Vol. LXXXI, No. 2-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 6, 1971 Twelve Pages D C. ARRESTS CONTINUED; WAR PROTESTS SPREADING RALLIES HELD ON CAMPUSES By CHRIS PARKS Sparked by a c a ll for a national moratorium on "business as usual," thou- sands of protesters h e 1 d marches and rallies throughout the country yes- terday. Though most of the demonstrations were peace- ful, p o l i c e and anti-war demonstrators c 1 a s h e d in three major cities. Violence marked demonstra- tions at the University of Wis- consin, the University of Mary- land and in San Francisco. Mi- nor incidents occurred in New York. In Ann Arbor, a rally at City Hall drew about 250 people. The relative lack of activity on cam- pus appeared to be a result of the normal academic year being over, along with the absence of local anti-war organizers. Class attendance appeared near nor- mal, considering it was the first day of the Spring half-term. The largest demonstration oc- curred in Boston as between 25,- 000 and 40,000 demonstrators met at Boston Commons to hear sev- eral speakers, including Indiana 4 Senator Vance Hartke speak against the Indochina war. About 2,000 of the demonstra- tors stayed behind after the rally, vowing they would stay in the park through the night. A march to the John F. Ken- nedy Bldg. in downtown Boston is planned by the demonstrators for this morning to attempt to shut down government operations there. A rally attended by 5,000 people in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday followed an evening of confron- tations between students and police in which studens attempt- ing to construct barricades in the streets were met with a tear-gas barrage by the police. The police charge continued onto the Wis- See NATIONWIDE, Page 7 Demonstrators mass on steps of Capitol COMMITTEES MEET: Stuies continue on clsiiedresearch By ALAN LENHOFF to Assembly's May 17 meeting. voted to refer the qu Daily News Analysis Of potentially greater signifi- further consideration, The controversy over military cance, Assembly asked its Re- committees. research on campus is likely to search Policies C o mm itt e e Leading up to thi continue through the Spring (RPC) to review overall Univer- was a week-long serie term, as two Senate Assembly sity guidelines on research, and onstrations against gommittees prepare to deliver report to the faculty body's June research which includ heir reports on the subject. meeting. guerrilla theater, ma Assembly, the University-wide It was at an Assembly meet- zational meetings, an faculty representative body, has ing March 22 that the decision long fast by about requested its Classified Research was made, by a close vote, to members and a large Committee (CRC) to re-evalu- postpone a c t i o n on proposals students. ate the procedures which it cur- which called for an end or a Late in March, b rently uses to approve classified severe limitation on classified student opposition to research projects and to report research on campus, and instead research on campus APPREHEND 1,200 MORE T CAPITOL By DAVE CHUDWIN Special To The Daily WASHINGTON - Nearly 1,200 people were jailed here yesterday afternoon in the third straight day of mass arrests, as 3,000 protesters carried their anti-war cam- paign to the steps of the Capitol. Earlier in the day, about 1,500 people, many of them federal employes, rallied across from Additional articles and photo- graphs of the Washington demonstrations are on Pages 6, 7, and 8. the White House calling for an end to the Indochina war. The protesters apprehended at the Capitol on charges of illegal assembly brought to well over 11,000 the number of people ar- rested in the week of massive civil disobedience actions here. A three-judge panel from the U.S. Appeals Court for the Dis- trict of Columbia yesterday up- held a lower court ruling that or-, dered the immediate release of all demonstrators in custody for whom the government cannot produce specific evidence of a crime. The decision, supporting a rul- ing by Chief Judge Harold Greene of the District Superior Court came yesterday and imme- diately effected the release of 200-250 people. The ruling required, however, that imprisoned protesters must submit to finger-printing and photographing. Over 600 of those affected by the ruling have refused to have their finger-prints and photo- graphs put on the police file, con tending that their arrests were illegal. Many observers agreed that some of the arrests by the police this week were indiscriminate. Police officers told Daily staff members that their objective was basically "just to clear the streets." In the arrests Monday and Tuesday, police apprehended students on their way to classes, spectators observing the demon- stration and many press repre- sentatives. Charges included disturbing the peace, obstructing traffic, unlawful assembly, and jaywalk- ing. D.C. Police Chief Jerry Wilson issued a statement yesterday taking full responsibility for the suspension of normal procedures in the mass arrests, contradict- ing earlier reports that the Jus- tice Department had made the controversial decision. At a meeting last hight, 300 people planned to rally at the South Vietnamese embassy to- day and march to D.C. prison, See 1,200, Page 7 estion for to the two s meeting s of dem- classified ded rallies, ss organi- d a week- 50 faculty number cf road-based classified was indi- cated when two proposals to end classified and military research on campus were passed by 5-3 margins in student referenda. Currently, the two committees are conducting their investiga- tions, but neither committee seems eager to make predictions on the eventual outcome of its study, or to release any initial findings they may have. According to CRC chairman Dentistry Prof. Gerald Charbe- neau, CRC hopes to have its re- port ready "shortly" in order to meet a May 15 deadline set by Senate Assembly. Each member of the commit- tee has prepared a lengthy state- ment which described "how he viewed hiisself and the work on the committee, along with any suggestions or problems he had," Charbeneau says. Charbeneau says a "general consensus" will be r e a c h e d among the group, and a group See RESEARCH, Page 12