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Cloudy, maybe rain
Thursday, May 6, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
City faces budgetary hard times
Nearly two weeks ago, a group of
angry mothers disturbed the customary
quiet of recent city budget planning ses-
sions. Was it true, they demanded, that
the city's year-old children's day care
center was to receive no city support
next year? They had learned that Ann
Arbor's current $30,000 contribution to
the center was omitted from the pro-
posed $13 million city budget for fiscal
Though the mothers were quickly as-
sured that proposed cuts in new com-
munity programs weren't final and
could probably be reversed, the incident
was symptomatic of the city's budgetary
ills. Like most other communities in the
nation, Ann Arbor's revenue has failed
to keep pace with the spiralling cost
of government.
Largely because most of the city's
operating revenue comes from proper-
ty taxes - which don't increase at in-
flation's rate - city revenue lagged be-
hind the, increasing demands on the
budget. Officials estimate a 12.5 per
cent increase in expenditures is neces-
sary for the city just to keep current
programs adequately funded, but the
budget City Council will approve next
Monday will increase spending only 1.5
per cent.
It appears that the city government is
unwilling to raise property taxes at a
time when inflationary pressure makes
such increases necessary to maintain a
stable level of public services.
As a result, the inflation of recent
years is taking its toll among Ann Ar-
bor's programs. Primarily because of the
current Democratic control of the may-
or's office, and partially due to their
popularity, most community-oriented
programs like the day care center will
manage to survive - but just barely.
Summer employment programs for
youth and the controversial grievance
office are also likely to be retained -
though also with precarious funding.
To finance these and other programs,
the following measures are likely to go
into effect:
-A freeze on existing city govern-
ment positions. Temporary employes
See BUDGET, Page 12
Lit. school
Asst. Dean
Assistant LSA Dean James
Shaw has said he will soon
resign from that position.
While neither Shaw Aor act-
ing LSA Dean Alfred Sussman
would comment on the resigna-
tion, one reliable source said he
4 felt Shaw's resignation reflect-
ed "some dissatisfaction w i t h
his job."
Shaw, who also serves as co-
chairman of the LSA Adminis-
trative Board, was involved in
the recent dispute over the
board's controversial eight-term
policy which did not allow stu-
dents to register in the fall if
they had already completed
eight fall and winter terms.
Following pressure from fac-
ulty and students, the LSA Ex-
ecutive Committee rescinded the
rule last month.
Shaw also served as co-chair-
man of the student-faculty
Committee on Governance
which recently formulated plans
for increased student input to
A reliable source indicated
that some changes in the ad-
ministration of the literary col-
lege would come with Shaw's
resignation. The source sug-
gested that Shaw's successor
would be an administrator and
not a faculty member like Shaw.
Fellin selected
to head School
of Social Work
A business setback
California's Republican Gov. Ronald Reagan holds
indicating the number two as he explains to repo
personal business setbacks which he said excused hin
any state income tax in 1970.
Associated Press
up his hand
rters Tuesday
a from paying
Report shows volume
o'U' research down
The value of federal and private contracts held by
University researchers has fallen by about $1 million in the
past year, marking the first such decline in 20 years, ac-
cording to Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman.
Norman revealed at a Senate Assembly meeting April
19 that University research funds will total about $62 mil-
lion for the fiscal year ending June 30.
In explaining this year's de-
cline, Norman cited tight federal
budgeting as a major cause. Last
fall, he said, several agencies
which sponsor research on the
environment, health and trans-
portation w e r e reorganized,
leading to delays in appropria-
tions. In addition, Norman said
congressional delays in research
allocations held up contracts.
For the past three fiscal
years, Norman had reported a
levelling-off in the value of
University research con trats.
In his previous annual reports,
he explained that despite the
absence of an actual cut in
funds, because of inflation the
levelling-off- amounted in fact
to a "shrinkage" in University
research funds.
For the future, Norman pre-
dicted that "the outlook is
brighter," pointing to President
Nixon's recent requests in Con-
gress of $56 million for Na-
tional S c i e n c e Foundation
-Associated Press (NSF) study and $100 million
Egypfor cancer research by the Na-
n tional Institutes of Health. .
ud Riad, left, talks with Secretary Norman said that currently
ived in Cairo Tuesday. Rogers is there was a "disastrous" eut in
federal grants for graduate stu-
the Mideast conflict. (See News dents, and he foresaw no early
change in this situation.
Assistant social work school Dean Phillip Fellin has
been appointed the new dean of the school. Fellin will take
office July.1, succeeding Acting Dean Robert Vintner.
Fellin explained in a interview Tuesday that one of his
first priorities will be to try to increase student and faculty
participation in the school's governance.
"In every area students want increased involvement,"
said Fellin, "I think they should have it.
"The message I'm getting from students is that they
are concerned about minor-
ity group content in the Tp
school and with working in U.S. bureau
the community," he added.
President Robben Fleming an-
nounced F n'appointmenten to
April 27. The Regents authorized
Fleming to negotiate with Fellin * * ut
at their April meeting. a rv u if r
In making the appointment
Fleming said, "Dr. Fellin has
made many contributions to the WASHINGTON (R) - The
University since he first joined Department of Transportation
the faculty in 1965. He is known yesterday urged the elimination
for developing innovative new of special air fares for families
ways to solve problems, and for and for young people.
stimulating creativity in others. The department told the Civil
The method by which a new Aeronautics Board such fares
social work dean was to be se- are unjustly discriminatory and
lected was the subject of con- should be replaced by experi-
siderable debate within the so- mental short-term fares t h a t
cial work school. Social Work are truly promotional in nature.
Students Union had proposed The youth reservation, fam-
that at least half the search ily and certain "Discover Amer-
committee's members be stu- ica" excursion fares are a bur-
dents, but the final compromise den to passengers paying reg-
agreement resulted in a search ular fares, according to depart-
committee composed of five pro- ment spokesmen. They said
ulty chairman. Fellin said he such passengers pay as much
fessors, four students and a fac- for their tickets as they ever did
does not feel the search commit- but get inferior service because
tee dispute will hamper his ef- planes are more crowded.
fectiveness. In a brief in the Aeronautics
Board's passenger fare investi-
gation, the department said the
airlines should be permitted tG
offer reduced fares for flights
operated in off-peak hours, in-
stead of family fares and youth
fares, to help cut costs by dis-
tributing traffic flow more ev-
Small groups of up to four
persons also might be offered
small fare discounts, the depart-
ment suggested. because it is
Thus a fare might be cut as
much as $4 if ticketing is for
two persons, $8 for three per-
sons, or $12 for a four-person
group, according to the depart-
Since the savings do not in-
crease proportionately beyond
four persons, no discounts for
larger groups should be allowed
until more evidence on the eco-
nomics is available, the depart-
ment said.
Rogers i
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmou
of State William Rogers, who arr
in Egypt to explore solutions to
Briefs, Page 20.