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Vol. LXXXI, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 11, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
ROTC plan called 'equitable'
Daily News Analysis
A University official has described as "equitable to the
University" a plan under which the Department of De-
fense (DOD) would pay colleges $500 for each commissioned
ROTC cadet, though the plan would fall far short of the
Regents' December 1969 demand for full funding of ROTC
programs by the DOD.
University administrative dean Robert Williams made
the statement yesterday. According to Williams, the plan,
currently in a bill in the House of Representatives, would
provide about $55,000 annually-with minor fluctuations
as the number of ROTC graduates varies each year.
DOD had previously indicated a willingness to pay the
$500 amount after studying
financial records of various
universities' payments to
support ROTC programs.
The bill, currently in the
House Armed Services Commit-
tee, would make the payments
retroactive to June 5, 1971.
The University administration, f
and specifically Williams, had
been charged by the Regents in
December, 1969 to re-negotiate
the University's ROTC contract
with the Department of Defense
in order to get DOD to assune
the full costs of the program.
The Regents estimated at that
time that the University was
paying about $53,000 yearly
for secretarial services, phone
bills, and other "supportive serv-
ices." Also, they estimated that Robert Williams
the University was paying
$36,000 annually for maintenance, custodial services, and heat and
water for North Hall, which houses the University's ROTC pre-
In addition, the Regents cited that the ROTC program has
used North Hall rent-free, and set an estimated rent for the
building at $100,000-$200,000, according to current market values.
The price for ROTC has climbed since 1969, however. In fiscal
1970, the supportive services rose slightly to $54,000. Although no
figure for utilities and maintenance is available, rising utility rates
coupled with increased salaries for Plant Department workors
would seem to have driven that service cost higher also.
For fiscal 1971-72, although the budget allocation to the ROTC
program has not yet been set, University officials say that no re-
duction in ROTC services is anticipated. And so, with expected
staff salary hikes and rising property values and material costs, the
cost of providing services to ROTC should be considerably higher
this year than the Regents' estimates one-and-one-half years ago.
Thus, the hope of getting $55,000 annually would not seem to
be very adequate payment to the University-but Williams dis-
"The $55.000 would cover our 'out-of-pocket costs' for the pro-
gram," he says, referring to the money for secretaries and the
other supportive services.
Williams discounts the importance of payments both for
maintenance and rent.
"The program doesn't use nearly the entire building," he
explains. "We can't charge them for rent, utilities and maintenance
See ROTC, Page 2
ROTC cadets enter North Hall
* U;cilty open summer
Sort Clinic fr girl
By JONATHAN MILLER football coaching free of charge modation on the basis of sex."
A local women's group yester- and with complimentary busing. The Summer Sports Clinic, a
day won a battle with the city from Wolverine coach Bo Sch- joint undertaking of the city
and the University when offi- embechler. recreation department and the
cials agreed to demands that The c o m p1 a i n t, filed by University's athletic department,
the Summer Sports Clinic pro- PROBE, Inc., a women's group is sponsoring , e i g h t "sports
gram for the city's youth be in the city, held that the re- clinics," only one of which
immediately opened to partici- striction of seven out of eight (track) was scheduled to be
pation by girls as well as boys. sports in the program to boys open to participation by girls.
The decision opens the way was "denying and limiting ac- PROBE complained that since
for nine-year-old girls to receive cess to a place of public accom- public funds were being used by
the recreation department to
sponsor the clinic, girls as well
as boys should be eligible.
Jerold Lax, the city attorney,
agreed saying, "Unless some
justification can be found for
excluding girls," it is likely that
the program is illegal.
University and city officials
then agreed to open to girls
participation in the entire pro-
gram. Stowever, there was some
{i "Do you want your daughter
to play football?" asked Donald
Lund of the University's athletic
"Yes," said the PROBE sup-
porters at the hearing before
city grievance officer Edward
"Do you realize that if they
wanted to take wrestling they'd
have to shave their hair off?"
asked Lund.
"That's their decision," said
The University athletic de-
A partment cooperates with the
ress program, originated after a
meeting between City Adminis-
trator Guy Larcom and Univer-
rles sity President Robben Fleming,
by permitting its top football,
ar- baseball, golf, and other coaches
ppi, to teach sports to city youth
during the summer.
Power at the polls
A clenched fist is raised in front of Fayette, Miss., mayor Char
Evers, as he addresses a crowd soon after the slaying of an 18-ye
old black girl. Evers, who is running for Governor of Mississij
told the gathering their power would be felt at the polls.
Refugees prepare for monsoon
East Pakistanis at "Camp Sahara", a refugee settlement near the
Calcutta airport, work on makeshift huts, designed to protect
them from the monsoon rains,