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June 04, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-06-04

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Vol. LXXXI, No, 22-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 4, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
'U', state officials confer on budget

Special to The Daily
LANSING-Facing the prospect of re-
ceiving a state appropriation severely
reduced from their initial budget request,
top-level University administrators met
with state officials Wednesday to plead
their case.
Although details of the closed meeting
with the state's Legislative Fiscal Agency
were not made public, sources said yes-
terday that the meeting was held to dis-
cuss technical points in Gov. William
Milliken's budget proposal for the Uni-
Milliken's proposal allowed for only an
additional $2.8 million dollars over this
year's University appropriation. Univer-

sity officials fear that the appropriation
will be grossly inadequate for them to
meet the coming year's financial needs.
The meeting was seen as a prelude to
the intensive study the appropriation pro-
posal will undergo sometime this month
in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
President Robben Fleming; Allan
Smith, vice-president for academic af-
fairs; Fedele Fauri, vice-president for
state relations; and Richard Augenstein
and Lawrence Fincher, both of the office
of state relations, represented the Uni-
versity at the session.
After recommending last February
only the slight increase in appropriations
to the University, Milliken suggested a
number of austerity measures for the
University to take to combat the severe

lack of operating funds they would face,
-A decrease of 294 in the enrollment
at the Ann Arbor campus after six years
of expansion;
-A seven per cent increase in tuition,
the fourth hike in five years, which would
raise an additional $2 million;
-An end to the University's $1.1 mil-
lion annual fee paid to the city for police,
fire protection and other services and
the creation instead of a separate cam-
pus police force; and
-A three per cent across-the-board cut-
back in the University's faculty and staff.
coupled with a three per cent increase in
"productivity" of the remaining staff.
See 'U', Page 10

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Union janitors
renew protests
over grievance
About 40 of the University's union janitors expanded
their recent protests over new working schedules by picket-
ing two University buildings yesterday.
The workers, members of local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) said the four-hour demonstrations were under-
taken because "all channels of communication with the
University had been exhausted" without a resolution of
union complaints.
The complaints chiefly concern the scheduled change
in lunch periods, effective
Monday, for some 280 Plant H
Department janitors on the Hearmg set
evening shift. Several weeks
ago, Plant Department offi- fo I A ,
cials announced a w o r k f U
change that would cancel r I
paid 20 -minute 1 u n c h dip
breaks for the workers and u nirp e b u
in their place substitute a
30-minute break without By ROBERT SCHREINER
pay. The Michigan Employment Re-
This would in effect increase lations Commission (MERC) has
the normal work day for these set a hearing on June18 for an
employes from a 4 pm. to mid- unfair labor practice charge
night shift to o n e extending brought against the University by
from 4 p.m to 12:30 a.m.-a the Interns and Residents Asso-
change which workers say vio- ciation (IRA) of the Medical Cen-
lates their five-month-old three ter.
year contract with the Univer- The IRA is seeking a MERC
sity. ruling to order the University to
Grievances were filed soon af- bargain with it in its attempts to
ter the proposed change became obtain a union contract.
public April 27, But, when these Interns, residents and post-
"normal" channels failed to re- doctoral fellows at the center
scind the Plant Department di- completed the final step May 7 in
rective, a group of a n g r y becoming the first group of union-
AFSCME workers took their ized interns at a university by
protest before the Regents at approving IRA as its official col-
their meeting last month. lective bargaining agent.
When this move also failed, But the University had refused
a formal complaint against the to accept a previous 2-1 MERC
University was filed last. week decision which found the interns,
before the Michigan Employe residents and post-doctoral fel-
Relations Commission (MERC) lows an appropriate unit for col-
in Detroit. The brief, submitted lective bargaining purposes. On
by AFSCME attorney George April 5, the University asked the
Maurer, contained several al- Michigan Court of Appeals to re-
leged contract violations which view the MERC decision.
the union said also violated the The University has steadfast-
state Unfair Labor Practices ly opposed IRA's year-old drive
Act. for unionization, maintaining that
A hearing on the charges is interns are not really employes
scheduled here June 21 at 10:00 of the University but instead are
a.m. involved in a training program
James Thiry, University man- with status similar to students.
ager of employe and union rela- At the time of the appeal, the
tions, has maintained through- University had asked for a stay
out the dispute that the change of the election approving IRA.
in w o r k week is "legitimate" The court declined the request
though he admits t h e r e has but at the same time said the Uni-
been an "uncommon" amount of versity did not have to begin bar-
union dissent over this change gaining until the appeal is acted
See UNION, Page 7 on.

UNIVERSITY JANITORS picket in front of the Administration Bldg. yesterday. The workers, mem-
bers of local 1583 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employes (AFSCME).
were protesting the scheduled loss of a paid lunch hour for 280 Plant Department janitors.
Abortion vote expected

Michigan's controversial abor-
tion law, long entangled in the
legislative morass, enters i t s
final stages to becoming law
within the next few weeks.
The bill, which passed the
Senate last March by a _ 20 to
17 vote after a five-year strug-
gle, is "not more than a couple
of weeks from House action and
possible enactment," according
to its floor manager, Rep. Rich-
ard Allen (R-Ithaca).
The liberalized statute would
allow a woman to have an
abortion for any reason during
the first 90 days of her preg-
nancy if she had been a Mich-
igan resident at least that long.
Later abortions could be per-
formed under the bill only if
a doctor found "significant risk
of danger," damage to the
mental or physical health of the
mother, or deformity of t h e
David Holmes (D-Detroit)
chairman of the House Social

Services and Corrections Com-
mittee promised yesterday that
his committee would take some-
sort of action on the contro-
versial bill before the end of
next week.
It is estimated that if the
bill were to leave committee and
come to an immediate House
vote, it would fall about f i v e
votes short of passage. The bill's
proponents, however, hope that
discussion on the House floor
will convert the needed "swing
After its Senate passage, the
bill was sent to the House,
where it went to the Social
Services and Corrections Com-
mittee on March 15.
At that time,. speaker Wil-
liam Ryan (D-Detroit), an-
nounced that the committee,
which was considered to be op,
posed to the bill two to one,
would be enlarged specifically to
give the bill a fairer and more
comprehensive hearing. Ryan's
action was unprecedented.

Allen has sought to block
sending the bill to Ryan's com-
mittee preferring to send the
bill to a less hostile group.
Allen yesterday told the Daily,
"Our best count leads us to be-
lieve that we don't have the votes
to get it out (of committee)." He
said that the public reaction
against the bill seems to him
stronger than the reaction in its
favor. "The pros haven't cam-
paigned as hard as the antis,"
he observed.
For example, he pointed out
that he considered the march in
Lansing last March 14 a helpful
step to demonstrate public senti-
ment in favor of changing abor-
tion laws, but that many more
such actions were necessary.
Allen further pointed out that
if a bill lingers in committee for
a protracted length of time, -then
it is possible for the committee
to be dissolved. But that action,
he said, is difficult and might not
have enough support on the House

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