Vol. LXXXI, No. 26-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, June 10, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Grand Juries: A newinquisition? By JIM IRWIN Critics, however, have seen the investi- gations previously independently con- Grand jury investigations of radicals in gations as "tools used by the Justice de- ducted by the FBI, the Secret Service and Detroit, Seattle, Washington and New partment and the F.B.I. to harrass, in- the Treasury. York City have sparked widespread pub- timidate and destroy the anti-war move- -Take over the so-called "Interdivi- lic speculation on the government's mo- ment." sional Information Unit," keeper of dos- tives for launching what one radical Attorney General John Mitchell's ere- siers on all suspicious, or potentially sus- leader terms, "the new inquisition." ation of a powerful intelligence network picious persons. designed to focus on the activities of SLS attorneys, under the leadership of eInsecre it g sdiult osce ain r radicals and anti-war activists, has Guy Goodwin-presently believed to be precisely what the government is after. drawn frequent comparisons with the in Detroit-have been dispatched to all red-squads of the McCarthy era. pasts of the country, moving in on U.S. Questions put to Leslie Bacon-held District Attorney's offices to coordinate since April 28 by the Seattle grand jury The Justice Department "Internal Se- prosecutions and investigations. as a material witness to the bombing of curity Division," which had been dor- Goodwin has personally handled the the U.S. Capitol March 1-indicate the mant under previous administrations' majority of the best publicized cases, in- government believes there is a link be- has now been revived under the diret- eluding the Berrigan case and the Seat- tween the bombing of the Capitol, the tion of Deputy Attorley General Robert tIe/Detroit investigations. firebombing of a branch of the Chase Mardian and it is charged to: A variety of novel investigative tech- Manhattan bank in New York City, and -Combine all federal prosecutions of niques are in use by the government, and the Mayday collective, one of the groups radicals under the direction of the Spe- one of their most popular has been their responsible for organizing anti-war dis- cial Litigation Section (SLS). offering of immunity from eventual pro- ruptions in Washington early lost month. -Coordinate internal security investi- See JURIES, Page 10 Leslie Bacon & falls below Summer music Ragamoffyn, a local group, play in front of the Administration Bldg. yesterday afternoon. A crowd of people gathered to enjoy the music, the sunshine and, coincidentally, a rainbow that appeared rather suddenly. "Light show courtesy of Ozone House," quipped a member of the band. But an earlier voice in the crowd had outdone him, yelling out, "Light show courtesy of God." BILL STALLED ~ Aortion lobby renewed By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN The bill would have legalized William Ryan (D-Detroit) refer- The Michigan Coordinating Com- abortion for Michigan women red it to the Social Services com- mittee for Abortion Reform has within the first 90 days of preg- mittee. launched a last-ditch attempt to nancy. Abortions after 90 days of "Speaker Ryan has never had bring a bill liberalizing Michigan's pregnancy would be permitted nith any intention of allowing a house abortion laws out of a State House a doctors certification that "rig- floor vote. In the end, he would of Representatives committee and nificant risk" of danger or dam- not even allow a committee vote," before the House for a vote. age to the mental or physical he charged. "The whole procedure has been David Bingham, the local spokes- Se lated st P 3 a sham, a mockery of public trust," man for the group, said yesterday e re ory, age Allen declared that a massive petition drive will Allen elred be launched to put the abortion health of the mother existed, or if Allen expressed hope Tuesday issue on the November 1972 ballot the baby was likely to be de- that a citizens petition drive could if the attempt to bring the bill out formed. force the issue onto a state-wide of the House Social Services and Michigan's present abortion law ballot, but he did not hold out Corrections committee fails. permits pregnancy termination much hope for the bill to be extri- Tuesday, the committee indefi. only for medical reasons. cated from the Social Services The bill passed the State Senate committee. nitely tabled the bill, making by a slim margin in March, but The bill was introduced into the chances slim that it will face chances for its implementation State Senate by Gilbert Bursloy House action this session. grew slim when House Speaker' (R-Ann Arbor). requests By ALAN LENHOFF A recent Department of Defense (DOD) offer to pay universities for maintaining Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs, apparently would fall quite short of the University's previous request for DOD funds. DOD has offered to pay colleges and universities with ROTC programs $500 for each cadet who receives his com- mission through the program. The offer is significant because DOD has never before paid for the campus office space and supportive services its ROTC programs require. But for the University, the . plan offers considerably less fi- M itchell says nancial support than University officials had hoped for. As of winter term 1970, there courts unfair were approximately 347 ROTC cadets enrolled in the University program. This would amount to to *) a payment of about $173,500. to the University, but w o u 1 d be spread out over several years as WASHINGTON (P) - Atty. the cadets receive their com- Gen. John N. Mitchell said yes- missions. terday the Nixon administra- But the Regents voted in De- tion is determined to end what cember 1969 to ask DOD to he said was "a pre-occupation assume the full costs of the with fairness for the accused" program. At that time they es- in criminal trial. timated that the University was Mitchell said the courtroom in providing $89,000 annually for many cases is now "a place secretarial and maintenance where fact is obscured and jus- services, in addition to the tice frustrated through the tri- equivalent of $100,000-$200,000 umph of Sophistry over common worth of rent-free space in sense. North Hall, which houses the "Apecuainwt fir University Army, Navy, and Air "A preoccupation with fair- Force ROTC programs. ness for the accused has done Admce sTCravDansR, ber violence to fairness for the Administrative Dean Robert accuser," Mitchell told the Na- Williams, who has been in -tional District Attorneys Asso- charge of the University-DOD ciation. "In the process, fair- negotiations was unavailable for ness as a concept has often been comment last night. But Wil- ned t a mea s sred." liams told the Ann Arbor News stramed to a meaningless shred. yesterday that the offer "will Mitchell also struck out at cover our out-of-pocket expenses what he termed "extravagant -meaning phones, secretaries' means by which evidence is of- pay and the part of North Hall ten disallowed," "overweening the services would probably rent attention to procedurialisms," if they paid direct rent." "astonishing extremities" de- In addition to asking DOD to manded by courts to prove guilt pay ROTC's full costs, in De- and "interminable post-trial de- cember 1969, after widespread vices which rob justice of any student opposition to ROTC was finality." indicated, the Regents voted to: -Strip ROTC instructors of Mitchell said the administra academic titles; tion has "not the slightest in- -Designate ROTC as a "pro- tention of taking from the ac- gram" rather than its previous cused any right that constitu- departmental status. tionally belongs to him." r