural life of Greece. Greece went into a frenzied search for an ideal, and no sooner did she touch heaven than she fell, cut by the colonels' sword. It is in her nature to search for this ideal again-we do not know where to go, but we still retain our faith and enthusiasm. May we invent something marvelous: Per- haps, but alas, it will not be a military dictatorship. -Basilis Gidas Physics Department May 4 Letters to The Daily should be' mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or 'delivered to M a r y Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters sub- mitted. Stuaner Editorial Staff STEVE KOPPMAN LARRY LE IERT Co-Editor Co-Edit, ROBERT C0NROW..........Books Editor JIM JUDKIS. .. ...... ............. ... ..... Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Rose Sue Berstein, Mark Dilen, Jonathan Miller, Robert Schreiner, GetiSsprung