Pope Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Health service in $300,000 remodel (Continued from age 1 freshmen rather than asking a be diagnosed and treated with- nurse to leave her duties to out waiting in line for long orientate them. periods of time in the already Volunteer students will also overburdened clinic s provide "candy stripe" service, "Student involvement is need- ed i therenoatio proram such as aiding patienms who have edwh in the renovation program," not yet seen a doctor and meet- says Dr. Anderson. lie says stu- dents will conduct tours of the ing patients arriving on crutch- Health Service for incoming es or with a wheelchair. EUROPE $199. SPONSORED BY UAC Fit. Adm. Car. Seats Plane No. Routing Dep. Ret. Cost Chg. Total* CAL 186 B-707 001 DET/LON/DET 6 28 8 28 $205 $14 $219 CAL 186 B-707 002 DET/LON/DET 6 29 8 26 $205 $14 $219 CAL 186 B-707 010 DET LON/DET 7 2 19 $205 $14 $219 CAP 250 DC-8 051 DET LON/DET 8 1 0 1 9 t1200 $19 $219 NEW YORK DjFPARfTURIES CAL 93 B-707 014 NY LON/NY 5/31 813 $175 $24 $199 CAL 93 B-707 020 NY LON/NY 6 12 8 12 $180 $19 $199 CAL 9 B-707 01.3 NY LON NY 6 29 7 30 $185 $24 $209 *Prr r sI, ssbjectto increase or decrease depending on the im- Contact: UAC TRAVEL 2nd floor-Student Union 763-2147 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Open only to UM students, faculty, staff, and immediate families Administrative services by STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL Subscribe To THE MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 764-0558 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER A story of love. Filmed by David Lean ME-rR000WR and SUPER $NAOON Rya Daughter u BEST SSUPPORTING 4. asACTOR GPJohni lls BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY NOW EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT AT DOORS OPEN 2 P.M.-SHOWS AT 2:30, 5:35, 8:45 Lobby group calls for cutting off (Continued from Page 2) field (R-Ore.) told newsmen yesterday that the strength of the proposal is at last year's level and they are encouraged about chances for victory. But the fight once more ap- pears to be uphill. The proposal is scheduled to be offered as an amendment to the Selective Service bill after a June 4 vote on limiting draft extensions to one year. McGov- ern-Hatfield seems likely to be voted on the week of June 14. It lost a year ago by a vote of 55 to 39. The twoo organizations are the Committee for Peace and New Priorities, including a number of labor leaders, and the Na- tional Council for an Indochina Deadline, created by a group of former government officials in- cluding ex-Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford and Edwin Rei- schauer, former ambassador to Japan. war funds "We are lot interested in a massive outpouring of Ameri- cans," said Charles L. Fishman, a former Howard University law professor and executive director of the Committee for Peace and New Priorities. Ole said emphasis is being placed on "people who can have an impact on congress- men and senators." In addition to the lobbying here, Gordon Weil. McGovernos executive assistant, said sonic $100,000 of the $126 000 remain- ing from last year's Committee to End the War will he used for a nationwide series of radio atnd newspaper advertisements to stir support for the amendment. Another $25,000 is going to the National Council for an In- dochina Deadline, largely for a rally during the lobbying effort. T h e McGovern - Hatfield amendment has 26 cosponsors and backers count 11 other sen- ators who supported it a year ago. Chinese f ighting for peoples ecology' Continued from Page 3 saving the state more than two million dollars - and sparing one forest for China. Pesticides are relatively costly, so Chinese farmers have been ad- vised to find other means to eli- minate insects. Some are experi- menting with frogs, a biological answer to chemical poisons, Oldest profession? The Salt Lake City, Utah, vice squad hired nine young women this week to work as decoy pro- stitutes. The plan is for the women to wire themselves with recording devices and then to wait for some man to proposi- tion them. When this happens, the recording devices pick up the conversation and transmit it to a van around the corner which is loaded with policemen. The police then move in on the man-. The women are paid $4 an hour to walk the streets. The pay is about a tenth of that re- ceived by the average prostitute in other big cities. Two years ago the city of Salt Lake attempted a similar crackdown using rnetermaids for decoys. A public otcry, however, resulted in the metermaids be- ing returned to ticketing over- parked cars-Earth News, The thrift pursued by China's technicians has transformed the construction industry -- and as a by-product helped to save the Chinese environment. Thermal power plants annually discharged more than ten million ;ons of fly ash, China's greatest source of air pollution. But now ways have been devised to manufacture building blocks from the ash - which have proved twice the strength of ordinary bricks. Because fly ash contains com- busitble carbon, the blocks bake themselves, reducing costs sharp- ly. The blocks can be made of great size, so buildings lenorted!y take half the time to construct. Most of the new structures in