Unhot, uncoal, just
right for a pienic
Thursday, June 10, 1971
News Phone: 764-0552
Communists bomb four
Cambodian strongholds
Comfort for the stricken
An elder iy East Pakistan refugee woman dying by the roadside
in Krishnagar, 55 miles from Calcutta, is fanned by another
refugee to provide some comfort before death. More than 3,000
have died of cholera here and in the neighboring parts of the
area known as Nadia District as of Tuesday.
regents in
A report by a special commit-
tee of the American Association
of University Professors charges
the Regents of the University of
California (UC) with violating
academic freedom by dismissing
black militant Angela Davis from
the UC faculty.
Davis was denied rehiring as
a professor at the UCLA's philo-
sophy department in June 1970
after making speeches allegedly
"antithetical to the protection of
academic freedom".
Professor R i c h a r d Brandt,
chairman of the philosophy de-
partment at the University was
part of the two man team which
investigated the firing.
The findings of the as yet un-
published report, were first re-
vealed in an article by William
Trombley in the June -3 edition
of the Los Angeles Times.
The story reported the study
as concluding that the regents
neglected to examine complete-'
ly Davis' qualifications as a
Davis ease
teacher, and based their deci-
sion on four public speeches she
made between October 1969 and
February 1970.
Although Brandt termed the
story "premature', and criticized
certain inaccuracies, he conceded
it was correct in reporting the
commission had found violations
of academic freedom in the fir-
While declining comment on
the report's specific details,
Brandt did say he felt it would,
when released, present a "new
position for the AAUP on aca-
demic freedom".
While the report doesn't recom
mend any course for the AAUP
to follow, Brandt says it is likely
to influence the national commit-
tee of AAUP to action.
Publication of the repor'
which was completed over four
months ago-has been delayed
due to the procedure of solicit-
ing comments on it prior to pub
lication, according to Brane
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia
(P) - Communist g u n n e r s
poured rocket and mortar
fire into f o u r Cambodian
strongpoints in the desolate
marshes \east of Phnom
Penh yesterday in a second
day of intense battle within
earshot of the capital.
The high ,command reported
he a v y Soviet - made 122mm
rockets hit Prey Bang, Kom-
pong Chamland, Lompong Am-
pil and Vihear Suor, all of them
villages in the Vihear Suor
marshes a dozen-miles or so east
of Phnom Penh.
Hand-to-hand fighting raged
for the second straight day. The
fighting was at such close quar-
ters, that Cambodian artillery-
men often had to hold their fire
to avoid hitting their comrades.
Refugees from the heavy
fighting fled across the Mekong
River east of Phnom Penh. Wit-
nesses said mortar shells wvere
landing close to the sampans
ferrying them across.
Despite the intense fire, Capt.
Chhang Song, a high command
spokesman, said the Cambodian
army was able to pull out most
of the 100 killed or wounded who
fell Tuesday in heavy fighting
near Prey Thom, This village is
in the center of the marshes 12
miles northeast of Phnom Penh.
Chhang Song quoted an offi-
cer as estimating 201 North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong were
killed in the battle at Prey
Thom. He said a body count on
a part of the battlefield showed
85 enemy bodies.
To the rear in northeastern
Cambodia, U.S. B52 Stratofor-
tresses raided supply lines and
storage depots in an attempt to
cut off supplies to the com-
munist forces menacing Phnom
Fighting for control-of the
Vihear Suor marshes has been
underway for nearly two weeks
but has intensified in the past
two days. Tuesday's battle was
one of the fiercest in the "ear-
old Canibodian conflict.
-Associated Press
A SHERIDAN TANK makes its way through rough terrain at
Duy Xuyen, South Vietnam, yesterday where it is operating as
part of Bravo troop cavalry, the Americal Division.
Abortion advertising,
cal-led unlaw ful here
The vice - chairman of the
State H o u s e Appropriations
committee wrote last March to
all state college and university
presidents, including President
Robben Fleming, requesting that
they "advise the advertising de-
partments" of their c a m p u s
newspapers that advertising for
abortion referral services is
illegal in Michigan.
Aging Conference
ended-not dead
"I would like to replace a conference on aging with a
conference of the aging, then at least we could find out directly
from old people what their needs are and act on them-it just
isn't enough to gather a cross section of big shots," said
Northville State Hospital's director of activity therapy, Bernie
Plummer yesterday at the conclusion of the 24th annual Con-
ference on Aging held at the University.
His feelings were shared Py many of the nearly 800 dele-
gates to the conference this week.
"It seems to me that by 1971 we should know the problems
which exist, but we're still talking about research, not action,"
says another delegate.
Just five months before the White House Conference on
Aging, which many delegates who were present this week in
Ann Arbor will attend, a variety of ideas, theories and com-
plaints about the nation's attitudes towards the elderly were
aired this week. Those present at the conference were eager
to learn to care for old people and create a more "Humane
Environment" for them.s
Yet due to the mixture of professions and interests at the
meeting, the plenary speakers tended to sound "redundant,"
"repetitious," and "afraid to offend anybody."
Mildred Krasnow, a delegate from New Jersey, noticed a
lack of students. She thought they stood to gain most from
the verbal discourse which was basic to understanding the aged,
Many of the delegates complained of the long plenary
See AGING, Page 10
"The law provides a fine and
imprisonment for all newspapers
who accept this kind of adver-
tisement," Rep. Dominick Jaco-
betti warned.
He also asked that the presi-
dents report to him "oit what
action has been taken . . . to
correct this illegal practice."
President FI1em ing referred
Jacobetti's letter to law Prof.
L. Hart Wright, chairman of the
Board for Student Publications.
Last month, amid controversy
over the legitimate operation of
the commercial abortion referral
agencies and following the re-
ceipt of Jacobetti's letter, The
Daily decided to accept no fur-
ther advertising for abortion re-
At that time, Vice President
for Finance Louis Profit of East-
ern Michigan University (EMU)
ordered the Eastern Echo, the
campus newspaper at EMU, to
stop running abortion advertis-
In addition, both the Detroit
News and the Detroit Free Press
-the state's two largest news-
papers-have decided to discon-
tinue such advertising.
Section 750,34 of the state
criminal code, to which Jaco-
betti referred, states that any-
one advertising "any means
whatever w h e r e b y abortion
(may bet produced, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, pun-
ishable by imprisonment in the
county jail not more than one
year or by a fine of not more
than $500."
In response to Jacobetti, the
American Civil Liberties Union
of Michigan (ACLU) wrote him
and to the colleges and univer-
sities, commenting that the
ACLU found nothing illegal
about advertising "medical serv-
ices legally available in a sister
--Saay-earye vmad
SPEAKERS AND LISTENERS at this weeks conference on the aged.
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