Friday, June 4, 1971 THE MICHIGAN OAILY Page Seven Friday, June 4, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven news briefs By The Associated Press THE PEACE CORPS AND VISTA, along with six other volunteer service agencies, were merged by Congress yesterday into a new agency called the Action Corps. The administration hopes to expand volunteerism through the move. THE SUPREME COURT ruled yesterday that changes in elec- tion laws by Southern federal courts do not have to be approved by the attorney general or a federal court in Washington. Under previous federal law, six southern states were required to submit for approval all election law changes that could affect the voting rights of blacks. ATTY. GEN. JOHN MITCHELL will leave his Cabinet post to run President Nixon's 1972 campaign, according to high ad- ministrative sources quoted in the Washington Evening Star. The Star said Wednesday that Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst or Jerris Leonard, new administrator of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration may succeed Mitchell as attorney general. Both the White House and the Justice Department denied the *story. Union janitors renew protest Continedress"page 15 and other AFSCME complaints. In the past four months, 396 grievance complaints have been formally accepted by Thiry and m a n y others submitted by AFSCME but not acted upon. This has resulted in an ap- parent feeling of frustration, es- pecially for the janitors, who divided their picketing yester- day between the Administration Bldg. and the Building Services Bldg. "If they knew about this change five months ago while the contract was being nego- tiated why didn't they tell us then," said union chief steward Joel Block. The picketers, who plan to continue their protest today and will hold a meeting Sunday itc plan their n e x t step, seemed cheerful and sang several songs and chants describing their com- plaints despite t h e 80 degree weather. They carried signs such as "Don't pee on the people." DAILY OFFICIAL D BULLETIN FRIDAY, JUNE 4 Day Calendar 3 Spring Film Festival: "Once Upon A Time In The eWst," Aud. A, An- gell Hall, 7, 10 p.m. Residential College Summer Thea- tre: "The Empire Builders," by Boris . Vian, E. Quad Aud., a p.m. -.International Folk Dance: Bar - bour Gym, 8-11 p.m. CHECK THESE FEA TURES: H Country Joe & the Fish H Pat Quinn (remember 1-Ct Alice in "Alice's Res- c, taurant"?), Q Story by the Firesign Theatre H Starring Artur Ruben- stein's son John as the hero.' -NOW- Do You Know Why . They Called Zachariah ... aAhead, of his time bu , y + rm v o~1 Are F~ockte , T-' 211' eAS -cI o 4laCR2 4+e WNieS 4a ~L" G e1L e fi*tiw .h, v~t~were.. wlyoA S, It's here . . . -an exciting new steak specialty from be ZP4 x featuring the fine flavors found in Spain's finest kitchens-served on a wooden plank with the Spanish carving tool FOR THE FINEST IN STEAK ASK FOR EL ZORRO-TODAY! (THE FOX) 7he AOPd 10X 5400 PLYMOUTH RD. Open 11 a.m.-2 p.m. NO8-9387 4 p.m.-10 p.m. r nr ,xS . f 47 4 49-1 40 -el 40 40 i 4) +91 in L 49-1 4-11 SHOPPING CAN BE FUN AT JACOBSON'S4> EVEN WHEN YOU RIDE A BICYCLE - YOU CAN PARK YOUR BICYCLE AT OUR DOOR How close can you get? For your convenience there are sheltered bike stands at our Maynard street entrante for unlimited parking. Sure beats walking. "The First Electric Western" GP T.M.K. Color Thurs.-Fri.-Map.-Tue. ot 7 P.M. & 9 P.M. (OPEN 6:45) Sat. & 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. Now showing at the WAYSIDE Theatre on Washtenow Ave. 1 / miles east of US-23