the major cities now are composed of what was once induotriol waste. Apartment buildings and schol houses are eredted froni iron slag, shale from coal mines, gypsum waste and the cinders from boilers. As the hills of poisonous slag are used up, the ground has been reclaimel for agriculture. "Quite often the Chinese are tackling pollution without really knowing it," says a Hongkong- based economist who specialized in China. "But whatever the res- sons, in many of the econoic sectors they are handling pollu- tion problems-and often dantn well." Saturday, May29, 1971 'V' Record (Continued from Page 3) Yoder feels the Record is %hat the name implies. "In a 'w ay, we are an official record. It has to be accurate and balanced. It's published by the administration and it better be right," she says. Although, as Yoder points out, there is a certain amount of "co- operation between the University " News Service and the Record- both of which share the sixth floor of the Administration Bldg. -the Record does not ely on the News Service but uses the in- formation it provides only for story ideas and background in- formation. Last term, PROBE, . women's group at the University charged that the Record had described the University's negotiatious with the Department of Health, Edu- cation and Welfare (HEW) in such a way as to ignore complete- ly the reasons which prompted F HEW to demand that the Unive- sity formulate a plan to combat alleged sex discrimination in the first place. In response to the PROBE criticism that in this case the Record made an admoinistr'tisn's liability an asset, Yoder said tho f was surprised. "There was," the said, "no obvious intent of cov- ering something up or leaving anything out, which as inti- mated." "I don't feel there's reason for hiding anything," she conmonetd. "In that case, the criticism came as a great surprise." Some student leaders have questioned the use of general University monies for publishing the Record. But Yoder sees the Record as something removed from political issues. "There's a general student feeling," she explains, "about the Recrd ojust as there is a general faculty and staff feeling about The Daily'." The Record, Yoder says. "is not written for student audi- ences." It's written for faculty and staff," she added, "but has news that would be of general interest to anyone in the Univer- sity community." In other words, Yoder disputes that the Record represents a single point of view. "I'm for a moderate view and I want to pre- sent something that's balanced.4 As a professional journalist, I don't like being looked at as though I'm one-sided, ' se corn- ments. Yoder feels that as an admin- istration vehicle, the Record serves a vital communications purpose within the Uiversity* She claims there is "a real con- scious effort not to speak for the administration." but tempers this with the knowledge that we haven't had any really ns- sive controversies this year. Because Yoder feels the recog- nition as an official docune* makes people "more careful about talking to us" she sees the Record as an effective potential forum. Thus, she notes that it could "air controversy ttm nay occur on a particular issut so that people in the University coo- mtunity can see tedttln points of view." Along with this conept of the Record as a recognized commun- ity forum, Yoder cites what she considers "good faculty reader- ship," particularly among those involved in campus politic: through such activities as Senat Assembly. Among the non-controversial functions the Record fills are purely announcement services such as printing the University Calendar, which used to be a separate publication throug:o faj term, 1970, and schedules for the University radio station. Has the Record succeeded in providing another mediumc for University communications? The administration apparetttly considers its efforts successfit The University Record is inclut- ed in its budget for next year de- spite strict controls and cutbacke in every department, and Yoder predicts it will 7ontinOe as it has been last year. "I feel it's been a success," she states, "but we can do more. I think ita serving its purpose well." The Most Useful Coupon You May Ever Rip Out. . Say It, Sell It, Seek It-Thru Daily Classifieds AD COPY: WORDS NO. OF DAYS DESIRED PRICE UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 1 day 2 das 3 das 4 days 5 days 6 doss add. 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4 80 5.60 .75 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 1.05 26-30 1.30 3.60 5.00 6.60 8 10 9.40 1.20 31 -35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40 9.05 1t.50 1.35 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50 41-45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10.95 12.70 1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 INCHES 1 2.80 5.60 7.60 9 80 11.90 13.80 1.80 2 5.20 10.40 14.65 19 10 23 45 27.60 3.60 3 7.40 14.80 21.10 27.60 34.00 40.20 5 40 4 9.40 18.80 26.95 35.30 43.55 51.60 7 20 5 11.20 22 40 32.20 42.20 52.10 61.80 9.00 N .: Each group of characters counts as one word Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines enuals 1 inch 5 words per line NAMF ADDRESS _PHONE_ checks payable to: THE MICHIGAN DAILY 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104